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Question 1 James placed an advertisement in the Star newspaper for the sale of his BMW motorbike, made of aluminium,

a lightweight metal, for RM150,000.000 or nearest offer. A new motorbike of the same type would cost RM250,000.000. Dahari knew that the motorbike is worth more than RM150,000.000. He responded quickly to say he accepted the offer. However James informed him that he has sold the aluminium BMW lightweight motorbike and now he has only a racing motorbike available for sale for RM220,000.000. Advise Dahari. Question 2 Carmen found Jennys Dalmation dog at the park. She rescued and returned Jennys dog fromm the park to her house. In appreciation of her kind deed, Jenny offered to reward Carmen RM2,000 and asked Carmen to return the next day to collect the reward. However Jenny is now thinking of reducing the reward to RM500. Advise Jenny. Question 3 Melissa went to AntiQue Mart, an auction centre for antique cars. The auctioneer asked for bids for one Ford year 1932 model with registration number BH8688 and Melissa made the highest price. But she changed her mind and decided to withdraw. Advise Melissa on her legal rights. Question 4 Danny promised his wife, Yvonne that he would give her a share of his winning, if he won the lottery. He won the first price in the lottery last month and when Yvonne asked him for her share, he just laughed and walk away. Advise Yvonne. (Total: 10 marks) (Total: 10 marks) (Total: 10 marks) (Total: 20 marks)

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