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Franco Espaol High School


LIBRETTO Cecile: Dancing Cecile: (shouthing and running to to sorelis dressing room) Cecile: I saw the .Help me please. He is very ugly and I am terrified Sorelli Mm I dont believe you. The phantoms dont exist Christine (sing) I always love you. This song was for my dad Raoul : Christine your performance was ameising Christine (finted) Christine open her eyes and said Raoul: I want to be alone Raoul ok Phantom Christine you must love me Christine Who are you? Where are you? Phantom: I am the people that love you and will stay with you forever Christine: I am going to be made .I need to sleep Sorelli (speech) Debenne: Say thank you my deer Sorelli Debenne : Excuse me ladies and gentlemen this is my last night in the opera house and I have to give the master keys and the memorandum book to the new managers Debenne: Richard lets go to my office that sings today will be yours Richard I am very exaired thank for all Debenne Here you have the master keys and the memorandum book Richard: Why is this part written in red ink? Debenne Because the box 5 will be permanently reserved for the phantom of the opera Richard : shouted and say that is a joke Narrator The days passed and nothing special happened

Narrator: Richard sold the box 5 and a strange thing happened Inspector yesterday a recived a call from the people that were very scared about some whispers that they listened in the box5 Richard It is impossible Inspector can we talk to the box keeper Richard yes why not? Madame Giry come to my office please Could you tell me what happened in the box 5 yestorday night. Madame Giry yestorday the phantom was very angry and that is why he scared the people that were sitting in the box 5 Inspector why did you say that was the phantom? Madame Giry because he is real he always lets me some English sweet he is very kind with me Richard thank you Madame Giry Inspector she is mad Richard well sir I have to work see you soon thank you Inspector Good bye Narrator one day when charlotte were singing something terrible happened Phantom You arent paying attention and during the performance something terrible happened Richard (put the letter in the rubish Been and goes to the foyer) Narrator No body paind attention o the phantoms advertisement and continued with the performance Charlotte (sing like a frog and a big chandelier found down Christine (Went to her dressing room and she listened a wonderful voice and passed thought a mirror)

Raoul (He was hiddens between the curtains of Christines dressing room Erik Christine you will be main since this moment Christine cried why am I here? Erik because I want you marry with me you are the girl that I love you forever Narrator while Raoul and the Persian were trying to enter to Eriks house Erik was playing the piano for Christine Raoul who are you? Persian I am a person who will help you to find your love Raoul How can you help me? Persian I know were Eriks house is? Raoul How can we go here?0 Persian ok dont waite the time and lets go please Persian press the bottom of Christines mirror and we will be in the callers between the opera house Narrator After that Raoul and the Persian and Raoul entered in a room that was a mirrors Raoul what is this? Persian It is a torture chamber 0 Persian This is a room where the people will die because of the obssence of pure air and weneed to go out Raoul silence please Persian yes they are Christine and e Erik Narrator The phantom realized that Raoul and the Persian where in the torture chamber Erik Here you have a bang of life Christine what does it contain? Erik It contain a bronze keys will open one of this caskets

Christine Add about it? Erik Ok pay attention to me Or you train the caskets with a scorpion you will be my wife and your deer Raoul will be salved Christine (Christine cried turn the scorpion) Erik you took the best decision Narrator Raoul and the Persian went out of the torture chamber and try to save Christine Christine ( kiss Erik forehead and tung Erik I cant be happy if you are sad Narrator Erik let Christine go with Raoul because Christine made him feel gultty. The following day Erik appear in the door of the Persian house Erik I am going to die to love I want you to do me a favor Erik Can you asked to the news peer to put on the amusement on my die Narrator The next day appear in the newspaper the news about Eriks die.

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