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A bad day

It was a very rainy dayit was raining cats and dogs! It was way too cold to go outside to play with my children. Is exciting and eventful to be teacher and that day, they had ants in their pants, the y starting jumping off the walls, I said them be quite! Be quite! That day my life wasnt a bowl of cherries. I asked them if they were hungry and they screamed yes, but I just buried my head in the sand like they had planned it. They had planned a food war, I ignored it and went to go to bathroom. When I opened the door a pie came flying into my face, I felt like a dead duck, the children started to make fun of me I just was hit the roof! I was ready to jump down their throat. I sent them to principal office and tried to clean up my clothes, It was the one time when I didnt bring extra clothes and needed them. I thought I was behind the eight ball, but I remembered that I could call my mom so I did. She brought me new clothes. I had no idea what to do. I finally came back to classroom, I found the kids were quite. They really had burned the candle at both ends. We cleaned up the mess together until the eleventh hour and finished just that bad day.

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