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His real name is: (Gaius Octavius) Year of birth and death: (23 September 63BC-19 August AD14) Time of reign: (41 years) How he became emperor: (He got elected by the senate) Accomplishments: (socially for the roman citizens, he brought 200 years of peace to Rome, by being fair and treating everybody equally. He also used his wealth to build attractions, such as theaters.) (One of Augustuss military accomplishments was that he had taken lead in the Cantabrian war of 26-25bc in Spain, and managed to bring the war to a successful conclusion.) Eccentricities or personal habits: (He hated his wifes son who was named Tiberius, however, he kept that to himself.)

Private life: (He had no son and his only daughters sons all died before him. His dream to get a grandson was never to come.) Cause of death: (He died from diarrhea, on his way to Pannonia) Succession/successor: (Tiberius)

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