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Conditional sentences type 1

All conditional sentences contain a dependent clause and an independent clause. The dependent clause usually begins with if; it expresses a condition. The independent clause expresses a result of the condition. The if-clause is usually first, but the order of the clauses is usually not important. Basically, a conditional sentences consists of two clauses: If clause : a clause stating that coverage will be discontinued if the insured is found to be doing certain things, for example , witholding pertinent information. Example : If i have a lot of money , i will buy a new car. Main clause : a clause in a complex sentence that contains at least a subject and a verb and can stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence . Also called independent clause. Example : You will be a master English if you study hard. The function : a.To express habitual activity or situation Example : *If i dont breakfast,i always get hungry during class *If he doesn't sleep, he always feels tired during the day * If I don't eat lunch tomorrow at noon, I'll get hungry quickly b. To express an etablished or predictable fact Example : * I will angry if you take my book *You will watch movie at cinema if you buy a ticket *wood will be brittle if you burn c.To express particular activity or situation Example : *if this week not rain , we will picnic *if I wake up at 9 a.m , i will arrive late at school *if the street are wet ,it rained last night

Capability is the ability to perform actions. As it applies to human capital, capability is the sum of expertise and capacity. a.Can Can is used to express capability in the present or future Example: *i can answer , but i cant explain *i can write , but i cant read *i can traditional dance , but i cant modern dance b.Could Could is used to express general ability in the past Example: *last week , i could climb a tree *when i was junior high school , my friend could make a book *last month , i could make fried rice

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