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Balance Sheet Movement

For each Account in the Account Dimension, select a CustomTopMember for each Custom Dimension.

For Account Cash, Custom4Top Member is Closing Balance and its descendants. General Formula for Closing Balance is: Closing Balance = Opening Balance + Increases - Decreases

We have created these members in Custom 4 Dimension.

We have assigned Custom4TopMember as ClosingBalance for Cash Account in Account Dimension. Cash is Balance type and if we assign custom4topmember ClosingBalance to cash, then all members under ClosingBalance in Custom4 dimension also comes under Balance type. This is the general nature of custom and account relationship. Whenever you assign a custom dimension to an account, all members under custom dimension moved to assigned account type. Ex: If sales is Revenue account type and if you assign all products in Custom1 dimension assign to sales then all products under custom1 dimension comes under Revenue account type.

In the above formula, ClosingBalance and OpeningBalance should be Balance account type and Increases and Decreases should be Revenue and Expense Type. But when you assign these accounts to Cash in account dimension, all members are assigned to Balance account type. We have to change the nature and type of the accounts by using SwitchSignFlow and SwitchTypeFlow attributes. See the below screen-shot for whom we have change the sign and for whom we have to change the type flow:

This is called the Balance sheet Movement.

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