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Vocabulary 1

Nathan Godding 6A th 13 May

a) Subjugated b) Rangers apprentice page 127 c) Ragnak would have felt confident that he could have subjugated the country d) conquered

2 a) keg onchRangers apprentice page 184 b) This time, there would be no keg. c) A small barrel. 3 a) b) c) d) 4 a) b) c) d) 5 a) Nonchalant b) Rangers apprentice page 180 c) But now she affected a nonchalant air about the entire episode. d) coolly unconcerned. forsaken Rangers apprentice page 227 He had forsaken the social honorific of Shan, Abandoned honorific Rangers apprentice page 227 He had forsaken the social honorific of Shan, A title used as a term of honour

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