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1 Pre-IB English 9 Study Guide

Write the letter of the definition beside the correct term Q Alliteration E Allusion C. the emotional implications a word may carry U Apostrophe T Assonance B Audience I Theme C Connotation G Consonance D Hyperbole F Imagery M Irony P Metaphor H Meter S Motif P. an implied comparison (not using like or as) K Personification O Simile L Setting N Speaker J Symbol A Tone U. A figure of speech where someone, some abstract quality, or a nonexistent personage is addressed as though present Q. the repetition of initial identical consonants sounds or any vowel sounds in closely associated syllables R. attributing human characteristics to nonhuman things S. A recurrent image, word, object, phrase, or action throughout the literary work T. the repetition of accented vowel sounds in a series of words D. an extreme exaggeration E. brief reference to a person, event, or work of art F. use of language that appeals to the senses G. the repetition of consonant sounds in order to create a harmonious effect H. A pattern of repeating stresses and syllable counts used consistently through a line I. the notion or concept at the center of a literary work J. something concrete, like an object, place, person, or event, that represents something abstract K. attributing human characteristics to nonhuman things L. the time and place where the story occurs M. mode of speech in which words express a meaning different to the intended meaning, by intention or ignorance N. the voice of the work O. a figure of speech using the words like or as A. the voice the writer has chosen to project in order to relate to readers B. the target population addressed by the literary work

Be sure to study the TPFASTT! Know how to analyze a sonnet you have never seen before!

D Stanza C Rhyme Scheme J Turn E Octave H Couplet A Sonnet F Sestet G Quatrain I Conceit B Iambic Pentameter A. 14-line poem B. 5 sets of syllables in one line C. the pattern of rhyme in a poem (ABAB, AAAA, etc.) D. a group of lines in a poem E. 8 lines F. 6 lines G. 4 lines H. 2 lines I. a fanciful expression, usually in the form of an extended metaphor or surprising analogy between seemingly dissimilar objects J. the spot where the focus shifts

Romeo and Juliet 1. What happens first out of the following events: a. Romeo goes to the party b. Mercutio dies c. Romeo swallows the poison d. Paris offers his hand in marriage to Juliet 2. What happens last out of the following events: a. The Balcony scene b. Juliet goes to the Friar to escape her marriage to Paris c. The Friar marries Romeo and Juliet d. Romeo does not receive the Friars letter 3. Which of these events are the climax: a. Romeo meets Juliet b. Romeo and Juliet commit suicide c. Juliet refuses to marry Paris d. Romeo kills Tybalt 4. In the exposition of the story, the reader learns that the __________ family and the __________ family hate each other. 5. In what order do the following characters die in the play? 1. Romeo 2. Juliet 3. Lady Capulet 4. Mercutio 5. Tybalt a. 4 3 5 1 2 b. 4 5 2 1 3 c. 4 5 1 2 3 d. 4 5 3 2 1 6. What is the setting of the play? a. Rome b. Verona c. Greece d. Athens What does Shakespeare mean by star-crossed lovers? a. They are going to meet each other under the stars b. They are now a constellation in the stars c. They were fated by the stars never to be together d. They will die underneath the stars Who is Benvolio? a. The joker b. The wine taster c. Romeos friend d. A servant of the Capulets What does Lord Capulet previously think, before his daughter disobeys him, about giving Juliets hand in marriage to Paris? a. She needed some time to grow up and become a lady b. She needed to get married as soon as she could c. Paris did not deserve Juliet d. Juliet should be able to pick her own husband




10. How can Romeo go to the Capulet party and not be recognized? a. He disguises himself as Tybalt b. The party is a masquerade c. He can sneak in through the gate and hide d. He can wear a hat that covers his face 11. Romeo first was in love with __________. What happened to her? a. She drowned b. She committed suicide c. She refused him d. She became a nun I Aside 12. Who is the Nurse? a. the woman who nursed Juliet b. Romeos mother c. the Friars wife d. Lysanders suitor 13. In the end of the play, what is the final resolution? a. the two families fight b. the two families ignore each other c. the two families solve their differences d. the two families dishonor Romeo and Juliet and never speak of them again

A. the use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a plot B. any utterance produced simultaneously by a group C. a character who highlights the traits of another character through contrast

C Dramatic Foil

E Dramatic Irony

B Chorus D. a speech by one actor A Foreshadowing E. occurs when another character(s) and/or the audience know more than one or more characters on stage about what is happening F. A serious form of drama dealing with the downfall of a heroic or noble character G. a play on words G Pun H. A character speaks his/her internal thoughts, while alone on stage I. a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage J. an expression in which two words that contradict each other are joined

D Monologue

J Oxymoron

H Soliloquy

F Tragedy

A Midsummer Nights Dream 1. Who is Puck? a. Lysanders servant b. The servant to King Oberon c. The ruler of the kingdom of Athens d. A participant in the play for King Theseuss wedding


In Athens, if a girl does not marry who her daddy says, she has three options. Name them. a. Die b. Become a nun c. Run away




Label the diagram with the following names: Demetrius, Lysander, Helena, Hermia What changes by the end of the play in this diagram? a. Hermia loves Demetrius b. Lysander loves Hermia c. Helena loves Lysander d. Demetrius loves Helena Who is getting married at this time period? a. Hippolyta and Theseus b. Egeus and Helena c. Demetrius and Hermia d. Oberon and Titania





D Comedy C Doubling B Double Plot/Sub Plot A Tragicomedy Characters in MND E Theseus A Hippolyta D Hermia H Demetrius B Helena J Lysander F Peter Quince C Bottom G Titania I Oberon To Kill a Mockingbird 1. 2. 3. Persuasive___ - appeals to your emotions in a positive or negative way Ethos___- a moral argument, credibility of a product Logos_____-statistics that show that it is worth it to buy the product (discounts is another form of this)

A. a comedy with serious elements or overtones B. A minor plot that occurs simultaneously with the major plot C. One actor plays multiple parts D. Main characters manage to avoid disaster to have a happy ending

A. woman marrying the King of Athens B. Hermia's friend C. a workman who gets the head of a donkey D. daughter of Egeus E. King of Athens F. the organizer of the play for the wedding G. the owner of the little changeling boy H. loves Hermia I. made his wife fall in love with a donkey J. ran off with Hermia into the woods

For To Kill A Mockingbird Flip through your book and look at your own annotations to remember the plot and the characters.







What is NOT one of the reasons why Spiegelman chose comics as the medium for his story? a. He liked drawing comics b. He was bad at writing c. He wanted to prove that comics can be on serious topics d. He wants the readers to picture the scenes Why did Spiegelman pick mice to represent the Jews? a. To depict how small the Jews were b. To dehumanize the Jews c. To show that the Jews were dehumanized and looked down upon by the Nazis d. To show how the Jews liked to hide Closure___ - if we see an image, we perceive the whole, even if one part is shown Gutter-----empty space between panels



Why did Spiegelman decide to tell a story about the Holocaust? a. Because there were not enough books about the Holocaust b. He wanted to reveal the bad qualities of his father c. He was proud of his Jewish heritage d. It was a way for him to be more open about his Jewish heritage What is the purpose of cartooning? a. To draw pictures b. To show a scene you couldnt show with words c. To focus of specific details to amplify a certain meaning d. To convey emotions to the reader Panel____- box that the story is put into

A. a series of seemingly non-sensical images and/or words D Moment-to-moment

B. used to convey a fast-moving pace

B Action-to-action

C. compressed to a manageable length while still allowing for a range of time spans

E Subject-to-subject

D. slowing down the action

C Scene-to-scene

E. moving the story forward while changing angle to direct attention

F Aspect-to-aspect

F. slowing the reading of the scene, moving around to different images of the same scene

A Non-sequitur

Frequently Confused Words A lot always use expression as two words Accept to receive Except but Advice - suggestions for how to act Advise to give suggestions on how to act Affect to influence Effect the result of an action All right do not use alright as one word Already previously All ready everyone is prepared All together everyone in the same place Altogether entirely Allusion an indirect reference Illusion false idea or impression Altar a table used in a religious ceremony Alter to change Awhile period of time (adverb) A while period of time (noun) Between used to refer or compare two nouns (preposition) Among to show a relationship between a group of people Borrow take something that needs to be returned Lend to give something that must be returned Loan amount borrowed Bring moving from a distant place to a closer one Take movement from a nearby place to a more distant one Brake a stopping device Break to destroy Capital seat of government Capitol building for law-making body Fewer not many Less a smaller amount of something I lost the rest of the unit 2 words so look yours up:) Hanged put to death by hanging Hung all other uses Hear using the ears Here telling where something will be Holy sacred Holey full of holes Wholly totally, fully In inside, within Into indicates movement In to adverb with to part of infinitive phrase Its inside, within Its contraction Lead to go first Led past tense of lead Learn to receive knowledge Teach to impart knowledge Leave to go away Let to allow or permit Desert a wasteland Dessert- a sweet meal following a dinner Council - people running local affairs Counsel someone who gives advice Consul government official Complement something that completes another Compliment a flattering comment made to another

Loose free, not tight Lose to suffer loss Passed past tense of pass Past showing direction Personal individual Personnel group of people working at the same place Precede go before Proceed to continue Principal head of school Principle rule of conduct Raise to move up something Rise to move upward Respectfully with respect Respectively in the order named Quiet silent, still Quite wholly, rather Shone past tense of shine Shown past perfect tense of show Sit to place oneself in a sitting position Set to place or put Stationary in a fixed position Stationery writing paper Then at that time Than comparison Then next Their possessive of they There a place Theyre contraction (they are) To preposition To part of an infinitive Too too much, also Two 2 Whos contraction (who is) Whose possessive of who Waist the midsection Waste needless expense Waste to spend foolishly Weather conditions outdoors Whether as in whether or not Your possessive of you Youre contraction for you are

Grammar The first ten questions will be in the same format as our last quizzes. Just study for this section like you did for the quizzes Vocabulary: I have posted Quizlet Flashcards with all of the words. Print them out and attach them to this study guide. You can also study them online

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