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Dr. Madhulika Mhatre; Dr. V.R.

Sardesai Bharati Vidyapeeth

Mondors disease is a rare, benign and selflimiting condition. It is due to thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the breast and chest wall.

Mostly unknown
May be related to
surgery infection

tight clothing

The finding of a superficial vessel seen as a linear opacity on mammography and a tubular structure on ultrasound is typical.
An intra-luminal thrombus may be seen on ultrasound, and there may be absent flow on Doppler imaging.

A 45yr old male patient presented with a tender cord like lesion on right anterior chest wall in the paramedian area.
Pt did not give any significant positive history regarding etiology. Blood investigations including coagulation profile were WNL

Warm compresses NSAIDs

Lesion healed No residual pain or discomfort

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