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Tweet template #1 Word 2007 and Word 2010

Make sure you are in OVERTYPE mode (see status bar at bottom of window.) If not, click on the word Insert and it will change to OVERTYPE. (If neither Insert or Overtype appear on your status bar, see the following page for instructions.) The two lines of dots below total exactly 140 characters (70 characters per line.) As you type, the lines will get shorter, giving you an idea of how many characters you have left. DONT use the BACKSPACE key to correct. Use CTRL-Z instead. This will replace the dots you overtyped so you can still get an idea of how many characters you have left.

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Setting up Overwrite Mode in Word 2007/2010

1. Click the "Office" button, in the upper left-hand corner of a Word 2007 window (the File tab in Word 2010). 2. Click the "Word Options" (Options in 2010) button at the bottom of the menu. 3. Select the "Advanced" section in the Word Options window. 4. Click to select the "Use the Insert key to control overtype mode" option to enable the "Insert" key on your keyboard to turn Overtype off and on as in older versions of Word. 5. Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the window to save your changes. 6. Right-click the status bar at the very bottom of the Word screen and select "Overtype" to add a status bar notification that will confirm if Overtype mode is currently on or off. Clicking directly on this notification will also toggle Overtype off and on. 7. The status bar will show the word "Insert" if Overtype mode is off and "Overtype" if Overtype mode is on.

Tweet Template #2
Dont change the font, its style or its size. Dont alter the shape or size of the textbox. When your text fills the text box, you have used all 140 characters. (This is based on the Quick Type II Mono font)



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