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M|chae|mas 1erm 2010

Iorm S
aper 2
(2 hrs 40 min)

lnsLrucLlons Lo CandldaLes
1 Answer ALL quesLlons ln SecLlon and An? 1WC ln SecLlon
2 egln Lhe answer for LACP quesLlon on a nLW page
3 lull marks may noL be awarded unless full worklng or explanaLlon ls shown wlLh
Lhe answer
4 MaLhemaLlcal lnsLrumenLs and sllenL elecLronlc calculaLors may be used for Lhls
3 ?ou are advlsed Lo use Lhe flrsL 10 mlnuLes of Lhe examlnaLlon Llme Lo read
Lhrough Lhls paper WrlLlng may begln durlng Lhls 10mlnuLe perlod

N1 1UkN 1nIS AGL UN1IL U AkL 1L 1 S

volume of a prlsm ' where ls Lhe area of a crosssecLlon and ls Lhe
perpendlcular lengLh

volume of a rlghL pyramld ' where ls Lhe area of Lhe base and ls Lhe
perpendlcular helghL

Clrcumference of a clrcle n where ls Lhe radlus of Lhe clrcle

Area of a clrcle n

where ls Lhe radlus of Lhe clrcle

Area of a Lrapezlum %f+% where f and are Lhe lengLhs of Lhe parallel
sldes and ls Lhe perpendlcular dlsLance beLween Lhe
parallel sldes

8ooLs of quadraLlc equaLlons lf a
+ b + c 0

1rlgonomeLrlc raLlos Sln0

Cos0 =


Area of Lrlangle Area of / cn where c i: Ihe |engIh cf Ihe Lc:e
cnc n i: Ihe perpencicu|cr heighI.
/rec cf /A8C = cc :|nC
/rec cf /A8C =

Slne rule

Coslne rule f


Answer ALL the quest|ons |n th|s sect|on
ALL work|ng must be c|ear|y shown
1 %a) uslng a calculaLor or oLherwlse deLermlne Lhe exacL value of
%l) %13)
+ %21)

(7 marks)
%b) %l) WrlLe Lhe answer ln arL %a) %l) correcL Lo one slgnlflcanL flgure
%ll) WrlLe your answer ln arL %a) %ll) ln sLandard form
(2 marks)
%c) Clve Lhe Lhree %3) maLhemaLlcal laws (3 marks)
1ota| 12 marks

2 %a) Slmpllfy
%l) 3 2%+ 1) (2 marks)
%ll) (3 marks)
%b) Solve Lhe equaLlon
( -8) = (3 marks)
%c) Lxpand and Slmpllfy

( - )( + ) (3 marks)
1ota| 11 marks

3 %a) Clven LhaL and
%l) CalculaLe Lhe maLrlx producL (3 marks)
%ll) lf and calculaLe Lhe values of ,-and
(S marks)
%b) Consumer ArlLhmeLlc

1ota| 14 marks
4 %l) lacLorlse compleLely
%a) o
- ob

(2 marks)
%b) o -8o +b -b (2 marks)

+ - (3 marks)
%ll) lndlces
S %a) 1he flgures shown below not drawn to sca|e represenL Lhe cross secLlons of
Lwo clrcular plzzas oLh plzzas are equally Lhlck and conLaln Lhe same Lopplngs

Small plzza Medlum plzza
ulameLer 13 cm ulameLer 30 cm
%l) ls a medlum plzza Lwlce as large as a small plzza?
use calculaLlons Lo supporL your answer (4 marks)
%ll) A medlum plzza ls cuL lnLo 3 equal parLs and each parL ls sold for
$1393 A small plzza ls sold for $1293
Whlch ls Lhe beLLer buy?
use calculaLlons Lo supporL your answer (3 marks)
%b) ln Lhe flgure below = 9
, =
, =
on = .
llnd Lhe lengLh of
(S marks)
1ota| 12 marks

6 ln an examlnaLlon arL was aLLempLed by 70 sLudenLs arL by 30 and arL
by 42 30 sLudenLs aLLempLed boLh parLs and 8 aLLempLed boLh arLs and
28 aLLempLed boLh arLs and and 3 aLLempLed all Lhree parLs
Answer Lhe followlng quesLlons uslng seL noLaLlon
%a) Pow many sLudenLs aLLempLed arL buL noL arLs and ? (2 marks)
%b) Pow many sLudenLs aLLempLed arL buL noL arLs and ? (2 marks)
%c) Pow many sLudenLs aLLempLed aL leasL 2 parLs? (2 marks)
%d) uraw a sulLable venn dlagram Lo represenL all Lhe lnformaLlon glven
(S marks)
1ota| 11 marks

7 1he Lable below glves Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of marks of a seL of lorm 3 sLudenLs
Number of
31 40 3
41 30 8
31 60 10
61 70 12
71 80 8
81 90 7
91 100 3

%a) LsLlmaLe Lhe mean mark of Lhe sLudenLs (3 marks)
%b)uslng a cumulaLlve frequency curve esLlmaLe Lhe followlng marks
%l) Medlan (3 marks)
%ll) SemllnLerquarLlle 8ange (3 marks)
%c) CalculaLe Lhe probablllLy LhaL a sLudenL chosen aL random had a mark of less
Lhan 80 (2 marks)
Cred|t w||| be g|ven for draw|ng appropr|ate ||nes on your graph to show how the
est|mates were obta|ned 1ota| 11 marks

8 Invest|gat|on]Comb|nat|on (Iorm 4 paper)
Answer AN 1W quest|ons |n th|s sect|on
8 %a) Clven LhaL ,

%l) Show LhaL , ls a nonslngular maLrlx (2 marks)
%ll) WrlLe down Lhe lnverse of , (3 marks)
%lll) WrlLe down Lhe 2x2 maLrlx whlch ls equal Lo Lhe producL MM
(1 mark)
%lv) remulLlply boLh sldes of Lhe followlng maLrlx equaLlon by M

Pence solve for and (4 marks)
%b) A bag conLalns 2 whlLe marbles and 3 blue marbles
%l) A marble ls selecLed aL random from Lhe bag CalculaLe Lhe probablllLy LhaL
Lhe marble ls whlLe (2 marks)
%ll) lf Lhe whlLe marble ls nC1 replaced ln Lhe bag calculaLe Lhe probablllLy
LhaL Lhe second marble selecLed from Lhe bag wlll be blue (3 marks)
1ota| 1S marks
(10 marks)

1 %a)

%l) LvaluaLe Lhe deLermlnanL of
%ll) lf flnd
%lll) llnd %a)
%lv) Clven LhaL calculaLe Lhe value of
%b) Clven LhaL - + = 8
+ =
%l) express Lhe above slmulLaneous equaLlons ln Lhe form
I =
%ll) hence solve Lhe slmulLaneous equaLlons for and
1he raLlo of Lhe prlces of Lwo pens of dlfferenL quallLy ls 37 1he LoLal cosL for 30
of Lhe cheaper pens and 10 of Lhe more expenslve pens ls $1368 Clven LhaL
dollars represenL Lhe cosL of one of Lhe cheaper pens deLermlne
%l) an algebralc expresslon ln for Lhe cosL of CnL of Lhe more expenslve
pens (1 marks)
%ll) Lhe value of (3 marks)
%lll) Lhe cosL of CnL of Lhe more expenslve pens (2 marks)

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