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The Rebirth of Adsense for The Average Joe
Bill McRea

About a year ago I quit building websites specifically to earn money

with Adsense. I got in on the craze back in 2005 and decided that was
a cool way to make some money with little effort. So I went about
finding content and setting up websites left and right, but I never
made any decent money. Some of my peers were making 30 grand a
month, so I was convinced I could catch up.

Next I joined a high quality membership site Niche Mania (I highly

recommend) and started pumping out better sites. I also had great
results with HyperVRE.

I did not have the time, or patience to really make the content unique
or build links. I just kind of hoped that I would build enough sites to
generate money. No link building means no traffic, so I started
writing articles and before long I had over 200 articles published and
for a little while my income started to grow. At that time I felt like I
had the equation to never ending passive income with Adsense.

I was wrong. Google changed in a way that favors fresh content and a
steady flow of new links, plus all the links I generated had the same
anchor tags another no no. I needed to add new content to over 150

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Adsense sites and build new links with various anchor tags monthly.
All my articles were useless for SEO purposes. They still generated
some direct traffic but thats about it.

Too much work!!!!

So I gave up trying to building my Adsense empire and started

focusing on Commission Junction and information products. Recently I
started working with two new programs. WordPressDirect and
Neurolinker. WordPressDirect is a blog automation system that
scrapes content from Yahoo Answers, YouTube and other sources. It
works by generating a steady flow of content from multiple sources
that includes all the content, not just the RSS feed. So when you visit
a WordPressDirect blog it looks just like any other blog with different
types of content and comments etc. This is very fast way to create
blogs quickly, and they continue to grow without having to worry
about them. This really solved the issue of fresh content, but I still
needed a steady flow of fresh links from relevant sites. With a steady
flow of fresh links I could maximize the traffic for each site.

Enter Neurolinker a new service that offers one way relevant links
without any effort at all. This is not a link farm, directory or traditional
link exchange. It works completely different. All you do is configure
the website, select several keywords to ensure anchor tag variations,
and then let Neurolinker generate a steady flow of one way links to
your site. The links are added a few at a time not all at once, and the

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anchor tags are rotated between the various keywords that are
selected. The best part is you pretty much set it up and forget it. You
can delete unwanted links if you want, but for the most part I just let
it do it's thing. Your site will receive a continual flow of new one way
links that are relevant and have a variety of anchor tags. This is an
SEO dream come true.

I started building WordPressDirect blogs with Neurolinker link

building. I monetized the sites with CPA ads as well as opt in forms
for various niche email list. I also added in Twitter Tools and a
separate Twitter account for each niche. Before long I started making
commissions on the CPA programs and I started generating new list
members every day. It all happens automatically.

On a few of these sites I included Adsense, but I did not expect much.
Suddenly I started getting a few clicks on the Adsense ads and my
income began to climb. I though maybe I could add Neurolinker to my
stagnant Adsense sites and generate some more income as well, and
I was right.

Within two weeks of using Neurolinker on my Niche Mania Adsense

websites I started to see a big increase in traffic. Niche Mania sites
are great and about 50% of the traffic resulted in clicks. Almost by
accident I started to see my Adsense income climb.

The best part is I get to be lazy and let this income grow. The use of

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Neurolinker works best on the WordPressDirect sites because of the
new content that is added daily, but I have been able to resuscitate
my current inventory of Adsense sites as well.

A big part of making money online is having a huge footprint. A lot of

websites and a lot of list members are an example. But you need to
cultivate that footprint to make it effective. Just throwing up a zillion
Adsense websites will not make you a lot of money unless you have a
way of automating the content and the link building. WordPressDirect
and Neurolinker make this easy. For me this truly is the Rebirth of
Adsense as part of my business plan. The funny thing is I seldom
even visit my Adsense account but I notice a big deposit from Google
in my bank account ( I like when that happens) and started looking at
my stats. I had not Idea that I was making money (lol).

Recently I started building automated websites for customers since a

lot of newbies are intimidated about trying new things and the
WordPressDirect free account only allows a limited functionality. I
started “The Affiliate Marketing Training Center” to provide comfort
and assistance to new marketers, little did I know I would be building
dozens of websites as a result. It is a lot of fun to build someone an
automated site and have them watch their traffic stats grow, and
generate their first real income online. Many of my clients have tried
time-and-time again to build a website with little success. Building
them automated sites gives them their first real traffic and motivates
them into learning more and becoming true marketers.

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I had given up on Adsense and then accidentally discovered that with
just a little attention it still can be a great passive source of income.
Combining WordPressDirect and Neurolinker is easy to do and
provides fast results. This combination is now generating new list,
affiliate commissions, CPA commissions and now a huge increase in
Adsense profits.

Just Neurolinker alone has allowed me to resuscitate my old Adsense

websites. Seldom is there a new Internet Marketing tool that comes
around I can so fully recommend.

It takes me about 20 minute per site to add in Neurolinker the profits

will last a lifetime!

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