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Under Construction This proposal is under construction and is not ready for review.

Zend Framework: Zend_Service_GChart Component Proposal

Proposed Component Name Developer Notes Proposers Revision Zend_Service_GChart Tom Graham 1.1 - 12 April 2008: First draft (wiki revision: 7)

Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. References 3. Component Requirements, Constraints, and Acceptance Criteria 4. Dependencies on Other Framework Components 5. Theory of Operation 6. Milestones / Tasks 7. Class Index 8. Use Cases 9. Class Skeletons

1. Overview
Zend_Service_GChart is a component to provide an interface with the Google Chart API

2. References
Google Chart API GChartPHP library

3. Component Requirements, Constraints, and Acceptance Criteria

This component will implement an interface with the Google Chart API

4. Dependencies on Other Framework Components


5. Theory of Operation
The component is instantiated with a mind-link that ...

6. Milestones / Tasks
Milestone 1: Complete proposal Milestone 2: Working prototype checked into the incubator supporting use cases #1 Milestone 4: Unit tests exist, work, and are checked into SVN. Milestone 5: Initial documentation exists.

7. Class Index
Zend_Service_GChart Zend_Service_GChart_Axis Zend_Service_GChart_Bar Zend_Service_GChart_Bar_DataSet Zend_Service_GChart_DataSet Zend_Service_GChart_Exception Zend_Service_GChart_FillArea Zend_Service_GChart_GradientFill Zend_Service_GChart_Line Zend_Service_GChart_Map Zend_Service_GChart_Map_DataSet Zend_Service_GChart_Pie Zend_Service_GChart_Pie_DataSet Zend_Service_GChart_RangeMarker Zend_Service_GChart_Scatter Zend_Service_GChart_ShapeMarker Zend_Service_GChart_SolidFill Zend_Service_GChart_StripeFill Zend_Service_GChart_Venn

8. Use Cases

<?php $chart = new Zend_Service_GChart_Line('lc'); $chart->setEncodingType('t'); $chart->setSize(578, 160); $dataSet = new Zend_Service_GChart_DataSet(); $dataSet->setColour('36A321'); foreach ($values as $index => $value) { $dataSet->addValue($value); } $chart->addDataSet($dataSet); $chart->setDataScale(0, $chart->getMaxValue()); $chart->addFillArea(new Zend_Service_GChart_FillArea('D6F2D7', 0, 0, true)); $yAxis = new Zend_Service_GChart_Axis('y'); $yAxis->setRange(0, $chart->getMaxValue()); $chart->addAxis($yAxis); $this->view->chart = $chart->getImage();

9. Class Skeletons

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