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Pedro Emilio Meza Martinez A50059093 "There is Plenty Room at the Bottom", by Richard Feynman Analysis From my point

of view Richard Feynman, stimulate new ways to think about technology, In this talk of Richard Feynman, he discussed the importance of be able to manipulate and control things on a small scale. Despite Feynman dont use the word nanotechnology; its clear that he had clear their ideas about it. Furthermore he thought how we would one day be able to manipulate atoms and molecules and actually craft them into whatever we wanted them to be. He then went on to discuss the possibility of us, in the distant future; creating extremely small machines that would serve as tiny tools and with this change the mankind. In this talk he promoted the audiences creativity through two challenges: the creation of a nano-motor, and the scaling down of letters to the size that would allow the whole Encyclopedia Britannica to fit on the head of a pin. He explores ways to miniaturize things, i.e. evaporation, as well the problems that can be present like precision and tolerances, or the change of properties due miniaturization (magnetic, lubrication, Van der Waals attraction force, resistance) Last but not least, he discussed how they could tell us much of great interest about the strange phenomena that occur in complex situations. He described how physical phenomena change their manifestation depending on scale.

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