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This is a mid shot of the lead singer looking towards the camera.

Here we get a glance of her costume, she is wearing dungarees with a white top and is wearing a big read and black hair piece. These are typical connotations for an indie/ pop singer. Duration 1 second. This establishing shot shows the setting of a park, which connotes a relaxed and peaceful feeling. This is also portrayed by her body language she is tilted to one side with her arms in the air showing she is having fun. Duration 1 second. This is a mid shot of two puppet birds, this connotes indie style music as you would expect to see real life birds in a park. It adds character and fun to the scene. Duration 1 second.

This is the second establishing shot used in the park. Duration 3 seconds.

Here is a mid shot of Lenka singing directly into the camera. At this point in the song her tone of voice is lower, which matches her facial expressions and body language. She is sat down, and looks slightly sad, as she holds a dead flower In her hand. Duration 1 second.

Repetition of establishing shot. Duration 1 second.

Repeated mid shot of two puppet birds. Duration 2 seconds.

This is an establishing shot, setting the new scene in a bus. She is surrounded by people, and sat in between two people which links well to her lyrics I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Duration 2 seconds.

The is a mid shot again portraying her lyrics I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Duration 1 second.

Here we notice that the last 3 shots have been in the same positioning but getting closer to the singers face the first shot was an establishing shot, than a mid shot and now a close up. This is to portray her emotions and mixed feelings seen as both, vulnerable and nervous. Duration 2 seconds.
This is a close up shot of a woman sat on the bus. The shot shows her looking up towards Lenka; maybe making Lenka feel uncomfortable. Duration 2 seconds.

Repetition of mid shot. Duration 2 seconds.

This is a mid shot of her lover/ crush the shot portrays him looking at her. The use of costume and props (book, big reading glasses) give a typical representation of a nerd. Duration 2 seconds.

The shot then becomes a close up to portray his facial expressions. Cutting from the lover staring at her, to being shocked as she notices him. Duration 1 second.

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