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Pepa is a taxi driver in Barcelona. In the beginning , one of her neighbors, Senor dies of a heartattack.

Some business men want to buy her apartment but the wife of senor, senora m. will not move. Later that day Senora M. says that there are ghosts in her apartment. That night Senora monsterrat, Pepa and their friend Armando hear scary music from the office of senor but later discover that someone had placed an mp3 behind a painting in the office which reminds her of the business men. Senora M. gives pepa a cd that she found in her house. The cd shows the entrance stairs of the apartment with strange markings of a place in red. Later a man is doing construction on the exact place marked in the plans. The man calls Ariel, the nephew of senora m. and talks about a metal jewelry box hidden under the stairs That night Armando, pepa and their friend raul find the metal jewelry box and ariel appears . Armando calls the police because they now know the story of the ghosts. Sen, m family was rich but had to flee spain because of the civil war so they hid all their jewelry below these stairs and ariel did not want to wait to inherit it all.

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