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" Part 1 was a request for comments and help on researching this song. Part 2 *************************************** ( Note: Before we can sing or play a song, we must understand what it says. When asked questions, we must be able to turn to the Bible and show others, so that they will be able to turn from the traditions of men, and back to God.) * WILL YOU FALL AWAY (DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH OIL / THE FIVE VIRGINS ) Do you have enough oil, the truth in God's Word, In your lamp to hold you till the true Jesus comes, Or will you fall away, like the five virgins did, And be deceived by the deceitful one. God's truth is like honey, the Bible complete, So sweet, and a food to the soul. But, when you try to share this truth that you found, How bitter it can be, going down. Those with eyes Will search His So many stories So you'll wait, who can see, those with ears who can hear, Word, and will find, untold, that He wants you to know, till the true Jesus comes.

Many people who love Jesus, Are going to be mislead, Because they did not study all His Word, And know what our Father said. Their lamps are only half full, And they will fall away, When the "false" jesus appears, And they believe what he has to say. And then, when the "true" Jesus comes, Their shame will be more than they can bear, And they'll wish for mountains to fall on their head, Because they'd been deceived by what another had said. So sweet going down, so bitter coming out, But still God's Word is music to my soul. I'll share my song with you, it may bring a smile or frown, But those with eyes to see, will search till truth be found. Part 3 ***************************************** DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH OIL, THE TRUTH IN GOD'S WORD, IN YOUR LAMP TO HOLD YOU TILL T HE TRUE JESUS COMES. ... If we can, let's research oil and lamp. I am going to give you some of my though ts, and then I really want to hear yours. North, South, East, or West, whatever and whichever direction we come from, all these paths will lead to God's truth, which is best. Now, the song asks if you have enough oil, and then seems to refer to the oil as

" the truth in God's Word." What does this mean? I keep thinking "sons of oil," (and words won't leave me alone,) but I can't fin d it in the Bible, so, as I know the song is concerniing prophecy, when looking up "oil" in the Strong's Concordance, of course it is olive oil and many phrases refer to anointing with oil in the prophets. I finally found the words "son's o f oil" in a Bible commentary which referred to it as the Hebrew of "anointed one s." In a round about way, this led me to the 2 witnesses. Anointed ones (Strongs) Zec 4:14 Zec 4:11 Then answered I, and said unto him," What are these two olive trees upo n the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?" Zec 4:12 And I answered again, and said unto him, " What be these two olive bran ches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?" Zec 4:13 And he answered me and said, " Knowest thou not what these be?" And I s aid, " No, my lord." Zec 4:14 Then said he, " These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth." Rev 11:3 thousand Rev 11:4 the God And I will give power unto My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks, standing before of the earth.

Rev. 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars, which thou sawest in my right hand, an d the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven chu rches; and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. Also read Rev. 1:12-20 to get full background. So, using my imagination, I'm picturing the candlestick as stated in Zec. 4:11 a s being the Lord, the oil (the song says) is the true Word of God, flows from th e Lord into the two witnesses, and this oil (truth) flows out of the two witness es into the seven (complete, elect, or churches) lamps. DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH OIL IN YOUR LAMP Lamps light the way, the oil must be God's whole truth, not man's traditions. TO HOLD YOU TILL THE TRUE JESUS COMES Hold,... meaning you must wait Till True Jesus comes,... meaning false jesus comes first There's another place in the Bible, where it talks about this lamp, but I can't find it. I'm thinking it was in heaven or the Ark of the Covenant? I'm looking forward to getting your help and comments on this. I learn a lot thi s way. Sending love and prayers your way. ANOTHER WAY TO PRAY Oh Father, is it You or me, that puts these words this way? Or is it us, together, and just another way to pray? Please let the folks who read this verse, understand the meaning there; Not word by word, but all of it, let the message to them be clear. Not to confuse, but just to help, the pain, whatever it be;

To know that no one's ever alone, unless they want to be. Not my will, but Thy will, is the way that we should pray, And ask for help to keep us on the path You've set our way.See More Part 4 **************************************** ... (Personal memory I'd like to share.) Was trying to remember when "i" wrote this song,Gospel Armour, but I remember I took it and my omnichord to a Passover we had in Fort Smith, Ark. somewhere arou nd 1985 or 1995?. It was the first time I was ever at a Passover Service, and Mo m, Jim and I went to Gravette, after,and visited the Chapel, before driving home . Some very special things happened to me on the way there, while I was there, and on the way home. but the thing I most remember is ithat it was on the way home, when the song. Do You Have Enough Oil, came to me and so got written on the roa d. Another thing that makes this so special, is that it is the last song, Father ha s ever shared with me. On reflection, the first poem He ever gave me, The Mother 's Final Prayer, was also written on the road. ( I had to pull off the road to w rite it, as it kept going over and over in my mind, and I couldn't even concentr ate to drive.) I am not able to read very well, anymore, and so deep study in the written Bible is no longer possible for me. It is okay, though, because it's like His truth i s inside of me. Kinda hard to explain, but just as the poems and songs I wrote w ere not words by me, so are these words I sometimes share as notes; they just se em to come out of me. Most of the poems given me, can be turned into songs more easily shared, and basically His story of me. "Put On All Your Gospel Armour" and "Do You Have ugh Oil," are totally different, you see. They are the last two and the only that came as songs, with me hearing the melody, and they are not part of my tory. Not yet, anyway, so I just try to keep doing what needs doing, today. are Eno two his

( As I was writng the notes for the next part of DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH OIL ( The Fi ve Virgins/Will You Fall Away) I suddenly realized that these 2 songs go hand in hand, and that we would all need a copy of GOSPEL ARMOUR to be able to refer to , so though it seems like I am jumping from one song to another, they actually c ompliment each other and "stand" together.) (Note: Before we can sing or play a song, we must understand what it says. When asked questions, we must be able to turn to the Bible and show others, so that t hey will be able to to turn from the traditions of man, and back to God.) * GOSPEL ARMOUR Put on all your Gospel Armour and be ready to fight. There's a battle coming, and it can't be won by might. Put on all you Gospel Armour and be ready to stand. There's a battle coming, and it's not against a man. Our foe's the Ruler of Darkness, Prince of the Power of the Air, And he fights with deception, disinterest and despair. Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, to help you persevere, Strengthened by the Belt of Truth, which is what the devil fears. Being Shod with Preperation of the Gospel, and you'll know, How to stand, and not give way, in this battle with the foe. Put on your Helmet of Salvation, take up the Shield of Faith, so you Can withstand the fiery darts, which Satin hurls at you.

Your Sword, which is the Word of God, will help you in this fight, Until the Prince of Peace comes, and casts him from our sight.Your prayers to Go d will keep you, for alone, you'd surely fall. Your weakness becomes strength, when upon His Name, you call. Put on all your Gospel Armour and Be strong in the Lord, and in the Put on all your Gospel Armour and There's a battle coming, and it's be ready to fight. power of His might. be ready to stand, not against a man.

******* This is the last "rerun," for my old friends, as this is part 5, and now we are all together as one; new friends, new groups, as we share, learn, and together, in prayer, try to follow the path set before us. I've reread the notes, part 1 - 5, and I sit in awe and wonder; this all started because I felt "led" to share a song with you. Time and time again, I seem to s ay, "I've never done this before." "Iv'e never done or been this way." (With bad eye sight and worse memory, history has always been a mystery to me. B ut now, His Story is my story and is your story, too.) Still, I'll try to follow where He leads me, and try to do what what Father want s me to do, but humbly ask that you remember and forgive me, when I falter and s tumble, too. So many poems, He's given me, have helped me out, along this way, m any of which I've shared with you, sometimes just in comments that I say.It's ki nda difficult, you see, what is of Father and what is of me. "Not my will, but Thy will, is the way that we should pray, and ask for help to keep us on the path He's set our way."Part 5 ********************************* ( Do you have enough oil, the truth in God's Word, in your lamp to hold you till the true Jesus comes,) ... OR WILL YOU FALL AWAY, LIKE THE FIVE VIRGINS DID, AND BE DECEIVED BY THE DECEITF UL ONE. (I need to be sure you all have Gospel Armour song, as I can see now, that they go hand in hand.) Okay, GOSPEL ARMOUR has been reposted, so we now have copies of both. "Or will you fall away," is the opposite of being able to stand . Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against th e wiles of the devil. Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiri tual wickedness in high places. Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; *(Eph 6:14 - 17 has to do with the GOSPEL ARMOUR song, so we'll save that for la ter.) When reading these 4 verses in Ephesians, we are obviously being told to "stand. " So, what about the parable of the ten virgins, with their lamps? Matt 25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which to ok their lamps, and went forth to greet the bridegroom.

The keywords here are "Then shall," meaning in the future kingdom of heaven. Ten stands for law and responsibilty in biblical numerics, virgins for purity, lamp s give off light, and their purpose was to be there for the bridegroom. Matt 25:2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Matt 25:3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them; Matt 25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. The foolish did not have enough oil, and as oil is the truth of God's word, they did not know that they would have to wait on the true Jesus; that the false one comes first. The wise ones knew to be prepared because they could not "buy" oil from the false one Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the n ame of the beast, or the number of his name. Matt 25:5 Whle the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. Mk 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh , at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning. Matt 26:6 And at midnight there was a cry made," Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him." Matt 26:7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. Matt 26:8 And the foolish said unto the wise, "Give us of your oil; for our lamp s are gone out. Matt 26:9 But the wise answered, saying, "Not so; lest there be not enough for u s and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves." Matt 26:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were r eady went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. This is where the five foolish could buy oil was in believing Matt 26:11 Afterward came also s." Matt 26:12 But he answered and virgins were deceived, because the only way they the false doctrine of the antichrist. the other virgins, saying, "lord, lord, open to u said, "Verily I say unto you, "I know you not."

They were no longer virgins, for they left, and did not stay. They fell away. Th e five wise virgins knew you could not "give away" oil (truth of God's Word), so they were prepared and waited. (We can scatter the seed, but only God can make it grow.) Matt 26:13 Watch ye therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Mk 13:36 Lest coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. Mk 13:37 And what I say unto you, I say unto all, "Watch." (Father has given me only two songs, which is a good thing, as they are His word s, not mine, and what He didn't do is give me a title or let me know what to do with them so they sat in a drawer for over ten years. All my other poems had to do with my history, and so I learned to share them with whomever they were about , and sometimes shared them with another with a similar problem. But these were songs, they were prophecy, and no one seemed to know or care when I did try to s hare. But now, I do understand and it is time for these to be shared with all wh o have eyes to see and ears to hear. Gospel Armour is easy, but Will You Fall Aw ay is a parable, and it took Bible study, Christian friends, and prayer to the F ather, to fully understand the message in this song. This is a special "Thank yo u" to all of those friends who helped me with comments, advice, and research, wh ich made this possible.)

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