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Homework PHYSICS 1. Light is the range of frequencies of electromagnetic waves that stimulate to the retina of the eyes. 2.

The shortest wavelength is seen as violet light. 3. Light spreads outwards from its sources to all directions. 4. Light travels in a straight line in a vacuum or uniform medium. 5. The study of the travel of light using a ray diagram is called ray optics. 6. Explain it : a. Shadow is b. Umbra is a large source or extended source gives larger and has a central dark region. c. Penumbra is the umbra is surrounded by a ring of partical shadow. 7. Dark body if gets light can be separated into 3 kinds, namely : a. 8. The kinds of reflections : a. Regular Reflection b. Diffuse Reflection 9. Difference between regular and diffuse reflections : a. Regular Reflections, if a parallel beam of light strikes on a smooth surface such as a plane mirror, the beam will be reflected as a parallel beam. b. Diffuse Reflection, a parallel beam of light strikes a rough surface. Since the rays strike the surface at many different angles of incidences, they are reflected at many different angles of reflection. 10. The law of reflections of light :

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