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Nano-Colloidal Nascent Atomic Iodine

Why Detoxadine is the Most Advanced Iodine Product

It Is a True Glycerite of Natural USP grade Iodine The Iodine Is Derived From Deep Sea Sources (Vegan-Friendly) It is a transformative (Non-Toxic) Elemental Nascent Atomic Iodine Provides High Elemental Iodine Uptake & Tissue Saturation Does not contain inefficient iodide form of iodine Daily Maintenance Dose (3 drops) = 1,796% of RDA 1 Bottle of Detoxadine lasts 3 months for 1 Person When Used Topically Does Not Sting or Burn. Contained in a Vegetable Glycerin base Not Alcohol like other atomic iodine solutions.

Health Benefits of Nascent Atomic Iodine

Improved Thyroid & Endocrine Function Improves Insulin Sensitivity and aids in regulating Blood Sugar Broad Spectrum Antimicrobial May assist in improving Thinking & Reduction of Brain Fog Helps Improve Digestion, Transit Time and Bowel Function Increased Energy & Stamina are reported Improves Breast Milk Production & Quality & transfers to infant May assist in Lowering Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels Assists Immune System Function May Reduce Body Odors (vaginal, foot, underarm, etc.) Detoxifies Toxic Halogens like Mercury, Bromides, Fluoride, etc. Reduces harmful effects of radiation exposure Helps correct iodine deficiency in children and expectant mothers Helps balance iodine levels in autistic children

Nascent atomic iodine plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy body. It also plays a part in healthy DNA integrity, supports the immune system, helps with metabolic and endocrine balance, and bolsters cardiovascular health.

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