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Executive Summary

Cubicasa is a company, which creates 3D images and animations for real estate (floor plans) or companies was founded in 2005 at oulu in finland. mainly cubicasa have their headquarters in oulu msitained by four people only for official work but on the other hand they are outsourcing from south asian country Bangladesh and about eighteen modelers doing their job. Cubicasa has changed a lot of things since 2005 when the company began, But now in 2011 Cubicasa is applying new strategy to spread their business specially in Brazil as well as all over the world to internationalize more by their activities and services. Brazil is one of the most fastest developed country in the world Covering an area of 8 512 000 km2, which represents 20.8% of the Americas and 47% of South America (more than 15 times the size of France), Brazil has its size in fourth place World just after Canada, China and the United States. It occupies almost the entire eastern part of South America and is bordered by ten countries. The aim of the second phase of CUBICASA is the increasing of the international acitivity in brazil and also in the whole world. Industery and service ,export or import ,laws ,geographical distribution and economic condition in Brazil are everything is suitable for chosing of the new business environment. In the sector we devided law into four ways like Finnish law,Brazil law, commercial law and international law and described below elaborately. In the final phases we did the Market research included SWOT analysis ,PESTAL analysis,COMPETITORS analysis in brazil existing market.The is the most sucessfull way to take the suitable stategy for the new environment.After market research we select some protential customer or agents such as PDG Realty , Cyrela Brazil Realty , MRV Engenharia which could be our partner. STRATEGY is the way how we offer our products or enterinto the new market .We are going to apply some protential strategy and finally there are some recommendations which could be heplful to go to market .

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