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MARS model of individual behavior or MARS BAR model of individual behavior or simply MARS model is a model that seeks

to explain individual behavior as a result of internal and external factors or influences acting together. The name of the model is an acronym for individual Motivation, Abilities, Role Perception and Situational Factors. These are seen as the four major factors in determining individual behavior and results. Behavior and Results is sometimes shortened to BAR and so the model becomes MARS BAR. However, individual values, personality, perceptions, emotions, attitudes, and stress form a basis on which the factors interact. The model can be applied to a variety of situations, but is usually used in Management, Industrial Psychology or Organizational Behavior studies. The MARS model shows combined effect on individual performance in organisations. If any factor weakens, employee performance will be affected. For example, enthusiastic and extrovert sales personnel with high motivation level who understands their job duties(roles perception) well, with adequate and sufficient resources(situational factors) will not be able to perform their job well if they lack of product knowledge and sales selling techniques(ability).

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