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Physiology of The Ear

Auditory Pathway
Bending of the hair cells

Exocytosis synaptic vesicle containing neurotransmitter (glutamate)

Generate nerve impulses in the sensory neurons

Innervate the hair cell

Enter the cell bodies of the sensory neuron in spiral ganglia

Axon synapse with neuron in the cochlear nuclei in Medulla Oblongata on the same side

Axon from cochlear nuclei crossover in medulla and the other axon from cochlear nuclei enter the superior olivary nucleus in the pons on each side

Ascend in lateral menicus on midbrain

Medial geniculate nucleus @ thalamus

Primary auditory area @ cerebral cortex in temperal lobe of cerebrum (area 41 & 42)

Equilibrium Pathaway
Bending of hair cells @ Semicircular ducts, utricle, saccule

Release of Neurotransmitter

Generates nerves impulses in the sensory neurons that innervate the hair cells Body of sencory neuron @ vestibular ganglia

Axon synapse with sensory neuron in Vestibular Nuclei in medulla oblongata and pons

Enter cerebellum through inferior cerebellar peduncles

Vestibular, Visual, Somatic Receptors

Vestibular nuclei

1. Nuclei of CN that control coupled movement of eyes [Oculomotor ( CN III), Trochlear (CN IV), and Abducens (CN VI)]

2. Nuclei of accessory (CN XI) nerve to control head and neck movement to assist in maintaining equilibrium. 3. The vestibulospinal tract to maintain muscle tone in skeletal muscle to maintain equilibrium. 4. Ventral posterior nucleus in thalamus to vestibular area in parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex [primary somatosensory area (area 1, 2, dan 3)] that provide the consciousness awareness of the position and movement of the head.


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