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Ridhima Phukan 70-73

Egoism & Hedonism

Rene Descartes was quite an interesting fellow to read about. When I think about math, and that 4+4 = 8, I think thats true. I dont have any doubts in my mind as to the truth in that statement. Same with the keyboard Im typing on. I believe its here, and that its not just some illusion of my dream state. But, what if it really is just some mind trick some force is playing on me? What if its some sort of dream? This made me think about The Matrix. The main character was in an illusion the whole time, and he never knew about it until he was free from it. He always felt that there was something missing from his life, but never fathomed what exactly it was. I have a theory that the creators of the movie looked at Descartes philosophy when they produced that movie. When Descartes stated that I am and I think are truths that cant be altered by dream state, it was similar to the way the main character was enlightened. That was a truth that he couldnt change. There was no denying it, and no way is it untrue. As odd as it may be to think about, I wonder what Rene wouldve thought if he watched The Matrix. I have a feeling that he really wouldve liked it, because hed have an AHA! moment where hed be able to see that other people agree with him.

Pleasure is the absence of pain. I disagree with that statement to some extent. I agree that youre obviously happier pain-free than you would be if you tripped down the stairs and have a huge bruise on your derriere (I did that!). On the other hand, I dont think you can only be feeling pleasure if theres no pain. An example that I have is studying for an upcoming science test. Say you study really hard, and your hard work results in a 100% on the aforementioned test. Youre obviously going to feel accomplished. Youre also probably very pleased with yourself, but I think you may feel a little pain nonetheless. You may have studied for hours, and now youre incredibly tired. Theres pleasure, but also pain. Sorry Epicurus, but your philosophy has some loopholes.

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