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The 1111 grade's vocabulary

1.agile ()-, , , ,
2.apologetic (1])- ,
3.appearance; seem- ,
4.audience ()-,
5.ballad ()-,
6.byte ()-,
7.Can you tell me a little bit about ?(1)-
8.cellar ()-
9.coincidence ()-
10. compartment ()-, ,
11. cross ()-, , , ,
12. defuse (v)=to improve a difficult or dangerous situation for example by making people less angry or by dealing with the causes of a
problem , ,
13. dinghy (n)
14. dodge (\/)-, ,
15. floppy disc ()-
16. footwork (n) = skillful use of your feet when dancing or playing a sport-
17. function (v)- , ,
18. fuse ()-, ,
19. give in (to) (phr v)
20. give out (phr v)-flyyacx, , , ,
21. give up (phr v )-,
22. go into (phr v)-opox, , , , , , ,
23. go off (phr )-,
24. go under (phr )- , , ,
25. hatch ()-, , , , ,
26. hesitation ()-, , ,
27. high tech (^)- ,
28. I think it is a great idea, (phr )- .
29. I'd appreciate that, (phr )- .
30. 1 am telephoning about the advertisement (phr)- . 31.1 am terribly sorry, (phr) .
32. invoice (n) a list of goods that have been supplied or work that has been done showing how much you owe for them- ,

33. Is there a problem ? ()- ?

34. Is there something I can do? ()- ?
35. jammed ()-, ,
36. lab ()-37. lead ()-, , , , , ,
38. Necessity is the mother of invention (idm) = used to say that if someone really needs to do something they will find a way of doing it , .
39. negotiable (adj) -, , , , ,
40. oblige ()-, , ,
41. obstacle ()- , ,
42. outperform (v) to perform better or be more successful than someone or something else- , ,

43. panel ()-, , ,

44. patent ()- ,
45. plain (4))-, , , , , , , ,
46. portable (adj)-aBcaapxaH,
47. pressure ()-, , ,
48. printout ()-
49. process ()-,
50. propeller ()-
51. receipt ()- , ,
52. record ( )-, , ,
53. regulate ()-, , , ,
54. resignation ()-,
55. result (n) -
56. run into (phr v)^meeting by chance-, , , ,
57. sensor ()-
58. smoothly ^)-, , , , , ,
59. socket ()- , ,
60. source ()-, , ,
61. spanner ()-
62. state of the art (adj)-xaMrnMH
63. steer (v )-, , ,
64. tedious ^)-, ,
65. terrycloth (adj)-type of thick cotton cloth with uncut threads on both sides used to make towels etc =

66. thermostat ()-
67. tilt ()-,
68. to make matters worse ()-
69. tripod ()-
70. uneven (adj)-coHflro^i, , ,
71. vacate ()-,
72. virus ()-,
73. What a coincidence running into you here (phr) !
74. What a nice surprice! ()- ?
75. accessories ()- ,
76. advantage (n)-
77. announcement ()-,
78. Any ideas ? (phr)- ?
79. baggy (adj)-H3Bcrap,
80. bargain hunter ()-
81. belted (adj)-cp
82. blend (v)--mix- , ,
83. break ()-
84. buckle ()-
85. budget ()-, ,
86. bulletin board ()-,
87. burn a hole in one's pocket (idm) cannot resist the desire to spend-
88. By credit card, please! ()- !
89. caretaker ()=!-,
90. checked ()-
91. convenient (-, , ,
92. craftsmanship ()-
93. customer ()-
94. delivery ()- , , ,
95. denim (adj)-type of strong cotton cloth used especially to make jeans-

96. distinct (adj)-TOA, , , ,

97. domed (adj)-neM6erep
98. Do not laugh! (1)-
99. doubt ()-,
100.drop sb in a line ()-
101 .elderly (adj)-Hac'ran.
102.evaluate ()-
103. exchange ()-,
104.exotic (adj)=mysterious-4aivfflH,
105. expire (v)-xyrauaa , ,
106. fall apart (phr v)r when something breaks into pieces-, ,
107. fall behind (phr v)=:-not be the same standard as the other pupils in the class-
108. fall into (phr v)=start to do something-
109. fall over (phr v)=trip over something- ,
110. Fancy meeting you here ! ()- .
111. feel for (phr v)=sympthise with sb-
1 12. feel up to (phr v)=be in good enough physical condition to do sth -
113. fit in (phr v)~manage to find time to meet sb-,
114. fit like a glove (phr)-fit perfectly-
1 14. fitting ()-
115. floral (adj)-
116. fragrance ()-,
I 17. genuine (adj)=authentic-5kHHX3X3,
II 8. get stuck (v)-rauax,
119. handle ()-,
120. Have 1 gone over my limit? (phr)-6n ?
121. heel ()-
122. herbs ()-
123. hit blow the belt (idm)= be unfair-
124. How would you like to pay? (phr)-Ta ?
125. I could use a second opinion.()- ?
126. kilt (n)-
127. leggings ()-
128. limit ()-,
129. lining ()-
130. lock ()-.
131. long stemmed (adj)-ypT
132. loom ()-
133. lose one"s shirt (idm)-lose all of one's money-
134. mystery (adj)-Hyyu.
135. Never mind ()- TOO,
136. No problem whatsoever.()- .
137. Oh, how embrassing! (?1)- .
136. overcharge ()- ,
137. overwhelm (v)- , , ,
138. pinstriped (adj)-xap
139. plaid (adj)-TOM ,
140. pleated (^)-
141. polka dot (adj)^yryn
142. properly (adv)-ecoop ,
143. prune ()- .
144. pyramid ()-,
145. qualification ()-.
146. query ()-,
147. receipt ()- ,
148. reference ()-.
149. remedy ()-, .
150. reserved ^})-,
151. sample ()- , .
152. shorten (v)-xacax. ,
153. sleeveless ^^-
154. source ()-, ,
155. specialize ()-,
156. stain ()-,
157. stall ()-,,
159. stichting ()--
160. stock ()-, , , , ,
161. strap ()-,
162. striking (adj)-biijoxHX, ,
163. suspect ()-
164. symptom ()-
165. take yout hat off to sb (idm)=to show admiration for sb-
166. tartan ()-
167. tear (v)-ypax. , . , . , .
168. textile ()- .
169. tight (adj)-HMrT. .
170. tuxedo (n)-tuxedos-
171. vacancy ()- , , , I 72. vaulted (4|)-
173. waistcoat ()-
1 74. We were meant to meet an hour ago. (phr)- .
175. wonder (v)-rarixax,
176. workshop ()- , ,
177. You'll never believe it! (phr)-4n .
178. accuse (v)-6ypyyniaax
179. additive ()-
180. advise (/)-,
181. And to start! (")-
182. Appetite comes with eating. (1)- .
183. apricot ()-
184. Are you ready to order, sir ? (phr)- . ?
185. aubergine (n)-very dark purple colour
186. banquet ()-, ,
187. beg (v)-ryrix,
188. benefit (v)-xyc , .
189. bland (adj)-aMTUJYri, ,
190. blazing (adj)-iuaTax,
191. breathtaking(adj) = very empressive, exciting, surprising-
192. butter up (-)= say nice things to someone so that they will do what to do-,
193. Caesor salad ()-
194. campaign ()-

195. catering (^))-

196. cereal ()-
197. chatter ()-
198. chef ()-
199. cholesterol ()-
200. clot ()-.
201. clove ()-
202. command ()- .
203. complex ()-, .
204. conventional (adj)-3aHUicaH,
205. convince ()-, ,
206. coral ()-
207. course ()-, ,
208. courteous (adj)-3opttrTOH,
209. crab ()-
210. curry ()-
211. dash ()- ,
212. deny ()-, .
213. dessert ()-
214.destroy ()-,
215. development ()-,
216. dilemma ()- .
217. dill ()-
218. dough ()-
219. eat like a horse (idm)rjeat a lot-
220. establish ()-, .
221. excursion (n)- .
222. expect ()-,
223. experience ()-.
224. exquisite (adj)-roeMCor, .
225. famine ()-
226. feed ()- ,
227. fetch (v) bring- , , ,
228. force feeding(n)-xyi433p
229. frequently (()-,
230. fry (v)-mapax, xyypax
231. genetically (adv)-reHHriH,
23 1. get ahead (phr v)=advance, be promoted- ,
232. get around (phr v)=travel -
233. get away from (phr v)=take a break from sth ,
234. get away with (phr v)=go unpunished-
235. get by (phr v) live, survive- ,
236. get on with (phr v) be friends with-,
237. get over (phr v)- recover-.
238. glow (n)- ,
239. grain ()-
240. grate ()-
241. grater ()-
242. greasy (^-,
243. grill ()- ,
244. handful ()-
245. herb ()-
246. How long do you think it will be? ( phr )- ?
247. I can't possibly eat it like this. (phr)-Bu
248. I'll bring you one right away.(phr)-Bn . 249.immune system ()-,
250. increasingly (adv)-ya
251. individual ()-, , ,
252. inform (-,
253. ingredient ()-, ,
254. intentionally (adv)-3op,
255. interfere ()- . ,
256. irritating (adj)-.
257. jacket potato ()-
258. knob ()-
259. ledge ()-,
260. lentil ()-
261. litre ()-
262. lump ()-
263. luxurious (adj)-Tancar. .
264. margarine ()-
267. mineral water (n) --
268. modify ()-, ,
269. mushroom ()-
270. mussel ()-,
271. naughty ()-,
272. not sb's cup of tea (idm);; suit sb-
273. notice ()-
274. nutritionist ()-
275. obvious (-,
276. omelete ()-
277. organic (adj)-opraHHK,
278. overhanging ()-,
279. parasite ()-
280. parsley ()-
281. pickle ()-
282. picturesque (4))-, , ,
283. pinch ()-
284. poach ()-,
285. poisonous (adj)=deadly-xop,
286. portion (n)- . , ,
287. poultry () - .
288. prawn (n);; large shrimp-
289. preservative ()-
290. protein (n)-yypar
291. refuse (v)-
292. resistant (adj)=patient-T3B433pT3U
293. rind ()-[]-
294. roast (v)-mapax
295. rolling pin ()-,
296. rot ()-,

297. sample ()-, ,

298. scrambled (^-
299. seascape ()-
300. secluded (^)-. ,
301. shipwreck ()-
302. shortage ()-.
303. short- term (adj-
304. sieve ()-,
305. skinless ()-
306. smoked salmon ()-
307. sore ()-, ,
308. sour (adj)-
309. spicy (adj)-
310. split (v)-acrax, 31 1. squid ()-
312. stale (adj)-xaTcaH. .
313. starter ()- , ,
314. starvation ()-
315. steam (v)-yyp ,
316. stir fried (^)-
317. sugarcane ()-
318. taro root ()- 3 19. tasteless (4|)-
320. tasty (adj)-aMrrafi
321. teaspoon ()-
322. texture ()-, .
323. thread ()-, , ,
324. threaten ()-. , . ,
325. tin opener ()-
326. to be the apple of sb's eye (idrs)=to be loved very much by someone-
327. under cooked (4|)- . ,
328. undernourished (adj)^yTiviar
329. unfamiliar ()- , , ,
330. unique (adj)-xoBop.
331. virus ()-.
332. warn ()-.
333. well done (adj)-6yp
334. What's in that ? (phr)-3H3 ?
335. whisk ()-, , ,
336. yam ()-
337. You are what you eat. (phr)- .
338. ability ()-
339. abolish (v)-ycrrax, ,
340. accurate (adj)-Hr , ,
341. achieve ()-, ,
342. adrenalin ()-
343. affair ()- ,
344. agile ()-, , ,.
345. appreciate ()-
346. aquatics ()-,
347. balanced ()-
348. breeches ()-
349. bungee jumping ()-
350. Can I help you? (phr)-Bn ?
351. canteen ()-
352. challenging ()-,
353. championship ()-
354. competitive (adj)-coHroH ,
355. competitior ()-,
356. compose ()-, ,
357. consequently (adv)-Hrivmc,
358. Count me in. ()-
359. countless (adj)-roo ,
360. course ()- , , , ,
361. curling ()-,
362. curriculum ()- ,
363. daring (adj)-ap , ,
364. deafening (adj)-4nx ,
365. demanding ^-. .
366. demolition ()-,
367. deserted (^-,
368. disabled (adj)-TaxMp
369. discount ()-
370. Do 1 need to take any ID with me? (phr)- ?
371. dwelling ()-,
372. educator ()-,
373. exhausting (adj)^paacaH, ,
374. extravaganza ()-
375. facility ()- , .
376. fairly (adv)=rather-OBOo. . , .
377. fencing ()-
378. final ()-, , _\
379. fishing ()-
380. flame ()- , .
381. flying trapeze ()- 382.focus()-.
383. football (n) -
384. frustration ()-
385. funfair ()-
386. guide ()-
387. gymnast ()-
388. helmet ()-
389. highlight (n) rnost inetersting and exciting part-
390. hit back (phr v)=critise or harm someone after they critised or harmed you391. hit it off (phr v)=to like another person as soon as you meet392. hit on (phr v)=think of it especially as solution to a problem393. hold against (phr v)=allow sth sb did wrong in the past to influence you negatively about that person394. hold back (phr v)not allow yourself to show it an emotion395. hold on (phr v) :to continue-. . .
396. hold up (phr v)= prevent it from taking place or delay it-. , ,
397. hook ()-. .
398. horse riding ()-
399. I can't believe I just did that! (phr)- .

400. ideal ()- ,

401. I'll do that this afternoon(phr)-Bn .
402. impressive (4|)-
403. in comparison with ()-
404. increase (v)-ocox, ,
405. indefinitely (adv)-TOflopxofi
406. interlocking ^])-, ,
407. It's a bit scary, (phr )- .
408. just for the fun it ()-
409. just the one day, 1 think! (1)- .
410. karate ()-
411. kayaking ()-
412. leisure ()-
413. life jacket ()-
414. magnificent (adj)-3px3Nic3r. .
415. mat ()-
416. morale ()-
417. motto ()-,
418. nerve racking (ad)- ^
419. Never mind ()-
420. officially ^)-
421. on solid ground (phr)-xaTyy
422. opponent ()-?
423. pitch ()- \ \
424. poolside ()-
425. postpone ()-
426. precaution ()-,
427. propose ()- , , , , ,
431. referee ()-
432. removal ()- , ,
433. represent ()-, .
434. risky (adj)-a3 .
435. signal ()-
436. skilful (adj)-aapa
437. skydiving (n)-the sport of jumping from an airplane and falling through the sky before opening parachute
438. slope ()- .
439. snowboarding ()-
440. Sounds like my kind of thing ()- .
441. special effects ()-
442. spectacle ()-,
443. squash ()-, . ,
444. stadium ()-
445. stage ()-
446. stress (v)=emphasise-u,oxoH ,
447. supple (adj)-yHH
448. talent ()-
449. That's fine (1)-3
450. thrill ()- ,
451. train ()-,
452. tribute ()- , ,
453. viewpoint ()- ,
454. weightlifting ()-
455. white water rafting (n)-a part of the river that looks white because the water is running quicklyover rocks
456. windsurfing (n)-the sport of sailing across water by standing on a boardand holding on to a large sail
457. workforce ()- ,
458. yacht ()-
459. You are unbelievable ! (phr)- .
460. acknowledgement (n)- , ,
461. advantage of (phr)-
462. agony aunt ()- ,
463. announcer ()-
464. apply ()- .
465. arrant ()-, .
466. attend ()-, . . , .
467. bankrupt (^)-
468. be bound to ()-
469. blackmail ()-
470. broaden ()-,
471. broadsheet ()--
472. buttercup (n)-small shiny yellow wild flower
473. Can you tell us what you saw? (phr)-Ta ?
474. casual ()-, , , , .
475. category ()-,
476. catwalk (n)-a long raised path that models walk on in a fashion show
477. choreography ()-
478. circulation ()-, , ,
479. contributor ()-
480. convert ()-, .
481. cordon off (phr v)-to surround and protect an area with police officers, soldiers
482. coverage ()-.
483. coward ()- .
484. crawl ()-,
485. creche (n)-a model of the scene of Jesus Christ birth often placed in churches and home at Christmas
486. debris ()-,
487. debt (n)-op
488. destination ()-
489. dew ()-
490. disaster ()- ,
491. documentary ()-
492. editorial (-
493. engineer ()-
494. expedition ()-,
495. explosion ()-.
496. eyewitness ()-
497. foyer ()-
498. frequency ()-
499. headline ()-.
500. hear sth on the grapevine (^)- -to hear news because it has been passed from one person to another in conversation
501. heel ()-
502. inform ()-

503. judge ()-

504. keep sb/ sth away from sb /sth (phr v)- , ,
505. keep up sb/ sth (phr )-, . ,
506. knock sb out (phr )-, ,
507. knock sth down (phr )- ,
508. look after sb (phr v)-acpax,
509. look into sth (phr )-,
5 10. managerial (adj) - , .
511. matinee ()- .
512. media ()-
513. no news is good news (phr)-used when you have not received any news about someone and you hope this means that nothing bad has
514. Nobody likes the man who brings bad news, (phr)515. notion (n)516. Oh. my goodness !()-. .
517. Oh, no. I don't believe it!(phr)518. orientated (adj)519. overseas (^)-, . .
520. panel ()-, , ,
521. present ()-.
522. profitable (adj)-aLUHnraM,
523. promote ()-
524. read between the lines (idm)525. reliable (^-,
526. rubble ()-,
527. screen (v)-xaax, , , ,
528. seminar ()-
529. shadow ()-
530. shoot up (phr v)-to increase quickly number or amount 53 1. short wave ()-
532. social class ()-
533. Some kind of explosion perhaps, (phr)534. stick ()-, , ,
535. strike ()- , ,
536. subscriber ()-
537. supermodel ()-
538. survivor ()- .
539. tabloid ()-
540. The advertisement is the most truthful part of a newspaper, (phr)541. to cut a long story short, (exp)542. training (n) -
543. transistor ()-
544. tuberculosis ()-
545. tune ()- ,
546. underwriter ()-
547. watch the world go by (phr)548. waterproof (adj)-yc
549. What far? (phr)550. You can say that again.()- .
551. You cheeky thing! ()- .

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