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Janine dies she s married, I am in shock I also wrk for a place where I feel stuck and trapped.


I want to speak to the dream weaver, what does Janine represent Janine what do you represent? Janine: I am the one within you who is unable to cope with things and is dying as part of the process of regain some form of control. The process involves the fact that you need to come uo with new ways of coping with your current situation in order to stop being traopped.

Me yes. Thank you anything else?

Janine yes, to please be very mindful as to what are the mechanisms you put in place the situation is volatile and craig is reacting badly so you need to be very careful with what you deliver to him make it in such a way as he can understand and accept you but if he cant it will be his problem

Me anything else? Jnanine: not for now. Me thanks you..

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