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EJERCICIOS DE TERMODINAMICA Problemas Captulo 1. 1. Calculate the work performed by a body expanding from an initial volume of 3.

12 liters to a final volume of 4.01 liters at the pressure of 2.34 atmospheres. Se sustituyen los datos en la integral para un cambio finito de volumen de V1 a V2 W= pdV Se obtiene el trabajo efectuado en un cambio de volumen a presin constante. W= p (V2-V1) W= 2.34 atm (4.01 lt- 3.12 lt) W= (237100.5 Kg/ms) (0.00401m-.00312m) W= 211.01 Kg/mS. m W=211.01 Kgm/ s = Energa (la p y el V son 2 variables cannicamente conjugadas)

2. Calculate the pressure of 30 grams of hydrogen inside a container of 1 cubic meter at the temperature of 18C Sustituimos los valores en la ecuacin de los gases ideales teniendo la constante de los gases R= 8314472 J/mol.K

pV= m/M (RT) p=m RT/V p= 30 moles/ 1m (8314472 J/mol.K x 291 K) p= 7.25 x 10 J/m p= 7.25 x10 Kg/ ms

3. Calculate the density and specific volume of nitrogen at the temperature of 0C

4. Calculate the work performed by 10 grams of oxygen expanding isothermally at 20C from 1 to .3 atmospheres of pressure De la ecuacin del trabajo efectuado en un cambio de volumen sustituimos la presin de n moles de gas ideal. W= pdV donde p= nRT Sustituimos esto en la integral, y sacamos las constantes n, R y T y calculamos la integral: W= n RT dV/V = nRT ln V2/V1 Cuando T es constant p1V1= p2V2 o bien V2/V1=p/P2 Asi que el trabajo isotrmico tambin puede expresarse como: W= nRT ln p2/p1 (gas ideal, proceso isotrmico) W= 10 mol (8314472 J/mol.K) (273 K) Ln(303975 Kg/ms/101325 Kg/ms) W= 1.77x10 Ln 3 W=1.9293x10 Kgm/ s = energia

Problemas capitulo 2. 1. Calculate the energy variation of a sistem which performs 3.4 X 10 ergs of work and absorbs 32 calories of heat.

2. How many calories are absorbed by 3 moles of an ideal gas expanding isothermally from the initial pressure of 5 atmospheres to the final pressure of 3 atmospheres, at the temperature of 0C?

3. One mole of a diatomic ideal gas performs a transformation from an initial state for which temperature and volume are, respectively, 291K and 21000 cc. to a final state in which temperature and volume are 305K and 12700 cc. The transformation is represented on the (V,p) diagram by a straight line. To find the work performed and the heat absorbed by the system. 4. 4. A diatomic gas expands adiabatically to a volume 1.35 times larger than the initial volume. The initial temperature is 18C. Find the final temperature.

Problemas Capitulo 3. 1. One mole of a monatomic gas performs a Carnot cycle between the temperaturas 400K and 300K. On the upper isothermal transformation, the initial volume is 1 liter and the final volume 5 liters. To find the work performed during a cycle, and the amounts of heat exchanged with the two sources.

2. What is the maximum efficiency of a thermal engine working between an upper temperature of 400C and a lower temperature of 18C?

3. Find the minimum amount of work needed to extract one calorie of heat from a body at the temperature of 0F, when the temperature of the environment is 100F.

Problemas Capitulo 4. 1. What is the entropy variation of 1000 grams of water when raised from freezing to boiling temperature? (assume a constant specific heat= 1 cal/gm.deg)

2. A body obeys the equation of state:

pV= 10T A measurement of its thermal capacity inside a container having the constant volume 100 liters shows that under these conditions, the thermal capacity is constant and equal to 0.1 cal/deg. Express the energy and the entropy of the system as functions of T and V. 3. The boiling point of ethyl alcohol (CHO) is 78.3C; the heat of vaporization is 855 Joules/gm. Find dp/dT at the boiling point.

Problemas capitulo 5. 1. With the aid of the phase rule discuss the equilibrium of a saturated solution and the solid of the dissolved substance.

2. How many degrees of freedom has the system composed of a certain amount of water and a certain amount of air? (Neglect the rare gases and the carbon dioxide contained in air)

3. The electromotive force of a reversible electric cell, as a function of the temperature, is: 0.924 + 0.0015t + 0.0000061t volts t being the temperature in C. Find the heat absorbed by the cell when one coulomb of electricity flows through it isothermally at a temperature of 18C.

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