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Alberto Bosco PEE - Full Moon and Little Frieda Already form the beginning; it is brought to the readers

attention the metaphysical symbolism of nature and the contrasting imagery between the full moon and little Frieda, who knows nothing about the infinite universe. Throughout the poem the reader becomes more identified with the nave point of view the poet gives to the whole composition. However, Hughes communicates the poems message only at its end, implying his feelings towards his daughter on a magical evening, as described in the childs attention to natures details. Her innocence is exposed through the sudden use of dialogue, of her invoking the moon, which symbolically is her father, Hughes. Moreover, in the ending the moon had stepped back like an artist gazing amazed at a work, we deduce that the artist to which the poet refers to, is ironically himself being amazed at his poem, but at the same time proud of his daughter; being an artist in both senses. I believe the reader may capture the objective of the poem only at its end, highlighted by the repetition of the word artist, probably referring to the poets greatest reasons for living: his daughter and poetry.

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