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The Price of Fame iity-Tole Princ?’ —_—_ TE around the world 7) vo. her wedding on | } } } AT television. Charles and Diana had two sons, William and Harry D> iana was very popular. The British 8)... her for her kindness and beauty. They 9) her “The People’s Princess” because she 10) srnnonennenenen So mnUtch about sick and poor people all over the world. She once 11) : “I see myselfas a princess for the world, not the Princess of Wales.” Reporters were — | : always around her. She was their favourite person, &f, ‘twas like a fairy tale when the beautiful young) [9 But Diana's life wasn’t as happy as it fi irl married the Prince and became the Princess 12) She and of Wales. Unlike a fairy tale, the happiness soon | Charles-had_ problems ended, but Diana was still The People’s Princess. with their marriage. They finally divorced in D> diana Frances Spencer was barn on Ist July, | August, 1996, 1961, in Norfolk, England. Her father was Earl | E> Diana 13). pencer. She had two older sisters and a younger | "to travel round the world brother. Her parents 1) when she | and help those in need. was a young girl, As a child, Diana 2) son But her life was short — at a boarding school in Kent, She 8) swucwsnmm | she 14) ina her education in Switzerland. When she 4) | car accident. on 31st io England she 8) asa | August, 1997, in Paris nanny in London, She was only thirty-six Bp diana 6) Prince Charles in July, years old. 1981, at St Paul's Cathedral in London, People all i a Rig ———— Read the article again and match * Speaking the headings to the paragraphs. Then, answer the questions below. Read the text again and complete the table. Then, talk about Diana, as in the example. * Everyone Loved Her ie 1961, i Norfolk © Diana's Early Years © The Divorce _ a © The Tragic Ena : : a © The Wedding pene | Born on: in 4. When and winere was Diana born? eae 2 Where did she study? pudisd & | 3 When and where did she marry Prince Married: petoets WR a at Charles? Children: 4 How many children did they have? a nih 5 Why was she popular? ees Giaade cont 6 Was her life as happy as it appeared? Divorced in: PDF" | Tera tere rie « te 3 When and wtere she de? ni nprotessiona lca pb gai nw itp fn The Price of Fame Language Development + Vocabulary {6 Choose words from the list to fill in the gaps, then use them to make sentences, all over, worked, Princess, sick, car, in need, travel, Sairy To ShE nnn aSananny | people 2 in «the world | 6 the of Wales sais tale | 7 those 4 round the worid | 8 accident We write: 26/8/1959 or 26th August, 1959 We say: the twenty-sixth of August, nineteen fifty-nine or ‘August the twenty-sixth, nineteen fifty-nine Look at the dates and say them in the two ways: shown above, as in the example. Y a EWvis Presley Alfred Hitchoock Johann Strauss ‘th January, 1935 ‘a August.189@ 26th October, 1825 “16th August, 1977 ‘th Apil, 1980 3rd June, 1899 nineteen thirty-five and died « Grammar Look at the table, then say how we form the past simple. Affirmative I/youshe, etc watched TV last night. Negative Uyoushe, ete didn’t watch TV last night. Interrogative Did l/you/he, etc watch TV last night? Short answers Yes, l/you/he, etc did. No, liyouthe, ete didn't. the past and won't happen again, Diana married Prince Charles in July, 1981. (When did ‘she marry him? In July, 1987.) Time expressions: yesterdlay, ago, in 1950, last Monday, We use the past simple for actions which happened. — weekimonth, etc. | Read the text, then ask your teacher the following questions to complete the text. Marie Skiodowska (Marie Cue) was | a famous scientist. She was born in 1) IM) a . | She studied physics and mathernatics | at the Sorbonne in Paris, She married irre Curie in 3) Together i they discovered 4) see and in 1898. In 1903, the Curies received th n Nobel Prize for Physics, Piérre died in a road accident Bo) on ; Marie Continued their work on radium, fe received the Nobel Prize for Chemi ‘She died of leukaemia in 6) nes When was she born? Where was she bon? When did she marry Pierre Curie? 4 What did they discover? 5 When did Pierre die? 6 When did she die? Jf) Write down to things you did yesterday and two things you didn’t do yesterday. Choose from the list. You can use your own ideas. snudly, make a cake, play football, cut the grass, watch TV, cook dinner, listen to music, do the shopping. go for a walk, buy clothes T made a cake yesterday but I didn't cook dinner: J] Fill in the missing prepositions from the list below. with, in, on, t0, at, round, of 1 was bom 1st July, 1961 Norfolk; 2 July, 1981; 3 studied......... a boarding school; 4 returned England; 6........ St Paul's Cathedral... London: 5 wplahRs.ip wedding... television 7 had problems al ralogs toi the world; 9 those innit’ sofessienal doscargte la arusba gratuit online en ntropdfcom praessional The Price of Fame it * We add -ed to most regular verbs. I work - | worked © We add -d to verbs ending in-e. Hove - ! loved | BQ Match the paintings to the painters, then listen and check your answers. Now say who painted each painting. «a. Piérre-Augusie Renoir, b. Leonardo da Vinci, c, Edgar Degas, d. Frans Hals Verbs ending in consonant + y drop ~~, the-y and add -fed. / study -I studfed * Other verbs have irregular forms: become - became, say - said. Look at the list of imegular verbs at the back of the book. Fill in the past simple forms of the verbs below. aa ee = gz z a RN icant cone Mona Lisa ‘Chit wit Cat Tne Laughing Cavalier Two Dancers Watch love call eee APPEAL .eanrsen oor Bl Listen to these pieces of music. Number the composers in d Seren, the order you hear their pieces of musi EN oar die revit Wolgang Amadeus Mozart [~] Johann Strauss composed audy composed Requiem The Blue Danube iy pe BUT enjoy | ae Antonio Vivaldi Frangois Chopin composed Twnite THERE wc] composed The Four Seasons — the Polonaise - Fantaisie buy go nl J) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Which verbs are irregular? Sir Alexander Fleming 1) (be) 2 mous scientist. He was born in Scotland on 6th August, 1881. He 2) (study) medicine at St Mary's Hospital in London. After World War |, he 3) (return) to St Mary's and 4) (work) there as a professor. In 1915, he 5) (marry) Sarah Marion McElroy and they 6) (have) a son. He 7). (discover) cenicilin in 1928 andl 8) (receive) tne Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945. His wife 9) (die) in 1949, leming married again in 1953. His cond wife 10) (be) @ Greek doctor, Dr Amalia Koutsouris Fleming 11). (die) on 11th March, 1955. They 12) (bury) min St Paul's Cathecral \yriCing Project) |. First, put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Then, match the sentences in column A to those in column B. Finally, write Mozart's biography. eo 2 1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was bom in Salzburg, Austria, in 1758. @) and they OfEM mn Fee erases tnt mitra 2 He... (tar) writing by and (ear) to guns play the violin very well sf (adirosind westem Europe with his father, ©) When he........ (be) five. Poh temas te 4 Everyone (admire) (have) money problems. pina naieug ie) 1 Bele teary) rat was nly 8 ‘Constanze Weber, but life was ors-old. difficult ” 6 Mozart (continue) f) and (play) lee pereepee pre mrviae Ol eee an car ee the royal courts of Europe 8 7 Sue ODF’ . @ nitro" professional Joscargue la prusba gratuit online a nitopdtcamtprofessional

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