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I would never have been able to finish my research without the guidance of my professors, help from friends, and support from my family and wife. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my adviser, Dr. Edwin R. Ferrer, for his excellent guidance, caring, patience, and providing me with an excellent atmosphere for doing research. May thanks to our School Principal, Mr. Eduardo B. Castillo, for his active involvement and support and for granting permission for me to conduct the research. I would like to thank my colleagues, who as good friends, were always willing to help and give their best suggestions. Many thanks to My fervent gratitude is also extended to my family, especially my wife who was always there cheering me up and who stood by me through the good times and bad. Finally, to Almighty God, for without Him, nothing is possible.



This humble piece of work is lovingly dedicated to my wife and children who serve as my strength and courage to finish this study

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