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Jesus Parables (pt.


Write down a short description of something that stuck out to you from this week's lesson.
Word association After each word write down the first thing that comes to mind.
Sinner __________________________
Sick ____________________________
Light _____________________________
Truth ____________________________
Seeds _____________________________
Quick Quiz
A sick person needs a doctor. The doctor works toward remedying the ailment to better the sick
persons condition. How does Jesus do the same thing for a sinner _______________________
In the parable of Christian light Jesus talks about not covering up the light that has been given to us as
Christians. List three ways that someone might cover up their light.
After the title of each parable write down what the theme was for that particular one.
Great Physician _____________________________________________________
Divided Kingdom ___________________________________________________
Christian Light ______________________________________________________
Growing Seed ______________________________________________________

One Word
On the line below write down one word that describes your relationship with Jesus Christ as you see it
at this very moment.

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