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Nitin Aradhya Mr.

Ferreti APUSH 1/13/10


William McKinely was a president who came after the tumults presidency of Grover Clevalnd. The country was rebounding after the 1893 depression. The country was at time of development while the government ran the country still traditionally. McKinley came during troubled times and soon the extremity of the era will ultimately bring Mckinley to a dreadful downfall. McKinley was a republican leader. And the last president during the civil war era. He was responsible to bring back prosperity from the dredful panic of 1893. He also made gold the basis of the currency. He also played a role in global relation as well. This is evident due to his persistent effort to end the atrocities in Cuba by Spain. He also expanded the country as well. He expanded it by buying Philippines, and Puerto Rico. The Spanish American war became a significant downturn to McKinley's presidency. It was a war which was seen as not necessary and wasted resources immensely. Mckinley was greatly critiqued by American citizens and became greatly displeasured. Although he did bring economic prosperity in to the nation as well. A anarachist assassinated Mckinley and bought his president to an abrupt end electing the famous Teddy Roosevelt to oath. Although he bought prosperity fro the nation he bought unnecessary warfare into the country as well. I give him a 4 out of 10.


1. Dingley Tariff- was proposed by Nelson Dingley in order to raise United States tariffs to reverse the plan of William Gorman Tariff act. 2. Klondike Gold Rush- migration of people to the Klondike River, in search of gold. 3. Delome Letter- letter written by Enrique Lome, which stated McKinley was a weak president 4. Spanish American War- war involving the Spanish and Americans in 1898. 5. Teller Resolution- the United States could not annex Cuba, but only leave it for its people to rule. 6. Hawaiian Islands annexed- is an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. 7. Treaty of Paris- end to Spanish dominance in America. 8. Open Door Policy- to allow European nations to influence China. 9. Boxer Rebellion- Imperialism and teachings of Christianity. 10. Gold Standard Act-stated the gold could redeem paper money.

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