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Types of Groups

Formal Groups
Command group : formal group determined by structure Task group: formal group organized for a specific task Committees: handles problems outside of regular assignments

Informal groups
Social groups: people who enjoy each others company (chat groups) Interest groups: groups that develop informally around a common interest (news groups, listserv members)

Characteristics of Groups
Composition homogenous groups: qualities in common heterogeneous groups: few qualities in common Size small groups: good communication, satisfaction large groups: can specialize; coordination, communication problems Status

Attraction to Groups
Social and emotional needs
social affirmation recognition security prestige

Instrumental function
goal achievement

Mutual attractiveness of a group to its members

Causes 1. member similarity 4. isolation 2. group size 5. competition 3. high entrance 6. shared standards success


Outcomes of Cohesiveness
Group goals support the organization Group goals undermine the organization
1. Communication detracts from work 2. Conformity restricts productivity 3. Goals support group at expense of organization

1. Increased activity & communication 2. Conformity to norms 3. Goal achieve -ment 4. Satisfaction


Disadvantages to Cohesiveness
Changing course of action is difficult due to high levels of commitment Socialization can detract from work issues and productivity Group goals can replace organizational goals

Turning the Group Around

Build a record of success Build the vision Build a sense of team feeling Create a competitive edge Take the group on a retreat

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