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Science & Spirituality

A Daily Dose of Sanity: A Five-Minute Soul Recharge for Every Day of the Year Alan Cohen Barn Dance James F. Twyman

Cohen teaches you through meaningful examples that youre in the perfect position to use your talents and assets to turn your life into all you want it to be. Each day-of-the-year entry contains a theme, an elegant quotation, a true-to-life anecdote, a short lesson, a question for self-study, and an empowering affirmation. B2059 Book; 348 pages............. $ 15.95 ........$ 13.55

A Deep Breath of Life: Daily Inspiration for Heart-Centered Living Alan Cohen

A daily inspiration for heart-centered living reflecting his heartfelt philosophy. He was deeply moved by a line from Man of La Mancha - Take a deep breath of life and consider how it should be lived. On each page, Alan offers you his warmhearted and inspiring insights, and then sums up with an uplifting affirmation. B2050 Book; 384 pages............. $ 13.95 ........$ 12.55

On November 27, 2005, two men broke into Linda Twymans apartment in Evanston, Illinois, and brutally ended her young life. Three and a half years later, guided by a series of visions and dreams, James Twyman was mystically drawn to a barn deep in the Nevada wilderness where Heaven and Earth collide and magic changes lives. If youve ever wondered if we really can communicate with our loved ones who have passed to the other side, this book is your answer. If youve ever thought that Heaven and Earth never meet, then this story will reveal a world you never imagined . . . a world where love never ends and life goes on forever. Once you pick up this amazing book, you wont want to put it down, and your life will never be the same. B514 Book; 203 pages............. $ 14.95 ........$ 12.71

Be the Second Coming Hope Ives Mauran

Awakening the Brain Charlotte Tomaino, PhD

Neuropsychologist and former Catholic nun Dr. Charlotte Tomaino explores the relationship between the brain and spirituality. With her unique experience of being both a doctor and a nun, Dr. Tomaino has observed the power that spirit and faith have on the neurological function and structure of the brain. Operating from a spiritual and compassionate core, Tomaino mixes spirituality and science in language that is easy for the layman to understand and integrate, giving people a whole new perspective on their lives. Drawing from her intimate understanding of how the brain works, changes, and develops, combined with her spiritual work as a nun, Dr. Tomaino offers readers effective, hands-on exercises they can use to apply the power of neurology to develop their own spiritual mind. Readers will learn that the more awake they are to what underlies their brains perception, the more they are in charge of their lifes potential. B795 HB Book; 288 pages ...... $ 24.00 ........$ 19.20

A timely how-to guide for connecting to the divine presence that is within each of us. Practical exercises will help us to see all as one, which is the bridge to seeing as a Christ sees. Learn to see the structures, people, animals, and the very earth around us as part of who we are in the largest sense. In seeing this way, fears and limitations can drop away, enabling us to relax in a new way and giving us the power to transform lives and the world we all share. Author Hope Ives Maurans story begins as she is told she had agreed to embody Christ consciousness. As her spiritual journey unfolds, she shares conversations she has with Jesus Christ, offering a road map for awakening the Christ within us and thus making the path to Christ consciousness a possibility for each of us. B2030 Book; 147 pages............. $ 13.95 ........$ 12.56

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Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles Bruce Lipton, PhD

Communication With All Life: Revelations of an Animal Communicator Joan Ranquet

A groundbreaking work in the field of new biology, and it will forever change how you think about thinking. Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leadingedge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species. B051 Book; 240 pages............. $ 14.95 ........$ 12.71 C051D 3-CD Set; 3 hrs, 15 min. $ 24.95 ........$ 19.96

Woven throughout the book are many stories to illustrate and support the theory that animal communication isnt something that you do or need to learn . . . it just is. By tuning in telepathically, Joan Ranquet has helped thousands of people and animals deepen their connections with each other, resolve behavioral problems, assist in the process of death and dying, and examine issues surrounding illness and accidents. Many of the situations that are dealt with throughout the book are actually people-perception problems rather than stories of an illbehaved dog, cat, horse, bird, or other pet. Communication with All Life illustrates how to move past the emotional patterns that create unwanted behavior and ultimately demonstrates that animal companions give humans the opportunity to enact leadership and responsibility in their thoughts and feelings to ensure harmony at home. B2150 Book; 160 pages............. $ 14.95 ........$ 12.71 B2150CAB CD; Meditation ......... $ 23.95 ........$ 20.36

Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us Lynne McTaggart

Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate Gregg Braden

Offers a completely new, scientific story of life and the human experience, one that challenges the very way we conceive of ourselves and our world. The Bond shows that the essential impulse of all life is a will to connect rather than a drive to compete. In fact, we are inescapably connected, hardwired to each other at our most elemental levelfrom cells to whole societies. The desire to help others is so necessary that we experience it as one of our chief pleasures, as essential as eating and having sex, and we succeed and prosper only when we see ourselves as part of a greater whole. Every conflict that occurs whether between husband and wife, social or racial groups, or nationsis resolved only when we can fully see and embrace the spacethe bondbetween us. B516 Book; 340 pages............. $ 26.00 ........$ 22.10 B516ABU Unabridged Audio Book $34.99 .......$ 29.74

Braden suggests that the hottest issues that divide us as families, nations, and civilizationsseemingly separate concerns such as war, terror, abortion, suicide, genocide, the death penalty, poverty, economic collapse, and nuclear warare actually related. They all stem from the false assumptions of an outdated science, assumptions that have brought us to the brink of disaster and the loss of all that we cherish as a civilization. B085 Book ............................... $ 24.95 ........$ 19.96 B085AB 8-CD Set; Abridged ....... $ 39.95 ........$ 31.96

Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief Gregg Braden

Christ Returns: Reveals Startling Truth Recorder

In this astonishing book of letters dictated by the Christ Consciousness in the year 2000, Christ refutes religious dogma and explains in lucid and concrete terms the spiritual and scientific Truth of Existence, and how to connect through daily meditation with Divine Consciousness and overcome the dominance of the ego. The style of writing is accessible to all and gripping. From lay person to spiritual master, the reactions have been strong, and the resulting personal transformations have been widespread and profound. Many have remarked the unusually high vibratory rate of this work. B429 Book; 424 pages............. $ 25.00 ........$21.25

In 1944, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying that there is a matrix of energy that provides the blueprint for our physical world. It is this place of pure energy where everything from the birth of stars and the DNA of life, to our deepest relationships and healing begins. Recent discoveries show dramatic evidence that Plancks matrixThe Divine Matrixis the missing link in our understanding that provides: The container for the universe The bridge between our imagination and our reality The mirror in our world for what we create in our beliefs B081 Book ............................... $ 14.95 ........$ 12.71 B081AB 4-CD Set ......................... $ 23.95 ........$ 20.36 V081D DVD; All Region ............ $ 34.95 ........$ 24.47 C067D Music from DM Wkshp . $ 17.98 ........$ 15.26

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Dying to be Me! Anita Moorjani

In this truly inspirational memoir, Anita Moorjani relates how, after fighting cancer for almost four years, her body-overwhelmed by the malignant cells spreading throughout her system-began shutting down. As her organs failed, she entered into an extraordinary neardeath experience where she realized her inherent worth . . . and the actual cause of her disease. Upon regaining consciousness, Anita found that her condition had improved so rapidly that she was able to be released from the hospital within weeks . . . without a trace of cancer in her body! Within these pages, Anita recounts stories of her childhood in Hong Kong, her challenge to establish her career and find true love, as well as how she eventually ended up in that hospital bed where she defied all medical knowledge. This is much more than a story about coming back from terminal cancer. It is an confirmation of who we truly are and what is awaiting us after death. B006 Book; 191 pages............. $ 24.95 ........$ 19.96 B006ABU Unabridged Audio Book $24.95 .......$ 19.96

Enough Already embraces the desire for change and improvement as part of the journey. Sometimes getting fed up with situations that are not working delivers the impetus to create better ones. You will be moved, illuminated, and tickled to find that what you seek may already be within your grasp and surely within your potential. If contentment is radical, then this book may well spur a revolution of well-being! B2060 Book; 239 pages............. $ 15.95 ........$ 12.76

Ethics Handbook for Energy Practitioners: A Guide for the Professional Practice of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology David Feinstein, PhD

Entanglement: A Tales of Everyday Magic Novel Gregg Braden and Lynn Lauber

Responding to a lack of articulated or standardized ethical guidelines for energy healing practitioners, David Feinstein, PhD, and Donna Eden developed an ethics curriculum that has become part of the countrys largest and most effective energy medicine certification program. This comprehensive, case-oriented guide allows veterans of the field and newcomers alike to work through a wide range of ethical dilemmas, before they arise, helping you to prevent ethical errors that could hurt you, your clients, or your practice. B365 HB Book; 199 pages ...... $ 39.00 ........$ 33.15

Charlie and Jack Franklin have always experienced life differently than your average brothers. As children, each was able to sense when the other was in danger, when the other was sad, or when the other was happy. However, as adults, these two brothers took different paths: Jack stayed in their hometown to practice his art and Charlie joined the army, only to be deployed to Afghanistan. After a frightening vision jolts Jack into consciousness, he begins his quest to get in touch with Charlie. Along the way, he encounters his high-school physics teacher, who helps him understand the connection the brothers have and the larger universal oneness of which we are all a part. Available June 19, 2012. B2090 Book; 118 pages............. $ 13.95 ........$ 11.86

Fractal Time: Secret of 2012 and a New World Age Gregg Braden

Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment Alan H. Cohen, MA

Marrying the modern laws of fractal patterns to the ancient concept of cycles, Braden demonstrates how everything from the war and peace between nations to our most joyous relationships and personal crises are the returning patterns of our past. As each pattern returns, it carries the same conditions of previous cyclesfractal patterns that can be known, measured and predicted! What makes this model so important today is that the returning cycles also carry a window of opportunitya choice pointthat allows us to choose a new outcome for the cycle. B084 Book ............................... $ 14.95 ........$ 12.71 B084AB 4-CD Set ........................ $ 23.95 ........$ 20.35

Let Go of the Shore Karen Drucker

In a world where fear, crisis, and insufficiency dominate the media and many personal lives, the notion of claiming contentment may seem fantastic or even heretical. Yet finding sufficiency right where you stand may be the answer to a world obsessed with lack. In his warm, downto-earth, and believable style, Alan Cohen offers fresh, unique, and uplifting angles on coming to peace with what is before you and turning mundane situations into opportunities to gain wisdom, power, and happiness that does not depend on other people or conditions. Peppered with many true-life anecdotes and inspiring examples,

Struggling musician, wedding singer, musical comedienne, garage organizer, lemonade-stand entrepreneur, competitive swimmer-- Karen Drucker has done all of these things and more, in her indomitable urge to grow and evolve. Often funny, always honest and real, the stories she shares in Let Go of the Shore reveal how she leaves behind fears and limits to emerge as a writer, workshop leader, recording artist, and speaker--a free spirit who lives life to the fullest and inspires us to do so as well. B1015 Book w/CD; 193 pages .. $ 18.95 ........$ 16.11

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Leveraging the Universe Mike Dooley

A step-by-step strategy for leveraging the Universe in the course of self-fulfillment and success. In just seven steps, from understanding the nature of reality to aligning your beliefs with your dreams, Dooley carefully shares exactly what you can immediately do to create a plan and chart a course for seeing lasting results. Using practical tactics and straightforward exercises that anyone can follow, Leveraging the Universe lays out a path to engaging and magic that is freely available to all at any time. Dooley also weaves his inspiring personal history, from fear to fortune, throughout the lessons to demonstrate firsthand how you can begin from wherever you are, find traction and blast forward to success. Practical strategies and simple exercises that anyone can do. Simply follow Dooleys seven steps to an amazing life. B731 HB Book; 199 pages ...... $21.99 ..........$ 17.59

Nag Hammadi Library: The Definitive Translation of the Gnostic Scriptures Complete in One Volume J M Robinson

Love, God, and the Art of French Cooking James F. Twyman

Discovered in a large stone jar in the desert outside the modern Egyptian city of Nag Hammadi. It is a collection of religious and philosophical texts gathered and translated into Coptic by fourth-century Gnostic Christians. These texts have since been translated into English by dozens of highly reputable experts. First published in 1978, this is the revised 1988 edition, supported by illuminating introductions to each document. The library itself is a diverse collection of texts that the Gnostics considered to be related to their heretical philosophy in some way. There are 45 separate titles, including a Coptic translation from the Greek of two well-known books: The Gospel of Thomas attributed to Jesuss brother Judas, and Platos Republic. B670 Book; 576 pages............. $ 22.95 ........$ 18.36

Imagine meeting a French chef who is much more than what he seems. In this true story, James Twyman enters the mystical world of Roger Dufau, the owner of a bedand-breakfast outside Toronto, who dishes out lessons on love and God just as easily as he does the most delicious cuisine. Follow James as he undergoes a profound transformation, exploring his past relationships and dissolving negative patterns. In this remarkably personal account, James learns to release his fears and fully open his heartperhaps for the first time. B490 Book; 169 pages............. $ 15.95 ........$ 13.56

No One Has to Die Alone: Preparing for a Meaningful Death Lani Leary, PhD.

My Stroke of Insight Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD

A brain scientists journey from a debilitating stroke to full recovery becomes an inspiring exploration of human consciousness and its possibilities. Taylor shares her unique perspective on the brain and its capacity for recovery, and the sense of omniscient understanding she gained from this unusual and inspiring voyage out of the abyss of a wounded brain. Based upon her academic training and personal experience, Jill helps others not only rebuild their brains from trauma, but helps those of us with normal brains better understand how we can tend the garden of our minds to maximize our quality of life. Jill pushes the envelope in our understanding about how we can consciously influence the neural circuitry underlying what we think, how we feel, and how we react to lifes circumstances. Jill teaches us how we might more readily exercise our own right hemispheric circuitry with the intention of helping all human beings become more humane. B004 Book; 224 pages............. $ 15.00 ........$ 12.75

Leary shows both patient and caregiver how to rise above feelings of fear and isolation to find peace and meaning in each persons unique end-of-life experience. Whether used as a reference book to address a particular challenge or read from start to finish, this is a must-read for anyone facing death or the loss of a loved one. Youll learn: How to listen to and support a loved ones needs; What to expect as a loved one declines and the different grieving processes and tasks; The key to supporting a grieving child; What resources are available for patients and caregivers; The lessons of near-death experiences and the value of after-death communications. B732 Book; 246 pages............. $ 15.00 ........$ 12.00

Oneness Rasha

Our lives and our world are in upheaval. And in Oneness, we are guidedwith timeless wisdom and unmistakable graceto understand why. Oneness, the Divinity we all share, has stepped forth in this monumental moment in human evolution, to spell out exactly how weve managed to create our own worst nightmares, as individuals and as nations, and how to shift those patterns. his is a world where the rules are changing before our very eyes. The pillars of so-called scientific proof that supports much we have taught to believe in have begun to crumble in the wake of another kind of trutha profound sense of Divine connectedness we have begun to unearth from within the depths of each of us. In this groundbreaking material, we have been given the formula for thriving in the uncharted world at whose very edge humanity now stands. B576 Book; 408 pages............. $ 20.00 ........$ 15.00 C576D CD; Meditation.............. $ 16.95 ........$ 14.41

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Power of Prana: Breathe Your Way to Health and Vitality Stephen Co, Dr. Eric B. Robins, John Merryman

Go, go, go. Its a motto that many of us follow everyday. This hectic pace can drain our supply of life force energy, or prana, leaving us tired and worn out. To help us optimize our energetic health, Master Stephen Co shares The Power of Prana. This oneofa-kind book teaches us a potent series of practices known as the Nine Energizing Breaths. These simple exercises-which can be completed in just ten minutes a day-combine breath retention, muscle tension, and basic postures to clear out energetic blockages and enhance the flow of prana throughout the body. B717 Book; 189 pages............. $ 15.95 ........$ 12.76 C2000C CD; Mediation ............... $ 19.95 ........$ 16.96

anybody sincerely searching for a more balanced mode of existence. Set against a multi-cultural backdrop are the synthesis of various esoteric systems. The chakras, the sephiroth, the triple cross and other symbols are like pearls of wisdom beautifully strung together, bestowing to the ardent seeker a most effective strategy for living a blessed life. The Tree of Life is an alternative path towards reclaiming and redeeming spirituality. B663 Book; Oversized; 223 pgs $40.00 .......$ 34.00

Spiritual Solutions: Answers to Lifes Greatest Challenges Deepak Chopra

Sacred Space Denise Linn

Everything in the universe is composed of constantly changing energy, including your home and its contents. This energy can profoundly influence your ability to be healthy, loving, creative and abundant. By clearing and enhancing this energy you can transform your home into a sanctuary which radiates positive energy in ever-expanding circles. In this fascinating and unusual book, Denise Linn shows you how you can dramatically change your life by changing the environment in your home or office. B2071 Book; 320 pages............. $ 15.00 ........$ 13.76

How to expand your awareness, which is the key to the confusion and conflict we all face. The secret is that the level of the problem is never the level of the solution, he writes. By rising to the level of the solution in your own awareness, you can transform obstacles into opportunities. Chopra leads the reader to what he calls the true self, where peace, clarity, and wisdom serve as guides in times of crisis. For Chopra, spirituality is primarily about consciousness, not about religious dogma or relying on the conventional notion of God. There is no greater power for success and personal growth than your own awareness. With practical insight, Spiritual Solutions provides the tools and strategies to enable you to meet lifes challenges from within and to experience a sense of genuine fulfillment and purpose. B104 HB Book; 224 pages ...... $ 22.00 ........$ 18.70

Soul Coaching: 28 Days to Discover Your Authentic Self Denise Linn

Through the use of the Native American Medicine Wheel and a series of self-examination questions, daily activities (such as creating a Vision Seed Map, journaling, and clutter clearing), you are taken through a revealing odyssey of your life so you can begin to hear the secret messages from your soul. With the process outlined in this book, not only will you embark on your own inner quest, learn how to listen to your soul, discover your calling, develop your intuition, and pinpoint your passion, you will also learn how to assist others in their spiritual journey. B2082 Book; 206 pages............. $ 14.95 ........$ 12.70 R202 SC Oracle Cards............ $ 15.95 ........$ 14.36

Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here Bruce Lipton, PhD.

Spiritual Essence of Man Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Here is a book that breathes life into the spiritual dimensions of wealth, sex, war, alchemy and other mundane preoccupations. These teachings are infused with an amazingly fresh perspective that many yet restructure, or not alter, the paradigm of many global leaders, politicians, businessmen, religious people and just about

Dr. Bruce Lipton, world-renowned expert in the emerging science of epigenetics, reveals how our changing understanding of biology will help us navigate this turbulent period in our planets history and how each of us can participate in this global shift. In collaboration with political philosopher Steve Bhaerman, Dr. Lipton invites readers to reconsider: the unquestionable pillars of biology, including random evolution, survival of the fittest, and the role of DNA; the relationship between mind and matter; how our beliefs about nature and human nature shape our politics, culture, and individual lives; and how each of us can become planetary stem cells supporting the health and growth of our world. B053 Book; 432 pages............. $ 16.95 ........$ 13.56 C053D 5-CD Set; 5 hrs, 30 min. $ 34.95 ........$ 27.96 V384D DVD; All Reg; 81 min ... $ 24.95 ........$ 21.21

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Wishes Fulfilled Dr. Wayne Dyer

Favorite Audio Music/Presentations

33 Spirit Journeys: Meditations to Live More Fully, Deeply, and Peacefully Denise Linn

Dyer explores, for the first time, the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possibleand all things means that nothing is left out. By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishesall of themcan indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be. B182 HB Book; 203 pages ...... $ 24.95 ........$ 19.96

The tracks are masterfully produced with wonderful depth of music and sound and are approximately 10 minutes long. These meditations are beautiful nuggets of wisdom and will transport you to another place. Denise gently guides you through each soul/spirit journey and takes you to each place of wisdom. C142D CD; Approx 330 min ..... $ 29.95 ........$ 23.95

Call, The Karen Drucker

Your Souls Gift Robert Schwartz

Her newest album. Many of the songs were co-written with some of Karens favorite artists including Karen Taylor-Good, JD Martin, Jan Garrett, Robert Anderson and Jack Fowler. The CD also includes the full band and Karens back-up singers, The Druckettes. Songs included: I Can Do It; I Dont Have To Be Perfect; The Call Of Something More; I Know; MoreGive; This Too Shall Pass; Cry If You Want To; Every Little Thought I Think; Good Enough; I Am A Gift; See Me; Just Show Up; Just Stop It! C1028D CD .................................. $ 21.99 ........$ 17.00

In his groundbreaking first book, Your Souls Plan, Robert Schwartz brought the idea of pre-birth planning into the mainstream. Now, his brilliant sequel Your Souls Gift delves even deeper by exploring the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage and abortion, caregiving, abusive relationships, sexuality, incest, adoption, poverty, suicide, rape, and mental illness. Working with a team of gifted mediums, Schwartz brings forth great love and wisdom from the other side to explain why such experiences are planned and the deep, soul-level healing they can create. Through the stories in Your Souls Gift you can: -Develop greater self-love as you become aware of the tremendous courage it takes for you to plan a life on Earth and to live the life you planned -Emerge from victim consciousness to know yourself as the powerful creator of your life -Forgive those who have hurt you and create a lasting inner peace -Understand the qualities you came into this lifetime to cultivate and express -See profound purpose in experiences that once appeared to be meaningless suffering -Develop a heartfelt knowing of your infinite worth, beauty, magnificence, and sacredness as an eternal soul. B685 Book; 528 pages............. $24.95 ..........$21.21

Elemental Forces of Creation: Consciously Create Your Life Using the Power of Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Spirit Lisa Michaels

The Elemental Forces of Creation are powerful guides toward understanding the magic that happens when you bring forth your essence desires. Then, prepare the fertile soil of your life. Mix it with your clear flowing emotional water. Then, align your belief system and the power of your actions. When you work with all the elements in such an aligned way, you easily bring your desires into being. It is important in the process of learning to create that you develop the skill to work with the elements individually as well as together. B133ABC 4-CDs; 4.5 hrs ............. $ 29.99 ........$ 24.76

Emotional Freedom Practices: How to Transform Difficult Emotions into Positive Energy Judith Orloff, MD

Listeners will discover how to turn away from negativity, react constructively, and seize command of any life situation. Whats the key to finding liberation from negativity? Dr. Orloff teaches that its how we choose to respond to external events that determines our experience. Drawing from the fields of biology, psychology, and intuitive medicine, Dr. Orloff offers exercises, self-care techniques, and meditations that help transform fear into courage, disappointment into patience, and anger into compassion. C2024D 2 CDs; 2 hrs, 30 min ..... $ 19.95 ........$ 16.96

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Living Without Stress or Fear: Essential Teachings on the True Source of Happiness Thich Nhat Hanh

Unconditional Confidence Pema Chdrn

We do not find happiness by suppressing emotions like stress or fear. As Thich Nhat Hanh teaches, you can develop a capacity to deal with such emotions by building a sanctuaryyour true homein the present moment. Through techniques such as mindful breathing and the begin anew practice, you purposefully expand your ability to dwell in a state of peaceful clarity, and develop the insight to see through to the underlying causes of negative emotions. By facing your inner darkness with awakened compassion, you can transform toxic energies within youand radiate the energy of lovingkindness to everyone around you. C2030D 6-CDs; 6 hrs, 26 min ..... $ 69.95 ........$ 55.96

Instructions for meeting any experience with trust and courage. Two accessible sessions to help anyone find courage in times of challenge and change. Featuring a three-step method for learning to work with uncertainty and fear and an exclusive interview, this liberating program offers practical tools and teachings that explore: True confidenceand how to cultivate the trust that makes it possible Shaky tenderness, the first step to developing strong and consistent bravery Practical steps to leap into, smile at, and experience all of lifeeven when fear is present C2011D 2 CDs; 2 hours ............... $ 19.95 ........$ 16.96

Personal Mastery Program Srikumar S. Rao, PhD.

What to Remember When Walking David Whyte

While teaching at Columbia University, Professor Rao designed a training course in breakthrough methods for tapping into this dynamic force. Whats the quickest way to get started? It begins with identifying the building blocks of your reality: your mental chatter and mental models. These internal guides direct nearly every facet of your daily lifefrom your job performance and the way you spend money to your relationships with your spouse and children. Drawing from Jesuit teachings, Zen practice, and other traditions, Professor Rao guides you through a series of powerful exercises to help you break down the unproductive thought forms driving your lifeand then rebuild them with new models aligned with your authentic purpose. Through this six-session treasury of tried-and-true practices, you will learn to cultivate awareness, replace stress and anxiety with freedom and satisfaction, and much more. C2025D 6 CDs; 6 hrs, 13 min ..... $ 69.95 ........$ 55.96

Our lives are defined by what David Whyte calls the great conversationa give- and-take relationship between our vision of ourselves and the unfolding mystery of reality. Yet there are many conscious and unconscious ways that we often avoid living at this ever-moving frontier. Do you diminish life by attempting to assign names to everything instead of living more robustly with the unknown? Are you turning a blind eye to the invisible help that is all around you? With penetrating insight and gentle guidance, Whyte illuminates the core competencies that you must build in order to fully engage in the richness that life offersand to express your true work in the world. C2028D 6 CDs; 5 hrs, 45 min ..... $ 69.95 ........$ 55.96

Wisdon of Your Cells: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology Bruce Lipton, PhD

Power Breathing: Nine Potent Tools to Breathe Your Way to Health and Vitality Master Stephen Co

Prana is the universal life force that sustains us on every level. On Power Breathing, Master Stephen Co teaches you a series of simple breathing exercises to normalize health imbalances, combat stress, and keep your personal energy tank clean and full. This complete audio program guides you through the essential practices taught in Master Cos book The Power of Prana. C2000D CD .................................. $ 19.95 ........$ 16.96

In the tradition of Carl Sagan, Rachel Carson, and Stephen Hawking, a new voice has emerged with the unique gift of translating cutting-edge science into clear, accessible language: Dr. Bruce Lipton. With The Wisdom of Your Cells, this internationally recognized authority on cellular biology takes listeners on an in-depth exploration into the microscopic world, where new discoveries and research are revolutionizing the way we understand life, evolution, and consciousness. On this full-length audio course, Dr. Lipton shares his lucid and startling insights about the building blocks of life, and how each one of our cells has far greater innate intelligence than we once believed. C052D 8 CDs; 8 hrs, 15 min ..... $ 79.95 ........$ 63.96

Discounted prices offered in this catalog are available when ordering by phone or via the internet. Prices do not apply at on-sight bookstore events and are subject to change without notice.

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Movies & Presentations

101 Miracles of Natural Healing: Chi Lel for Health, Longevity, Creativity Luke Chan

Amazonia: Shamanic Healing Ceremonies Alberto Villoldo, PhD

This video offers one-hour and forty minutes of step-bystep instructions for the Chi-Lel methods:. Lift Chi Up and Pour Chi Down Method Three Centers Merge Standing Method La Chi Wall Squatting Also features actual footage from China of: A bladder cancer being removed in real-time using chi Testimonials of recovered patients Group practice of Chi-Lel Fa chi - emitting chi for healing from teachers to students; from family members to their loved ones; and from Founder, Dr. Pang, to students. V005D DVD;Reg.1; 105 min ..... $ 24.95 ........$ 19.96 B005 Book; 144 page .............. $ 19.95 ........$ 15.96

Amazonia is the first documental of a series of therapeutic and healer work of amazonian shamans. It includes the experiences of the people from all over the world. The jungle is a special universe of flora and fauna in their pure state, and this beautiful and exciting film captures this in its own escense. V129D DVD; All Reg; 70 min ... $ 23.95 ........$ 20.36

Beyond Belief: Wake Up to Your Dream Life Jack Canfield, Amit Goswami, Bruce Lipton, Judith Orloff, Darren Weissman

2012: Science or Superstition Graham Hancock, Alberto Villoldo, and others

December 21, 2012: the end date of the sophisticated Long Count Calendar created by the ancient Maya in central America. Countless books and websites, magazine articles and newspaper headlines debate its meaning, with enthusiasts in two camps: those forecasting apocalypse the end of time and those who see a coming renewal, a rebirth of consciousness. Adding fuel to the debate, some scientists see the increasing number of natural disasters in recent years as evidence of a catastrophic climax of events in 2012. How much of what were hearing is science and how much is superstition? In this film the leading researchers, writers and scientists in the field tell us exactly what this date means to them, why its important, and what we should expect. V832D DVD; All Reg; 78 min ... $ 19.95 ........$ 16.76

In the journey of expanded awareness, the film Beyond Belief is an innovative guide. Beyond Belief explores the role that beliefs and the subconscious mind play in creating your life experiences. This compelling documentary offers tools to help you release and remove obstacles that are blocking you. With techniques such as self-observation, cultivating creativity, NLP and Time Line Therapy, you will discover the powerful resources that reside already deep inside you and use them to unleash the potential of your creative mind. V254D DVD;Reg 1; 80 min ....... $ 29.95 ........$ 25.26

Biology of Perceptin, The Psychology of Change Bruce Lipton, PhD

Paradigm pioneers Bruce Lipton, Ph.D and Rob Williams, M.A. make a compelling case for changing our traditional views of biology and psychology. Lipton and Williams challenge the prevailing myths of each discipline and provide a logical, scientific and practical way to understand and use these revolutionary new ideas. The video is a masterful blend of the biology of beliefs and the psychology of change. As you watch the puzzle pieces fit together, you will experience the inseparable nature of the mind/body connection. V380D DVD; Reg 1; 90 min ...... $ 39.95 ........$ 35.96

Alcohol Can Be A Gas! David Blume

The nations first driver-owned alcohol fuel co-op was organized as a result of this 2004 talk in Marin County, California. In a riveting 2-hour-and-40-minute presentation, Blume covers the history of alcohol - the first auto fuel - explodes common myths, and explains the process of producing your own fuel, car conversion methods, available tax credits, and far, far more. The DVD is indexed so you can easily find what you are looking for. Also included: a 6-minute segment showing all the steps in making alcohol fuel. V128D DVD; Reg. 1; 160 min ... $ 24.95 ........$ 21.21

Birth of a New Humanity Drunvalo Melchizedek

This edition DVD includes the first time shared information about the crystal consciousness grids that surround the Earth, mankinds evolution out of Atlantis, their development globally by many cultures over the last 13,000 years, and the amazing science that has been discovered around the pyramids and temples worldwide that has even been presented to the United Nations. Also presented is the true story of one particular grid, often called The Unity Consciousness Grid, and how it has finally come to birth since February 2008. The birth of this new living consciousness grid is for certain the most important story since Atlantis, and yet hardly anyone on Earth is aware that it has happened or what it means for humanity.

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One thing is clear; the outcome of this global consciousness transition is going to affect every single last person on this planet. If you know what has now become history, your heart can rest knowing that what is to follow in our lives is one of the greatest gifts that Source has given to mankind. V044D DVD; All Reg; 85 min ... $ 29.95 ........$ 26.96

Black Whole: We Are All Connected to the Stars Hassim Haramein

Black Whole uncovers scientific proof that we are one. The work of physicist, Nassim Haramein, provides insight into the structure of space-time and a new coherent model of the universe. Using the sacred geometry and codes in ancient monuments and documents, the film presents a new look at the reality of which we live. V248D DVD; Reg.1; 93 min ...... $ 14.95 ........$ 12.76

13 Indigenous Grandmothers. This is their story. Four years in the making and shot on location in the Amazon rainforest, the mountains of Mexico, North American, and at a private meeting with the Dalai Lama in India, For the Next 7 Generations follows what happens when these wise women unite. Facing a world in crisis, they share with us their visions of healing and a call for change now, before its too late. This film documents their unparalleled journey and timely perspectives on a timeless wisdom. V172D DVD; All Reg; 85 min ... $ 24.95 ........$ 21.21

Happiness Matrix Sirkumar S. Rao, PhD

Earth, Sky, Heart Workshop Drunvalo Melchizedek

As a follow-up to the Flower of Life Workshop series, the Earth, Sky, Heart Workshop was professionally filmed on April 11-15, 2011. Suggested prerequsits: The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume I & II, and Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek. 13-DVD Set; 28 hours. V033D DVD; All Reg; 28 hrs .... $399.00 ........$351.00 Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Vol 1 B222 Book; 228 pages............. $ 25.00 ........$ 22.71 Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Vol 2 B223 Book; 248 pages............. $ 25.00 ........$ 22.71 Living in the Heart B224 Book; 112 pgs; CD incld $ 25.00 ........$ 22.71

Sourced from wisdom traditions, The Happiness Matrix is a thoroughly tested and proven program based on the life-changing course, Creativity & Personal Mastery, taught at Columbia Business School, Kellogg School of Management, Berkelys Haas and London Business Schools, by acclaimed author and Professor Srikumar Rao. Professor Raos course has been implemented by worlds top business schools to show participants how to discover their unique purpose, find deep meaning and adapt to a new take on happiness. V632D DVD; Reg. 1; 2 hours .... $ 29.95 ........$ 23.96

Healing: Miracles, Mysteries, and John of God Joo Teixeira de Faria

Flower of Life: Sacred Geometry Workshop Drunvalo Melchizedek

This is the original, 5-day Flower of Life Workshop, presented personally by Drunvalo Melchizedek in Texas in 1992, and partly in Iowa, in 1993. It was one of the last workshops that he gave himself before other Flower of Life Facilitators took over the teaching. This series has been edited to include about seven hours of images and video that has been inserted over Drunvalos voice to make the presentation easier to understand. It has been digitally recorded on DVD, but other than that it is absolutely original. V032D 21 DVDs; 40 hrs; Reg 1 . $399.00 ........$299.00

For the Next 7 Generations: 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Weaving a World that Works Ashley Judd

In 2004, thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers from all four corners of the world, moved by their concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering where they decided to form an alliance: The International Council of

The film explores the extraordinary abilities of this internationally respected medium and shows Joos incorporation by one of the many spirit beings who work through him to heal sick and disabled people from all over the world. Over one million people have visited the Casa de Dom Incio centre in the village of Abadinia. Since Joo first discovered this miraculous faculty more than 50 years ago, an enormous number of individuals, many with illnesses considered incurable, have received healing that mainstream medical opinion cannot explain. The film takes an objective and unflinching look at the physical and emotional journeys undertaken by some of these people. It shows how spiritual energy can transcend conventional medical knowledge, and features remarkable sequences showing Joo being used by the spirit entities as a channel to carry out their miraculous work. Healing is a visually stunning work that challenges conventional perceptions of normality. Through unbiased reporting of the facts, including testimony from doctors, scientists and people who have been restored to health, it provides a unique insight into the achievements of a man who insists he is merely the instrument through which faith, compassion and benign spiritual forces are channeled to alleviate suffering. V643D DVD; All Reg; 65 min ... $ 24.95 ........$ 21.21

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Higher Self Connection Drunvalo Melchizedek

As presented in Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Book 2, Drunvalo explains as only he can the connection to our higher guidance through the breathing techinques of the Merkaba Meditation. How to connect to your Higher-Self. This is one of the keys to reaching higher consciousness. Without this special connection within a person to their Higher-Self, it is almost impossible to ascend into the greater worlds. Drunvalo discusses: Mer-Ka-Ba mediation, Importance of connecting to the Higher-Self, How to connect to the Higher-Self, Different techniques to connect, How do I know if I am connected to my Higher-Self?, What will happen when I am connected?, What is the 18th breath? V049D DVD; All Reg; 50 min ... $ 18.99 ........$ 17.09

Living Luminaries: On the Serious Business of Happiness Eckhart Tolle

Living Luminaries is a profound film that asks the most vivid contemporary philosophers and theologians one question: how does one achieve and maintain peace of mind? In this illuminating new documentary, follow young seeker Sean Mulvihill as he searches for the source of happiness. From sitting at the feet of a Tibetan Lama to receiving a potion from a Voodoo Priestess, Seans travels bring him into contact with a wide array of people and answers. V170D DVD; Reg. 1; 90 min ..... $ 24.95 ........$ 19.96

I Choose Love Shawn Gallaway & Mary Beth Shannon

Living Matrix: Film on the New Science of Healing Bruce Lipton, PhD., Greg Becker, Harry Massey, Lynne McTaggart

This DVD has Shawns groundbreaking anthem, I Choose Love, plus American Sign Language (including a tutorial teaching children how to sign I Choose Love), Shawns solo performance, interviews, lyrics and more. Often featured at the close of Lifeline and Gregg Braden events. V687D DVD; Reg. 1; 35 min. .... $ 19.95 ........$ 16.96

Kundalini: Evolution is Coiled within You... Chrism

A wealthy wife and a failing businessman on a quest for answers, journey in different ways, to a path to higher consciousness. Their hunger for understanding and spiritual being leads then to a phenomena that has existed since the beginning of man. It is self evident that all men are created equal, yet some perform extraordinary achievements and others live a life of emptiness never reaching their full potential. There is a force that everyone is entitled to, that can bring the fulfillment their lives desire. That evolutionary force is Kundalini. Beyond science, beyond religion; Kundalini is the SOURCE of the FORCE. V131D DVD; Reg. 1; 82 min ..... $ 19.95 ........$ 16.96

Winner: 2010 COVRs Visionary Award for Best Video/ DVD. The Living Matrix, a new documentary by Greg Becker and Harry Massey, is a provocative film about healing and the nature of human health. As they followed the trail of groundbreaking research across Europe and the U.S., Becker and Massey tracked down pioneering scientists and leaders in alternative medicine, and revealed a whole new model for understanding and promoting wellness. A full-length film, The Living Matrix brings breakthrough information that will transform your understanding of how to get well and stay well. Dynamic graphic-animation is woven with interviews with leading researchers and health practitioners as they share their discoveries on the miracle cures traditional medicine cant explain. These experts reveal how energy and information fieldsnot geneticsdrive human physiology and biochemistry, and illustrate the benefits of integrating conventional and alternative health care. V377D DVD; Reg.1; 83 min ...... $ 19.95 ........$ 15.76

Miraculous Health Rick Levy, PhD.

Language of the Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief Gregg Braden

Between 1993 and 2000, a series of groundbreaking experiments revealed dramatic evidence of a web of energy that connects everything in our lives and our worldthe Divine Matrix. From the healing of our bodies, to the success of our careers, relationships, and the peace between nations, this new evidence demonstrates that we each hold the power to speak directly to the force that links all of creation. Note: At the request of the author, some of the projector screen images have been blurred for the protection and privacy of the people being photographed. V081D DVDs; All Reg.; 4 hrs .... $ 34.95 ........$ 24.47

The research is clear- the power of the human mind is vast, the connection between the mind and body, perfect. Using vivid patient interviews, cutting-edge computer graphics, and expert opinion, Dr. Rick Levy surveys the latest developments in the field of holistic, integrative health care and describes eight well-researched methods that anyone can use to achieve freedom from injury, illness, chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and depression. Featuring commentary by Harvards Herbert Benson, M.D., a pioneer of mind-body medicine in the U.S.; Jim Gordon, M.D., the nations premier mind-body medicine proponent; Robert Hedaya, M.D., noted author and leading world expert on biological psychiatry; and Xiao Ming Tian, CMD, world authority on traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Miraculous Health explores


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the hidden mysteries of the human mind and outlines a blueprint anyone can follow to achieve extraordinary levels of wellbeing. V628D DVD; Reg. 1; 89 min ..... $ 29.95 ........$ 25.46

Moses Code: The Movie James J. Twyman

Some of the most incredible miracles in history came from applying a simple code, activating the power of the creative force of God in the world. This ancient technology has largely been lost or ignored since then, only to be revealed once again through this movie. Some of the best-known spiritual teachers in the world join James in this film, and offer tools that show us how we can apply the Moses Code to our lives. This is the foundation upon which the Law of Attraction is built. The film focuses on the power of Soul Manifestation, drawing upon our own innate spiritual ability to produce miracles everywhere we go. V339D DVD; Reg. 1; 90 min ..... $ 19.95 ........$ 17.96 B484 Book; 224 pages............. $ 12.95 ........$ 11.01

more importantly, our perception of the environment, directly control the activity of our genes. This video will broadly review the molecular mechanisms by which environmental awareness interfaces genetic regulation and guides organismal evolution. The quantum physics behind these mechanisms provide insight into the communication channels that link the mind-body duality. An awareness of how vibrational signatures and resonance impact molecular communication constitutes a master key that unlocks a mechanism by which our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs create the conditions of our body and the external world. V381D DVD; All Reg; 162 min . $ 39.95 ........$ 33.96

Project Happiness Randy Taran

Nature, Nurture, and the Power of Love: Biology of Conscious Parenting Bruce Lipton, PhD.

Our pre- and perinatal experiences form a biological template which colors our subsequent feelings and attitudes about ourselves, our relationships and our connection to Earth and Spirit. Awareness of this important programming mechanism can be used to prevent further harm, as well as to heal the places in our hearts and minds where we ourselves have acquired limiting programs. In this exciting video, Dr. Lipton reveals that our DNA is like a storehouse of blueprints. The environment is the key that unlocks the DNA, releasing the particular blueprint designed for survival in that particular environment. Our DNA is actually not rigid, but flexible, in shaping our bodies and behavior, adapting to our needs as they are perceived. Since we see our environment through the lens of our perception, it is our perception of the environment that has the final say in how we access our genetic resources. V382D DVD; Reg.1; 2 hrs ......... $ 39.95 ........$33.96

Happiness is a universal quest. But what does it really mean? In this award-winning documentary, youth from three continents interview George Lucas, Richard Gere and neuroscientist Richard Davidson on the nature of lasting happiness. Then they travel to India for an unforgettable private audience with the XIV Dalai Lama. Through their eyes, gain a new perspective on how to expand happiness and live a meaningful life. Authentic happiness is closer than you think. V622D DVD; All Reg; 62 min ... $ 19.95 ........$ 16.96

Quantum Activist: There is a Revolution Going on in Sciences Amit Goswami

New Biology: Where Mind & Matter Meet Bruce Lipton, PhD.

There is a revolution going on in science. A genuine paradigm shift. While mainstream science remains materialist, a substantial number of scientists are supporting and developing a paradigm based on the primacy of consciousness. Amit Goswami, Ph.D, a pioneer of this revolutionary new perspective within science shares with us his vision of the unlimited potential of consciousness as the ground of all being, and how this revelation can actually help us to live better. The story of a man who challenges us to rethink our very notions of existence and reality, with a force and scope not felt since Einstein. This film bridges the gap between God and Science. The work of Goswami, reveals the overarching unity inherent in the worlds major religions and mystical traditions. V259D DVD; Reg. 1; 77 min ..... $ 24.95 ........$ 21.76

Recent advances in cellular science are heralding an important evolutionary turning point. For almost fifty years we have held the illusion that our health and fate were preprogrammed in our genes, a concept referred to as genetic determinacy. Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the belief that the character of ones life is genetically predetermined, a radical new understanding is unfolding at the leading edge of science. Cellular biologist now recognize that the environment the external universe and our internal physiology - and

Secret, The Rhonda Byrne

The film features some of the worlds leaders in the fields of business, economics, medicine, psychology, history, theology, and science sharing their experience of The Secret and imparting this special wisdom that has been known by so few. No matter who you are, no matter where you are right now, no matter what you want when you realize The Secret you can have anything. V699D DVD; Reg. 1; 92 min ..... $ 24.95 ........$ 19.96

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Something Unknown Renee Scheltema

Exploring five scientifically accepted areas of parapsychology: Telepathyrefers to mind-reading or mind-to-mind communication. It literally means distant feeling. Clairvoyancethe psychic ability to perceive remote places, objects or people. A scientific term for clairvoyance is Remote Viewing. Precognitionan alleged psychic ability to predict the future. It sometimes comes as a vision, a mental flash or a dream. PsychokinesisPK for short, is the ability to move objects with the power of the mind only. Psychic Healinga spiritual practice that may afford gradual relief from pain or sickness, and sometimes brings about sudden miracle cures. V698D DVD; Reg. 1; 105 min ... $ 19.95 ........$ 15.96

As expected, Dr. Lipton weaves a compelling view of where we as humans have come and where we are soon approaching as a human race. Topics covered: Animism; Polytheism; Monotheism; Deism; Scientific Materialism; DNA; Genome; Holism Dr Lipton answers the Perennial Questions for each of the above topic: How did we get here? Why are we here? How do we make the best of it? We also get a history lesson as to how we lost the feminine wisdom in our governmental mirror of the Native American Tribal structure when our government was created in the West. V384D DVD; All Reg; 81 min ... $ 24.95 ........$ 21.21

Soul Masters: Dr. Guo & Dr. Sha Sande Zeig

Tapping Solution: Try It on Everything Bruce Lipton, PhD., Nick Ortner, Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Carol Look, Carol Tuttle

At Dr. Guos clinic in China, Zeig captures first-ever footage of breakthrough medical practices involving herbal medicine, fire massage and self-healing techniques. Dr. Sha returns to the States and Zeig follows him for more than a year throughout the United States and Canada as he leads workshops, teachings and soul healings. She witnesses transformational experiences over and over again. She reveals in Soul Masters the revolutionary discovery that binds these two Soul Masters: everything has a soul, and the soul can heal. Features a wide variety of incredible healings, using herbs, tongue diagnosis, touch massage, non-touch massage, fire massage and more. This footage is truly beyond mind over matter; Masters Guo and Sha emphasize soul over mind and matter. V168D DVD; Reg. 1; 83 min ..... $ 24.95 ........$ 19.97

A Documentary Film that Explores Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a New Discovery that Combines Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology with Startling Results! In this movie, youll meet 10 people from around the country with a variety of challenges, such as PTSD, chronic back pain, fear of public speaking, Fybromyalgia, abudance blocks, weight loss, smoking addiction and more. Youll follow their journey as they learn E.F.T. (and you do as well) and then dive deeper into the keys to changing your own life. The movie teaches you about releasing pain, how our emotions affect our bodies, releasing trauma, how our childhood is affecting us today, how to clear limiting beliefs, using E.F.T. to make the Law of Attraction work for you, and more! V383D DVD; Reg. 1; 90 min ..... $ 29.96 ........$ 23.96

Spontaneous Evolution, An Introduction Bruce Lipton, PhD

Tapping the Source William Gladstone Winner: 2011 Conscious Life Film Festival

If looking at todays headlines makes you wonder about the fate of our planet, here is some news that may surprise you: from an evolutionary standpoint, we are exactly where we need to be. According to eminent biologist Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., we are surrounded by the proof that we are poised to take an incredible step forward in the growth of our species. Just as a terminally ill patient can have a spontaneous remission - usually following a profound life change or change in beliefs - human society is now on the verge of a similar healing. In this dynamic illustrated lecture, Bruce presents compelling scientific evidence that shows how our collective perceptions are contributing to global crises and how, by changing those perceptions, civilization will thrive into the future.

Mariel Hemingway, Monique Coleman, Shari Arison, Janet Attwood, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield. Tapping the Source. Some say its a movieothers call it a movement. What do you think? Does it speak to politics, religion, economics, business, art, philanthropy, health, science, socialor perhaps, does it encompasses them all? Whether Tapping the Source shifts your consciousness or remains an enigma is something only you can decide. In either case, a journey of joy and awareness awaits youbut beware, after tapping over one hundred leaders whove opened their hearts and minds for you, the journey could be life changing. Are you ready to join them? Could the true star of Tapping the Source be you? Its a discovery thats now within your reach and may amaze you. V372D DVD; Reg. 1; 90 min ..... $ 19.95 ........$ 15.76


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Thoughts Become Things Mike Dooley

We get to choose our thoughts, and from them follow our words and our actions, all crafting the reality well experience next in time and space. Life is as simple as this. Youll learn: The 6 visualization guidelines to follow each day How to use and how NOT to use your words, to spark life changes. How to take action WITHOUT simultaneously messing with the cursed hows. That its YOU who decides whats meant to be. How to easily deal with runaway trains of fear and negativity. How to place yourself within reach of lifes magic. V692D DVD; Reg. 1; 75 min ..... $ 24.95 ........$ 19.96

Wake Up!: Theres more to life than meets the eye Joans Elrod

Jonas Elrod was leading an ordinary life until he woke up one day to a totally new reality. He suddenly could see and hear angels, demons, auras and ghosts. The documentary Wake Up follows this fascinating story of an average guy who inexplicably developed the ability to access other dimensions. With his loving but skeptical girlfriend by his side, Jonas crisscrosses the country as he searches for answers and delves deeper into this thrilling world of the phenomenal and spiritual. Wake Up is a call to consciousness to everyone who sees it; an invitation to accept that there is more to this life than meets the eye. V390D DVD; All Reg; 97 min ... $ 19.95 ........$ 16.76

Vegucated Marisa Miller Wolfson

Vegucated is an award-winning documentary that follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks. Theres Brian, the bacon-loving bachelor who eats out all the time, Ellen, the single mom who prefers comedy to cooking, and Tesla, the college student who avoids vegetables and bans beans. Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who are trying their darndest to change in a culture that seems dead set against it. V292D DVD; Reg. 1; 77 min ..... $ 23.95 ........$ 19.95

What the Bleep Do We Know!? Down the Rabbit Hole Betsy Chasse

Special Offers
Harmony and Diversity His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Join the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet at New York Citys Cathedral of St. John the Divine, for an extraordinary live presentation as the Dalai Lama offers a far-reaching vision of the universal harmony that awaits in the celebration of diversity. In an amazing message of compassion and wisdom, the Dalai Lama speaks of personal and universal themes. V322D DVD; Reg. 1; 48 min .... $ 19.95 ........$ 6.50

Featuring two extended versions of What the BLEEP Do We Know!?, never before seen DVD programming features, 20 minutes of new animation, new interviews, along with 5 hours of uncut interviews and a filmmakers Q&A, the Quantum Edition contains over 15 hours of material on 6 DVD sides. Not only does this compendium of topics BLEEP give the viewer enough material for weeks/months of exploration, but with the programming features, it allows them to specify How far down the Rabbit Hole they wish to go. Or, if they wish to Go Quantum by using a randomization function on their DVD player, the film restructures itself every time its viewed so its never the same film twice. V713D DVD; Reg. 1; 7 hrs ........ $ 26.98 ........$ 23.97

You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie Louise Hay

Accessing the Mystic: A Sense of The Sacred Matthew Fox, Rupert Sheldrake

Science and spirituality collide when biologist Rupert Sheldrake and postmodern theologian Matthew Fox, explore the practical aspects of mysticism and the attainment of higher levels of consciousness. You will discover steps you can take to access and experience higher levels of consciousness and learn four practical paths (Via Positiva, Via Negativa, Via Creativa, Via Transformativa). V605D DVD; Reg. 1; 134 min ... $` 14.98 ........$ 6.50

Expanded, 90-minute DVD, plus 4 hours of additional interviews and an Interactive Affirmations Tool! This entertaining and inspirational movie based on the bestselling book of the same name is hosted by author and teacher Louise L. Hay. This film gives penetrating insights into Louises fascinating personal story; and shows how her views on selfesteem, abundance, and the metaphysical causes behind physical ailments were developed. It also reveals how she applied these concepts to her own emotional, spiritual, and professional life. A number of luminaries in the fields of self-help, philosophy, health, spirituality, and New Thought join Louise, giving their take on success, happiness, and the myriad ways in which people can heal their own lives. V217D DVD; Reg. 1; 330 min ... $ 29.95 ........$ 24.76

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All I See is Part of Me Chara M. Curtis
When a young boy asks, Who are you, Mr. Sun? his innocent question triggers an expansive journey of selfdiscovery. With the help of Sister Star, he discovers his inner light, a light he also sees in all those around him. From the plants to the animals to the sea to the sky, he learns that he is part of everything, and everything is part of him. A celebration of lifes interconnectedness. Curtis nondenominational approach to the concepts of oneness and higher self offers children a wonderful introduction to spirituality, presenting the essence of all religions without explicit references to God. Y720 Book; Age 4-9; 48 pgs .... $ 15.95 ........$ 13.56

Have You Hugged Your Monster Today? Alan H. Cohen, MA

How to Win Friends and Lose Fiends A delightful lesson in how to find the hearts of the meanest monsters and make friends with the friendless. Cleaver, laughable cartoons create an entertaining course in human relations for children of all ages. Many parents and teachers use this text to help children learn to be greater than their judgements, and recognize that all conflict is a call for love and compassion. The deepest wisdom of the heart in a comfortable and appealing package. B2043 Book; All ages; 64 pgs ... $ 3.95 ........$ 3.36

I AM: Why Two Little Words Mean So Much Wayne W. Dyer and Kristina Tracy

Fun is a Feeling Chara M. Curtis

Join in as a young boy discovers a wonderful secret: Fun isnt something or somewhere or who. Its a feeling of joy that lives inside of you. As he follows the sparkling stardust from one whimsical scene to the next, the boy discovers that fun can be found wherever he goes. He just needs to embrace new experiences and learn to see things in a new light. Readers can also try to find the kitten hidden in each of Cynthia Aldrichs fanciful illustrations. Chara M. Curtis bouncy verse shows readers of all ages the value of combining a positive attitude with a little imagination: Bath time becomes an ocean adventure with mermaids and sea lions; frowns are reversed by standing on your head; even chores become a time to play with elves and fairies. Y719 Book; Age 3-8; 32 pages $ 15.95 ........$ 13.56

Knowing that Gods love and strength is a part of everyone can help kids grow to meet their greatest potential in life. The book uses a rhyme and illustrations to teach this lesson and help children realize that they are greater than they ever imagined! There is also a special section at the end that teaches the important meaning and way to use the words I am to create love, happiness, and greatness in their own lives and the world. Y794 Book; Age 4-8; 32 pages $ 14.95 ........$ 12.70

I Believe in Me Connie Bowen

Goodnight Moon Margarete Wise Brown

This book is being used as a tool to promote family literacy. Parents and educators are ripping the pages from the spine and plastering bedroom and classroom walls with the lively illustrations and life-affirming messages. Letters to the author arrive daily with reports of other creative uses: For inner child healing, for recovery groups, as a sketch book for the parent or educator to help a child explore his inner creativity. Y801 Book; Age 4-8; 64 pages $ 18.95 ........$ 16.11

A highly acclaimed example of a bedtime story. It is about a child saying goodnight to everything around: Goodnight room. Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon. Goodnight light, and the red balloon... Y706 Book; Age 4-8; 34 pages $ 17.99 ........$ 15.29

Intuitive Parenting: Listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart Debra Snyder, PhD Winner of the 2011 Moms Choice Award

Guided Imagery for Healing Children and Teens Ellen Curren, RN

Illuminates a new form of healing that parents can use with their children. It addresses minor symptoms, chronic conditions such as cancer, serious events like surgery, and emotional disturbances. The author shares case studies from her private practice and the personal story of her own daughters journey from illness to wellness through guided imagery. B387 Book; Parent; 176 pgs ... $ 14.95 ........$ 12.70

As an intuitive therapist, holistic practitioner, and mother, Dr. Snyder offers her proven techniques that shows parents how to enhance communication and increase their awareness of their childs inner wisdom. Through a series of easy-to-follow exercises paired with Snyders engaging personal experiences, parents will develop their intuitive and communicative abilities. This deeper level of communication fosters a positive family dynamic, enriches health and healing abilities, and encourages an understanding of the self and its connection to the whole. B869 Book; Parents; 224 pgs . $ 15.00 ........$ 12.75


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Natural Baby - Healthy Child Murray Clarke, ND., D.Hom., L.Ac.

From pre-conception preparation to pregnancy, to the baby s first year and on throughout childhood, Natural Baby Healthy Child is an essential medical road map that will help you keep your child firmly on the path to robust, long-term good health and the realization of the full potential of body, mind and soul. What do you, the parent, need to do to protect your childs health in todays world? The underlying causes of these chronic disorders include our polluted environment, unhealthy foods and diet, sedentary lifestyle, and misguided allopathic/pharmaceutical medical treatments. It is crucial that you protect your child from anything that can obstruct or compromise his or her growth and development, while supporting and improving health from within. Drawing from a variety of disciplines, Dr. Murray Clarke presents a rich range of options for both preventing and healing a variety of health concerns in a detailed but easily and quickly referenced style. B864 Book; Parents; 354 pgs . $ 19.95 ........$ 16.96

sites emphasize the superficial and foster insecurities, Stillman directs teen girls to a healthy place where a strong sense of self and direction take center stage. With updated sections on safe cell-phone use, social media, health, and gender, as well as updated resources throughout, Soul Searching is a must-read for teenage girls. B384 Book; Teens; 176 pgs .... $ 9.99 ........$ 8.49

Tiger-Tiger Is It True? Byron Katie and Hans Wilhelm

A story about a little tiger who thinks that his whole world is falling apart: his parents dont love him, his friends have abandoned him, and life is unfair. But a wise turtle asks him four questions, and everything changes. He realizes that all his problems are not caused by things, but by his thoughts about things; and that when he questions his thoughts, life becomes wonderful again. Y759 Book; Age 4+; 32 pgs ..... $ 14.95 ........$ 12.70

To Sleep with the Angels H. Elizabeth Collins-Varni

Old Turtle Douglas Wood

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