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Conventional current is the belief that positive charge flow from the positive terminal of the battery.

This is incorrect and was the belief of the 19th century. Static electricity can be used in photocopiers, smoke precipitators and spray painting. A charged object can be discharged by connecting it to earth with a conductor If the voltage becomes too great the negative charges can jump a gap causing a spark which could ignite a flammable liquid nearby. Resistance = Voltage/Current Density = Mass/Volume Kinetic Energy = mv2 Potential Energy = mgh Moment = Force x Distance Work Done = Force x Distance Power = Wd/T Efficiency = Useful Energy/Total Energy Unbalanced Force = Mass x Acceleration Pressure = Force/Area Momentum = Mass x Velocity Acceleration = Change In Speed/Time Wave Speed = Wavelength x Frequency v = u + at s = (u + v)t s = ut +at2 s = vt at2 v2 = u2 + 2as When two insulating materials are rubbed together they become electrically charged.

For a material at constant temperature, the voltage is directly proportional to the current (Ohms Law) Extension is proportional to the load, provided the elastic limit is not exceeded. (Hookes Law) Alpha Radiation loses two neutrons and protons so the mass number decreases by 4 and the atomic number decreases by 2. Beta Radiation is when one electron is emitted and a neutron changes into a proton so the mass number remains the same and the atomic number increases by 1. Alpha Radiation is easily absorbed by a few centimetres of air or paper. Beta Radiation is easily absorbed by a few millimetres of metal. Gamma Radiation is easily absorbed by a few centimetres of lead. Resistors in Parallel Resistors in Series Charge = Current x Time

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