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Case Games: crosswords 1. What is the key to TIMs success in Italy? Innovation a. How do they innovate their services?

(the first company in the world to offer prepaid cards to its customers; the 4888 Pay for Me service; TIM conference service; service for business: sending employees automatic reminders about meeting through SMS, and getting agendas online; the first in Europe to launch a special SMS service, SMS Vocali TIM for the blind and hypo sighted; MMS service: online photo album; Value added service; the first mobile operator in the world to launch a mobile TV service in collaboration with TV partners La7, MTV and CFN/CNBC financial network, etc) b. Why do you think they have to innovate? (the service provided by one mobile phone company could be easily replicated by another; this is a mature market, to gain market share, they have to differentiate and innovate their services to increase its revenue the existing customers) c. What do you think about this differentiation strategy? 2. This is also one factor that contributes greatly to TIMs success (marketing) a. Give some evidence of their marketing strategy? promotional offer: Promotional offer: Customers send message to all TIM mobile phones at a price of 10 euros for 30 days Automated daily service such as SMS Horoscope customers more loyalty Sponsoring the 61st Venice international film festival (public relations) 3. This is what you call when you cooperate with other people (forming strategic alliance: Freemove)=> partnering strategy a. who are the members of FreeMove: OrangeSA, Telefonica Moviles and T-Mobiles International, TIM b. how TIM benefit from this alliance? (provide customers who travel abroad with the same services they accessed in their home country) => make

a. How TIM apply technology in their products?

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