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The Fall Nathan French Far down from high, the tragic fall, The lives lost now,

consumed by rain. Their tales, a sign to all still here The fate that none doth dare escape, Nor hide or flee from all in vain. The all consuming death of life. The stream of thoughts that is our life, All boils down to that one fall, In which all tears and sorrows rain, Our minds all distant, none still here. The biting cold we can't escape, Nor shake, nor deny in tragic vain. To flee, to fly, all done in vain, For all are someday cut from life. From stable standing, all do fall, Succumbed to harsh, torrential rain. You cannot find it, no, not here. To seek it is to truly escape. Those who fly will soon escape, But later see,'t was all in vain, For death will soon devour life, Pushed into unending fall. The leaves will die, unending rain, But none can find it, there or here. A flight will only bring back here, Those who'd try just to escape. For as it's known, flight is in vain, For death comes soon to all of life. It rends and leaves you for the fall, The fall of many, the fall of rain. And all can see this empty rain, Of souls, all now long gone from here, Souls that couldn't quite escape. Souls that tried, and died in vain. Souls that sought an end to life. Souls now consumed by unyielding fall.

So many do escape, though all do so in vain, For all of life is just a fall, A falling rain that leads away from here.

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