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Week: 1

Day from April 11 to April 12

Role: Scribe

Wednesday: This day the teacher I place us as activity develop of a photocopy a few questions, which it was looking like a class of interview, so I did myself with my companion Heidy, the two we wonder and help for the development of this activity that was in pairs. Thursday: I Realize an exercise in class where every companion was wondering and answering, which we did on Wednesday, to see if we us were learning it mas rapidly and then to realize the dialog; but the time I do not help very much.

Week: 2

Day from April 18 to April 19

Role: Scribe

Wednesday and Thursday: This day in class the teacher I continue evaluating those who were absent for elaborating the conversation that began to elaborate from last week. Also I explain to us on the vocabulary of the spellanthon and since they declare some of these words.

Week: 3

Day from April 25 to April 26

Role: Scribe

Wednesday and Thursday: In these two days they did not present activities in the classroom, but if there was an activity of the week related to the language, so we share a bit on the history of the idiomatic. Apart we did as a class of recovery which I realize in equipments, extracted 5.0 and down, it was not for what we were waiting since we had studied, but I us trump the memory, this week had his good partner since it extracts high place in the examination of period of the Englishman's matter.

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