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To make it easier to navigate through the walkthrough, I've given each section a code, so press Ctrl + F, then type

in the code to find the section you need...or just read the whole thing! Rhodes and the Colossus Battle [WKTH001] Inside the Colossus [WKTH002] Zeus's betrayal and escaping the Underworld [WKTH003] Flying on Pegasus [WKTH004] Typhon's Mountain [WKTH005] Flying on Pegasus [WKTH006] The Temple of Lahkesis [WKTH007] The Steeds of Time [WKTH008] Acquiring the Amulet of the Fates [WKTH009] Destiny's Atrium [WKTH010] The Bog of the Forgotten [WKTH011] Arriving at the Temple of Euryale [WKTH012] River and Ruins of the Forgotten [WKTH013] Cerberus and the Golden Fleece [WKTH014] Getting to and fighting Euryale [WKTH015] Getting back to Destiny's Atrium...and moving on [WKTH016] Reaching the Courtyard of Atropos [WKTH017] The Edge of Creation [WKTH018] Clearing the way ahead [WKTH019] The Lowlands [WKTH020] The Great Chasm [WKTH021] Atlas [WKTH022] The Palace of the Fates [WKTH023] The First Translator [WKTH024] The Second Translator [WKTH025] Entrance to the Underground [WKTH026] The Phoenix [WKTH027] The Temple of the Fates [WKTH028] Fighting the first two Sisters [WKTH029] Guardians of the Loom Chamber [WKTH030] Clotho [WKTH031] The Summit of Sacrifice [WKTH032] Rallying the Titans [WKTH033] And don't forget the Information Guide at the end! If you want to jump straight to it, here are the codes for each section: Advice Bonus Play Magical Powers Cyclops Eyes Gorgon Eyes Phoenix Feathers Urns of Power Bonus Costumes Arena of the Fates Challenge of the Titans Other unlockables Final Message [INFGD001] [INFGD002] [INFGD003] [INFGD004] [INFGD005] [INFGD006] [INFGD007] [INFGD008] [INFGD009] [INFGD010] [INFGD011] [FIN000]


[WKTH001] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: RHODES <<<<< The game begins in a room with some enemies (more will jump in through a hole in the wall, how annoying!!!) Because you are still a god, your weapons are at maximum level, so take advantage of this by slashing away with mighty combos to deal with the foes. Multiple hit attacks like Cyclone of Chaos work best here. If you want to, press Circle, then press it again or press Triangle to trigger an instant kill sequence. (Or press Square to throw the foe at someone else.) Remember you also have some magical power, so why not use that aswell? Hit the L2 button to activate Poseidon's Rage, and rapidly press Circle to increase damage. Once you have cleared the room of enemies, the men on the other side of the gate will run off, scared. Press R1 then rapidly press Circle to open the gate and head inside. Cut down the enemies in your path, but look out, the Colossus will smash his hand through the wall and grab the three men that ran from you seconds ago. Jump through the hole the hand makes in the wall, open the green chest to replenish health, then climb the ladder and enter the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: THE COLOSSUS ^^^^^ This is going to be a long fight before you kill this beastie; thankfully it's in parts and not all together! It's quite awesome though, better than the Hydra boss battle in the first God of War - well it's got to be, you get to fight one of the Seven Wonders of the World, it's endlessly awesome! The Colossus will smash the balcony you are on, so quickly jump off it and start attacking the enemies there with powerful combos. Just watch out for the Colossus's hand, he loves to smash it down on you, so roll out of the way using the right analog stick if he does so. When his hand is on the platform, slash away at it and he will quickly recoil. Do this a couple of times and soon the Colossus will be stunned and retreat slightly to 'tend to his injuries.' Once he is in this state, jump up to the catapult up on the left and press R1 to fire the rock at him. Open up the chest if you need to, then press R1 again and rapidly press Circle to load the weapon and then throw yourself onto the Colossus. Press the buttons indicated onscreen (be quick, or he'll get the better of you and throw you down onto the platform) and if you are successful you should attack the Colossus's eye and then get chucked across the city to another area. There are going to be quite a lot of these events, where you will have to quickly press indicated buttons to progress with killing whatever boss you're facing, so do be prepared! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>>>>> LOCATION: RHODES BATHHOUSE <<<<< When you get back to normal gameplay after the cutscene, you will find yourself underwater. Surface to find yourself in a circular room with two screens. One of them, if cut down, will reveal two lovely ladies bathing, with a Circle button above their heads. If you want to, approach them and press Circle to trigger a mini-game...I'm not going to go into detail here, I'll just quote, "Praise the gods!" and "Oh, I wasn't done yet!" and hope that will suffice. If you wish to continue with the game, dive back into the pool and swim down to the gate and hold down R1 then release it to smash through the gate. Swim up and break the surface to find yourself in a new area. Swim right and climb the ladder to the save point! SAVE GAME HERE. Activate the lever and wait until a shining white light appears on the rope. This is a grip point; you will come across many during your adventure. They will temporarily transform you into Tarzan, allowing you to swing across large gaps. Press R1 and continue holding it to intensify your swings. Release R1 and double jump onto the ledge then open the gate and head into an area with some soldiers. Dispatch then swiftly then climb the ladder, but be careful! As you approach the barrels the Colossus of Rhodes will return and smash his foot down on you! I told you to be prepared! Rapidly press the circle button to escape! Open the chest if you want then head to the wall and climb up it to the top, to trigger the second part of the boss battle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: THE COLOSSUS ^^^^^ Jump down to face off against old Rusty again. His attacks are the same as before, blocking will be useless here I'm afraid, your best bet is to evade his strikes then counter with combos like Cyclone of Chaos and Plume of Prometheus (to see the button combinations for these combos, press the Start button and cycle through the pages to the list of weapons. Select Athena's Blades and press X to view a list of attacks.) Notice that there is a grip point, allowing you to swing between two platforms, this is a good way of evading its onslaught, but just make sure you aren't swinging when it strikes you, sometimes that will happen and you will plunge to your death. Whenever its arm is on the platform, ATTACK IT! Soon, after three recoils, it will keel over on the balcony opposite to the one you are on, with a circle above its hand. Swing over and press Circle, then press the buttons indicated onscreen to wound the giant. You will have to do this twice, the second time round it will keel over on the other side to where it was before. Just do the same as you did first time round, press Circle then press the indicated buttons to attack the beast and when that's

been done, rapidly press L1 and R1 to escape from the Colossus's crushing grip and get thrown away over the city...again!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: RHODES PALACE <<<<< Open the blue chest if you need to then jump up and open the gate. Run down the passage, ignore the archers for now, and turn right. Head up to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Turn right again and run up the passageway into a large room filled with enemies, some of them archers. Concentrate on them first. Jump and roll towards them and pound them with combos until they succumb. Then strike the other enemies (I'd recommend using a mix of Cyclone of Chaos and Poseidon's Rage) until they're all dead as dodos!!! Now, look around...what do you do now? The answer? Solve your first puzzle!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: GATES AND BUTTONS &&&&& There are two buttons, one on either side of the gate. If Kratos steps on the first button the gate will open! Hurrah! Or maybe not hurrah, since as soon as he steps off, the gate closes! This puzzle can be quite tricky at first, but it's quite simple once you figure it out. Simply go left and grab the statue on the pedestal (it may just be a pedestal, if you used Poseidon's Rage the actual statue might have been destroyed, but that doesn't matter.) Place it on the switch and wait until the gate opens. Then go up behind it and do a charged kick to push it through the door. Quickly roll forwards under the door before it closes! There you go, piece of cake! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@@@@ SPECIAL ITEM: THE URN OF GAIA @@@@@ Don't open the next door yet, drag the statue into the hallway on your right. Kick it forwards to the end of the hall where you will see three chests on a ledge. Make sure the statue is right against the wall. Destroy the actual statue with your blades (unless it has already been destroyed) then jump on top of the remaining block and double jump up to the ledge. The middle chest contains the Urn of Gaia bonus item. If activated during Bonus Play, you will get 10x the number of red orbs you would normally get from killing an enemy or destroying an obstacle! There are six Urns of Power altogether in God of War. Two can only be obtained through Challenge of the Titans and you need to complete the game to unlock that. The other four are hidden inside this game. The Urn of the Gorgons lies behind a wall near the Temple of Euryale, the Urn of Olympus is at the entrance to the lowlands before the Great Chasm, and the Urn of Prometheus

awaits you under the Earth in the lair of the Titan Atlas. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the other two chests aswell then drag and kick the statue back to the room the switch, open the next gate and head inside. Another bunch of infantry and several archers await you, deal with them in the same way as you did last time, until the room is clear. Go to the end of the passage, to your left is a chest containing red power-up orbs and to your right is a lift to another level. Pull the lever and rise up to a small upper hallway with a small window at the end. As you proceed forwards, the Colossus will return and put his eye to the window. Attack it to make the giant withdraw and trigger a cutscene, in which Zeus offers Kratos a special weapon ...but is he doing it because he's nice, or is he doing it because he's nasty? We'll see... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: EASTERN RAMPARTS <<<<< Climb and jump up to the top of the small wall and eliminate the soldiers and archers there. More will keep jumping up at you from below, so kill as many as you like and when you've had enough, continue up to the door and open it. Grab the chest goodies then attack the window and smash it. Head outside and before you will be narrow planks of wood, leading to a save point on the right. It's not worth the effort to cross just yet, with soldiers and archers below you. Jump down and wipe out all the enemies before crossing the planks. As you cross, there are two hidden chests on the right. Double jump towards them and open them, before heading to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Climb up the ladder and head into the next room. Slide down the chain, kill the enemies that appear there, open the chests then head outside again. Be prepared! As you cross the bridge the Colossus will smash it to pieces, but a couple of well-timed double jumps should get you across safely. The boss will smash his hand down on the platform making cracks, from which blue flames will spurt and damage you. Avoid these and head towards the chunk of metal on the ground, which is the Colossus's missing hand. Press R1 and throw it at him, then head towards the blade and hold down R1. Ping! All your orbs are gone, oh no! The Colossus will then come to its senses and start another rampage. Attack his hand when it's on the platform to stun him, just like before. When he's stunned, return to the blade and hold R1 again. You will need to do this a couple of times. The first time, the blade will drain all your magic, then the third time it will lower your health bar to the lowest level. All this represents Kratos draining his godly powers into the sword, as instructed by Zeus. When you are finally rendered mortal, you will successfully pull out the Blade of Olympus. Run up to the Colossus's forearm and furiously attack it until he recoils and a Circle appears above his head. At this point, press Circle to

enter the Colossus...yes, you heard me, ENTER the Colossus! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH002] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: INSIDE THE COLOSSUS OF RHODES <<<<< Wow! This place is pretty darn big! And a bit stuffy too! Ah well, make your way up the wooden walkway, eliminating the enemies. Watch out for falling debris and DO NOT TOUCH the glowing blue bars as they will hurt you badly! Head to the centre where there is a vertical blue bar and press R1 to drain the blue energy into the Blade. Continue up the walkway to a dead end. Jump onto the scaffolding and climb up. A single soldier will head towards you, raising his blade and... Luckily, the wood under him collapses at that very moment. The soldier plummets to his death, while you must jump up and grab the zipwire above your head and cross it to the other side. Continue up, eliminating the soldiers and walk across the narrow plank to where it crosses another. The way ahead is blocked by a blue bar, so head left, open the health chest if you need to, then head for the vertical blue bar once again. This time, you will need to break the chains with the Blade before you can press R1 again and drain more energy. Return to the crossplanks (haha, crossplanks!) and you will see that the blue bar has gone. Lucky you! Go forward and head for the scaffolding on the other side. Climb up it to the top and eliminate the enemies there, then head for the centre and sidle round the platform clockwise. When you reach the blue bar blocking your way, press R1 to drop down and go under it, then press X to haul yourself back up. Jump onto the wooden floor, attack the chains in the middle and drain more power. Before you climb up the rope, head over to the wall to see some scaffolding. Climb up it and open the chest to claim your first Gorgon Eye! Collecting six of these will increase your health! Similarly, Phoenix Feathers will increase your magic. Return to the wooden platform and climb up the rope into the Colossus's head! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE GIANT'S HEAD <<<<< Jump from platform to platform and you will finally reach a large platform next to the giant's mouth. Climb up the ladder and you will be on a small platform with a lever, a zipline and a pendulum hanging down. Time for another puzzle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: THE SWINGING PENDULUM &&&&& Pull the lever to lower the pendulum to the platform down below. Jump or climb down and hit the pendulum with the Blade to make it swing. Climb back up the ladder and pull the lever again to raise the pendulum. The pendulum will slowly swing back and forth, occasionally swinging in front of one of the eyes and blocking the blue energy going to it.

Jump up onto the zipline and wait for the pendulum to block the energy going to the eye closest to you. When the energy is blocked, press X to quickly move along the zipline to the middle. Wait for the pendulum to block out the other eye and cross to the other side. Jump down and make your way round to the centre, to drain the last of the energy. Well done! You did it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, it's a race against time, otherwise you'll DIE!!! (Wow, I made that sound so dramatic!) Quickly jump from platform to crumbling platform and escape the Colossus through its mouth. An explosion from the head will finish off that old tin can! Congratulations, you just beat your first boss! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH003] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: EASTERN RAMPARTS <<<<< Unfortunately, Kratos is so full of himself and not paying attention to anything around him that he is crushed by the Colossus's hand as it falls. Spitting out blood (lovely!) he must reach the Blade of Olympus! It doesn't help that all his soldiers are gathered round, how humiliating! Approach the Blade to trigger a cutscene, in which the eagle that stole Kratos's power and gave it to the Colossus in the first cutscene reveals itself as none other than Zeus! It turns out that he offered you the Blade of Olympus because he's nasty! After a brief conversation, you will find yourself fighting the King of the Gods himself, but unfortunately, however much you try, you get OWNED!!! Another cutscene follows, in which Zeus stabs Kratos with the Blade, killing him. The Arms of Hades drag him under the ground and slowly pull him down towards the River Styx, but he is saved by the Titan Gaia, who gives him new strength and offers an alliance. We then return to normal gameplay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: HADES <<<<< Climb up the wall and attack the Arms of Hades to release green health orbs and red power-up orbs. Jump over the gap to the right and then climb up to the very top to escape the Underworld. Approach the save point in the corner. SAVE GAME HERE. Now go and investigate the soldiers. One is still alive - press R1 to talk to him and trigger a cutscene. The soldier is ordered by Kratos to return to Sparta, and then they are interrupted by the arrival of Pegasus! Save your game again if you like then approach Pegasus and press R1 to take to the skies! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH004] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>>>>>FLYING ON PEGASUS<<<<< After Gaia has finished talking to you, you will be able to control Pegasus with the left analog stick. Griffins will attack you, avoid their energy balls and attack them when they're close (remember, you can use the Dash Slams, but the Forward Dash Slam uses up magic power.) I would recommend using Light Attacks as opposed to Heavy Attacks, as with Heavy Attacks they are more likely to retreat and shoot energy balls at you. This was mentioned in the walkthrough I used and it happened when I played through, so I'm telling you now, Light Attacks are better to use here! When a Circle appears above a griffin's head, press it to trigger a small kill sequence. You must kill four griffins to proceed. When that's done, a raven will swoop down from the darkness. Use the Forward Dash Slam and then press the button indicated onscreen to jump onto the raven. Rapidly press circle to break its neck and send it plummeting to Earth. A rider will then approach on a large bird. As you head towards a snowy mountain, the rider will fire blasts of energy at you. Avoid them unfortunately the last one is impossible to avoid, so let it hit you and then rapidly shake the left analog stick left and right as indicated on screen to stay airborne and enter Typhon's lair! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH005] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: LAIR OF THE TITAN <<<<< Does anyone remember Typhon from Greek Myth? The huge hundred-headed serpent fella? Well in the God of War Universe, Typhon is one of the Titans, a huge icy brute who, like in Greek Myth, is imprisoned inside a mountain. Typhon ain't very happy at your arrival and so will blow you away from him. Kill the bats if you want and pass through the chamber with the furnace and into a small cavern which houses Typhon's right hand, which will then trap Pegasus! Kill the harpies and then jump down to level ground. Ignore the fingers just now, run round to the right and climb down to a ledge with two chests. One has a Gorgon Eye, the other contains red orbs. If you have enough orbs to power your weapons, do so now. Press Start and select Athena's Blades, then hold down X to power it up. It will tell you how many orbs you need under the weapon name. When you're done, climb back up. Now for the fingers. Attack the middle finger (LOL) to move it out of the way. Go round to the left to see a wall that you can scale. Jump onto it and climb down. Some enemies will appear and attack you - the best way to deal with any enemy on a wall is to press Circle, which makes Kratos grab them, smash them into the wall a couple of times then chuck them off. Make your way along the wall, jump over the gap and climb up to the ceiling. Move along the ceiling, killing the enemies along the way, and descend at the other side back onto level ground, and a save point. SAVE GAME HERE.

Make your way down the passage. You will come across a minotaur (the first one of the game, this breed is called the Erebus Minotaur) and some harpies. I always find that the best way to deal with bats and harpies is to use Circle to grab them and kill them that way. For the minotaur, use any combos you've gained from powering up (for instance Rampage of the Furies) and when prompted, press Circle and then rapidly press Circle to finish it off! Continue down the path to the end and open the red orb chest. Backtrack slightly and go over to the right. Smash the cage and cross to the other side using the zipline. Continue down the passage and head outside to a snowstorm! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE SNOWY CLIFFS <<<<< Destroy the scaffolding with combos and Heavy Attacks to bring down the archers perched on them, then finish them off with grab attacks. An Erebus Minotaur will also be present, deal with it the way you dealt with the last one, but remember to stay evasive as you fight it. A dead minotaur will release health and magic orbs aswell as red ones, so you get quite a good prize for killing them. Once you have dealt with the minotaur, two more will appear. If you are playing Titan Mode, several additional ones will appear, so be prepared for a long fight! With the area clear of enemies, jump up at the small cliff near the edge and sidle to the left, then jump up. Go down the zipwire and run along Typhon's left arm. Approach the huge bird and the man to trigger a slightly gory cutscene, in which the bird eats the man's internal organs (lovely!) - I bet you can guess who this man is! Correct, Prometheus! Poor guy. He begs you to release him from his torment, and so when the cutscene is finished, slash at the chains binding him. He will drop down between two of Typhon's fingers and dangle above a furnace, which he begs you to burn him in. ...Okay... You will not be able to do so just yet, so go round the furnace and you will be shown the road ahead. Climb down the wall, killing the enemies the usual way, and then kill the guys near the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Go round the path and kill more enemies. Collect the Gorgon Eye, but don't even TRY to cross the bridge, you WILL fall down and die. Instead, climb up the wall and enter the doorway, back into the mountain. Gosh, rescuing Pegasus is taking FOREVER!!! Don't worry, you will succeed eventually! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: TYPHON'S CAVERNOUS PRISON <<<<< Go down the passage and open the chests. Go to the end of the path and swing to the other side with the grip point. If you want to get to the chest behind the bars, go to the right and take the zipline back to where you were, but press R1 before you land on the ground. This will make you swing over to the grip point and from there to the cage, which will now be open. Open the chest to get your first Phoenix Feather! Now, continue up the path into a circular arena. Time for a battle! A gorgon will slither out of nowhere and advance menacingly on you! Use quick attacks

and evasion rolls if she tries to use her gaze! Another method, which I used, is to approach her and hold down the Triangle button to launch both of you into the air. When airborne, press Circle to slam the gorgon back to the ground. Do this a few times and a Circle will appear above her head. Also, I will mention: when she's airborne, it is possible to attack her before you slam! After pressing Triangle, why not try getting in with a quick combo like Cyclone of Chaos or Rampage of the Furies (I always find this one works better) before pressing Circle to slam her back down to the ground. When prompted, rotate the left analog stick 180 degrees in the indicated direction and then again in the specified direction, this time 360 degrees, to decapitate the creature! Two more gorgons will then appear. Forget my launch-and-slam strategy when they're both present, it will only work on one at a time and if the other one turns you to stone in mid-air, you're screwed! Deal with one of the gorgons and concentrate ONLY on that one, while avoiding the other one. Use fast Light Attacks, or combos if you wish, but stay evasive to avoid getting immobilised. Once one of the gorgons is dead, either deal with the other one the same way, or use my launch-and-slam strategy if you so wish. When the area is clear, smash the shining ice pillar to continue on to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Typhon's huge head will soon be visible. When the World's Largest Refrigerator sees you, with a glint in his eye, he will begin blowing gusts of icy wind at you, which will slowly push you back and, if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, off the platform altogether! Wait until he stops to take a breath and then run to the next safety spot (where his gusts can't reach you.) Keep doing this, and eventually reach the other side. Deal with the harpies the usual way (grab!) and then run up to an open space (avoiding more gusts!) with a shining ice pillar and a passage leading off the screen in the bottom left corner. Head down this passage into a room with a furnace in it, where enemies will attack! And they will keep coming! All you need to do here is use Circle to grab them then use Square to chuck them into the furnace. Throw five into the flames to melt the ice and reveal four chests for you to open! The one on the far right contains a Phoenix Feather. Exit the area back to the open space and attack the shining ice pillar. Press R1 to knock it down and run up it to find yourself face to eye with Typhon. Press R1 again to jump towards him and stab his eye, obtaining your first new magical power in the process! Magic's back! Woohoo! It is Typhon's Bane, a magical bow which can fire blasts of wind to damage enemies near and far. When it's at its maximum level, you can summon a huge tempest to wipe out groups of enemies! Cool! Use Typhon's Bane on the Titan's other eye, blinding him, then head back down the bridge. Enemies will appear on the ground, and several archers will appear in the distance. Use your new power to deal with the archers, but don't use it on the soldiers, there are a few more archers to kill yet!

Use melee attacks on the soldiers then go to the right where you will be shown three grip points...and three archers! Shoot them before swinging! Destroy the rubble and return to the save point! SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE SNOWY CLIFFS <<<<< Head back to the snowy outdoors. Before heading back to Prometheus, return to the broken bridge and use Typhon's Bane to shoot a cage containing a grip point. Swing over and open up the chests, one of which has a Gorgon Eye! Then, return to Prometheus. Shoot him with the Typhon's Bane and he will drop into the furnace. Goodbye! Well, for him anyway. When he is dead, you will gain a new power, not a magical power, more like a special ability! Rage of the Titans! A new red meter will appear in the bottom right of the screen. This is your Rage of the Titans meter. When it is near full, you can press both analog sticks to burst into flame! Your attacks will be more powerful, you will take less damage and you are immune to stuns and knockback! Sweeeeeeeeet! Activate your new power and attack the Erebus Minotaurs that appear. Don't bother using Rage when fighting the soldiers, they're nothing special. Concentrate on the minotaurs where Rage is concerned and when the area is clear, open up the nearby magic chest and then continue! Clamber up onto the ledge and use Typhon's Bane on the huge pole thingy to lower a climbable rope. Climb up it (duhhh!) but don't take the zipline yet, there are TWO secret areas around here! To get to the first, scale the wall to the right of the zipslide and go across To get to the second area, return to the zipline and you will see a rope hanging down. Jump onto it and climb down. Enter another small cavern to grab the goods, one of which is a Gorgon Eye! Now you can take the zipline, but be warned, there are a few enemies on the zipline to the left into a small cavern with some chests. One has a Phoenix Feather for you to grab. with you! Eliminate them and continue along the zipline to the end. Jump down and you will be back where you fought the minotaurs and the archers on the scaffolding. A new chest will be there, to refill your Rage of the Titans meter. If you have any Rage left, I strongly recommend using it to smash down the door BEFORE opening the chest, as you will need most, if not all, of your Rage to free Pegasus from Typhon's hand! , just slash away with your blades and it will recharge, but be quick! Typhon will put his fingers back down after a while and you will have to attack them Return to the hand trapping Pegasus and activate Rage. Attack each of the fingers in turn and Pegasus will be free! (If you run out of Rage in the process all again!!!) Once Pegasus is free, go up to it and press R1 to make like prawns in the midday sun, and GO OFF!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[WKTH006] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>FLYING ON PEGASUS<<<<< More flying! Fly out of the mountain and a small cutscene will introduce you to the Island of Creation. Again, you will be attacked by griffins, some of them with riders, but harpies are joining in this time! Deal with the griffins the same way as you did last time. When three are dead, the rider you encountered last time will return! Keep using Light Attacks and eventually the steed will fly ahead and it will be more avoiding energy blasts, but this time ALL of them can be avoided. Dodge a few blasts and then the kill sequence will begin. You cannot afford to muck up, so stay focused and press the buttons indicated onscreen to finish off rider and steed. Then, Kratos will fall from the skies, press the button indicated before he plummets to his death! If done correctly, he will be on a wall when normal gameplay resumes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH007] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: TEMPLE OF LAHKESIS <<<<< Climb up the wall to the top. Head right to find a save point next to a ladder. SAVE GAME HERE. Before ascending the ladder, go back round to where you climbed up and continue left to find a narrow path leading to a couple of chests, one of which has a Phoenix Feather. Climb up the ladder and scale the wall/ ceiling to the next level. Kill the soldiers, then climb up the next ladder and emerge into a large open space filled with hounds! Aaah, scary! No worries, instead of wasting time attacking with combos, simply run up to each hound and use Circle to grab them and damage them that way. (If you like, after grabbing a hound you may press Square to throw it at another hound, stunning both.) The hounds won't be able to damage you while you're grabbing, so it's much easier to deal with them this way. Now, run over to the circular platform and pull the lever to descend to a lower level. Another puzzle awaits! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: TWO GATES AND A CORPSE &&&&& If you step on the button, the first gate will open. If you pull the door lever, the other gate will open. You can't do both at once, so return to the upper courtyard where the hounds were and run over to the other side to the window. Open the chests and then look around - what do you see? Correct, hanging bodies.

One of them still has flesh, attack him to cut him down then press R1 to pick him up. Return to the lever, put the body down, then activate the lever to descend to the lower level. Put the body on the button to open the first gate and then pull the door lever to open the second gate. Now get through both gates before the second one closes! Done all of that? Well done, you solved the puzzle! What do you want, a trophy or something? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter the next courtyard and kick down the wooden bridge at the end. Emerge into the open to trigger a cutscene, during which you are introduced to the actual Island and told that you must find a way across! Don't worry about that for now, that comes a bit later. Backtrack a bit, but don't go back through into the courtyard. You will see two narrow ledges just before the gateway. The one on the right leads to a chest with a Gorgon Eye, so go and grab it! It's the sixth in the game, so expect a health meter increase if you've been collecting them all! Then head to the other ledge and go round it. Be careful, the ledge will start to collapse, but as with the bridge the Colossus smashed, a couple of welltimed double jumps will get you across! Jump down into the courtyard and prepare for battle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: CERBERUS ^^^^^ The first Cerberus fight of the game awaits you here, there are several to fight during the course of the game. Some small hounds accompany this brute and we all know how to deal with hounds, don't we? Grab each of them and use Square to chuck them at the hellhound. If you're low on health, kill the small hounds to release green orbs. To bring down Cerberus, after chucking hounds at it, go for it with any combos you've gained up to this point, but remember to evade or block if it tries to attack you. Eventually a Circle will appear above its head, so press Circle and then mash the Circle button to pull off the first head. Repeat this twice more to remove all three heads and kill the demon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next, go over to the right to see three statues in the wall. Attack the statue furthest from where Cerberus appeared to bring down a pedestal. Drag and kick it to the ledge from which the beast jumped, then jump up to the next level and approach the first save point in a while! SAVE GAME HERE. Next to the save point is a small gap in the wall that you can squeeze through. Do so, then go round to the right and jump onto the wall. Go right and then down to the bottom of the wall. Run round to see two chests and a ladder. Open the chests then climb up the ladder and attach yourself to the ceiling. Move along the ceiling, killing the

enemies the usual way (remember how? That's right, grab!) Go right to the other side of the ceiling then climb up onto level ground. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: UPPER GARDEN <<<<< As soon as you're up, more hounds and some soldiers will appear. Some archers will also appear across the gap. Deal with the hounds the normal way, go for combos on the soldiers and use Typhon's Bane to deal with the archers. Then, run up to the door, turn left and double jump across the gap to where the archers were. Go round and head into the next courtyard. A few more enemies will appear here as you head towards the doorway, so get them out of the way before pulling the lever and descending into a circular room with nothing but a green health chest. Nothing, eh? That's what you think. As you head towards the chest a Siren will materialise next to the stone door. Watch out for her shriek attack! Be on your guard for this battle and use your evasion skills to stay out of trouble! The launch-and-slam strategy will work well here, if you want to use it. Once a Circle appears above her head, press it to finish her off! The door will crack slightly. You need to kill three Sirens in this way to blast open the door, but don't exit yet. Instead, go over to the right hand wall, and climb onto one of the ledges on either side of the massive chain. Go up the chain and jump up onto the ceiling and go along it to the other end, destroying any obstacles in your way. At the far end, jump down and open up the chests there to grab the goods! One of them is a Gorgon Eye. Now you can get outta there! Go back to the cracked door and exit through it to get your first proper view of the awe-inspiring Steeds of Time! (In my opinion, the second coolest thing in the game after Atlas! Typhon comes close behind in third place.) Open up the magic chest and then go and save! SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH008] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE STEEDS OF TIME <<<<< Done that? Good! Now it's time to pay the Steeds a visit! Run along the huge chain right to the end between two of the steeds. Turn left and climb up to the large balcony. Go round to the other side and pull the lever to lower a zipline. Quickly run back and hop on the zipline to cross over to another balcony. Approach the bloke at the door to trigger a cutscene - it's Theseus! He now serves the Fates as the Horsekeeper for the glory of Zeus! He thinks it's very amusing indeed that you want to kill Zeus and challenges you to a fight, your two small blades against his huge, glowing, double-bladed spear!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: THESEUS ^^^^^ Many (including me when I fought him the first time round) think that this guy's a pain to beat, but with the right tactics he's not that hard. Your main path to victory is quick, but powerful attacks such as Plume of Prometheus and Rampage of the Furies, and BLOCKING! Attack him quickly, then when he is about to strike, block! Then go for him again and keep on with that strategy. Sometimes he will grab you and you are required to rotate the analog stick in a specified direction - if you do this, Kratos will grab the spear and throw Theseus to the ground. If not, it's vice versa! Eventually, he will retreat and clamber up to the smaller balcony above the doorway. Activate Typhon's Bane and fire at him non-stop until you've run out of magic. Roll to the side to avoid his own blasts of magic. Soon, Theseus will start summoning Erebus Minotaurs to the balcony. This can actually work in your favour, abandon Theseus and attack the minotaurs in the usual way (he will summon two at a time, so remember to concentrate on one ONLY, before going for the other one!) Remember that minotaurs release green health orbs, blue magic orbs AND red power-up orbs all at once! When you have some magic, quickly activate Typhon's Bane again and keep shooting at Theseus. Keep killing the minotaurs he summons and shooting Theseus when there are no minotaurs present. Eventually, Theseus will hang from the doorway with a Circle above his head. Press Circle to trigger a very gruesome kill sequence. Once Kratos takes the Horsekeeper's Key from him, rapidly press the Circle button to smash his face in with the door and finish him off good and proper! Yes, I agree, very disgusting! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before heading inside, go to the right of the balcony and climb all the way down to a small ledge with two chests, one of which holds a Gorgon Eye. Go back up to the balcony and go inside the door. Open up the chests there, then exit the room to the left or right. Climb up to the very top of the balcony, (remembering to search for chests on the way, because you won't be coming back here!) and take the zipline back to the other balcony. Open the gate there with the Horsekeeper's Key and head inside. Approach the mantle and press R1 to trigger a cutscene where a spiritual form of the Titan Cronos appears and gives Kratos a new magical power! Cronos's Rage is an electrical energy attack, great for damaging and stunning multiple enemies. At its maximum level, it strikes more enemies, does more damage and its core explodes! Awesome! Try it out on the enemies that appear in the room and then exit to the left and climb up to the top of the balcony. SAVE GAME HERE. Go to the right of the upper balcony and head down the stairs, then down the pathway to the end. There is a chest with a Phoenix Feather waiting for you. Return to the save point. From there, head left towards the long pathway running between the steeds and run up it to the front of the Steeds of Time.

At the end of the long path, you will see four coloured levers in front of you. Each one corresponds to the energy source on a different steed. Fortunately, the order the levers are is the same as the order the Steeds are in, for instance the lever on the far left will affect the energy source of the Steed on the far left. Isn't that nice! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: AWAKENING THE STEEDS OF TIME &&&&& First off, pull the GREEN lever round as far as it will go. It will slowly return to its initial position, so be quick and climb up the rein to the left. Head up to the top of the steed to find a green energy source. Press R1 to place the Horsekeeper's Key on it and the harpy roosting on it will take off and float between two of the steeds. Notice the grip point on its feet... Below the green energy source, go down the steps to a chest with a Gorgon Eye in it. Return to the levers and this time pull the RED lever (if the capital letters are annoying you, then too bad, it's to make the colours stand out - makes it easier.) Head up to the steed on your right and press R1 at the red energy source. The little harpy will take off and float between the other two steeds. This time, pull the YELLOW lever round as far as it will go. Climb up to where the green energy source is, but this time, go past it. Jump and swing from the harpy's grip point and head up to the yellow energy source. You know what to do. Can you guess what to do now? Correct, turn the BLUE lever round as far as it will go and head over to the red energy source, but ignore it and swing over to the steed on the far right. Press R1 as usual next to the energy source and then return to the levers for the final part. Press R1 and prepare to awaken the Steeds! You will be moved back on your platform to between the two middle Steeds. Go forward and press R1 and then rotate the analog stick in the directions indicated onscreen (you will need to rotate it five times!) and then sit back and watch the cutscene where the Steeds awaken and charge forwards, pulling the Island of Creation forwards at the same time, the result being that the Island is now reachable from the Temple where you have been all this time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the balcony and save! SAVE GAME HERE. Now drop down to the bigger balcony below (hey, alliteration, I like it!) and you will have to face some enemies! Destroy them all to unlock the gates and work your way back up the huge chain towards the Temple and the Island. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: TEMPLE OF LAHKESIS <<<<<

At the end of the chain, climb up onto the wall and destroy the rubble. Climb up and head round the ledge to find a save point. SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH009} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE DIVINE POOLS <<<<< Enter the divine pools and kill the harpies there. Be careful, these ones like to self-destruct! Once they are gone, head to the back of the room and destroy the cracked wall behind the waterfall to reveal a red orb chest. Now climb up to the upper ledge and turn right, to find another red orb chest at the end of the ledge. Go back and jump over to the other ledge. Keep going left and jump onto the outside balcony. Climb onto the wall and scale it to the far left, where you will see three chests (one of which has a Gorgon Eye) on a secret ledge (two are in the alcove and the third is hidden round the corner at the end of the ledge.) Return to the wall and go all the way down to the bottom and then head left. Go round and smash the wall to reveal a Phoenix Feather in a chest - the sixth so far in the game, so if you've been collecting them all, expect a magic meter increase! Woohoo! Go back up the wall, about halfway and go left to reach another balcony. Go round and kill the harpies (more self-destructing ones, I'm afraid!) Open the chest on the far side of the balcony then run up to the doors and kick them open! Time for another puzzle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: THE AMULET OF THE FATES &&&&& At the far end of the hall is a huge statue with a glowing green light on it. In front of you is a switch. If you step on it, the statue lowers its hands and then raises them again when you step off. Jump down to the lower room to begin solving the puzzle. First off, at the end of the room closest to the entrance you came in from, there is another switch. Right at the bottom of the screen are two chests, one on the left and one on the right of the small alcove. Open them up to get a Gorgon Eye and a Phoenix Feather. If you step on the switch, pillars will rise allowing you to get back to the upper level, but they will lower themselves when you step off... Go forwards into the pool and drag the huge centrepiece out of the way to reveal a hole. Dive down, smash the barrier using a Swim Dash and swim through it. Surface to find yourself in a room with a smaller statue with the same shining green light. Approach the statue and press R1 to get the Amulet of the Fates, which will enable you to slow down time, while you move at normal speed! Nice! Return to

the room with the pillars and step on the switch to raise them. Activate the Amulet of the Fates by holding down L1 and pressing R1. Time will slow down, but when the new yellow meter below the magic one runs out, the effects will wear off and everything will move at normal speed. As soon as you have activated the Amulet, step off the switch and jump up onto one of either sets of pillars to get back up to the upper level. (If you want a Gorgon Eye, choose the right hand pillars. On the highest pillar, smash the cracked wall on the right to reveal a chest with a Gorgon Eye in it.) Run back towards the entrance and step on the button to make the statue lower her hands. Activate the Amulet again, run forwards and jump onto the hands. Allow yourself to be lifted up and a cutscene will start, during which the statue TALKS TO YOU! Scary!!! When the cutscene has finished, attack the statue's head to knock it through the window. Then jump down onto the ledge, grab the goods from the two chests (one at either end of the semi-circular balcony - the one on the left has a Phoenix Feather) then jump out the window into the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: OUTER GARDENS <<<<< When you're outside, some harpies will appear along with two new enemies, called wraiths, who can be a pain to defeat if you're not prepared. Block their attacks and cut them down with combos. Two more wraiths will appear during the course of the battle. Deal with the harpies the normal way, then destroy the statue head and continue on. There is a health chest at the end of the bridge. If, during the battle, your health is low, you may destroy the statue head while the enemies are still there, they can't follow you down the bridge, allowing you to get to the health chest without any trouble. Go left and right to open the chests at either end (one on the right balcony has a Gorgon Eye) and then descend one of the ladders into the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH010] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: DESTINY'S ATRIUM <<<<< Think you're going to get out of here without a fight? Think again, a few hounds and a big mean cyclops will appear in the centre of the atrium. Oh no! Be on your guard! Grab the hounds as normal to kill them. Where the cyclops is concerned, use quick and powerful combos, but stay on the evasive side as it loves to knock you to the ground and then beat the s**t out of you! The best combo is the Plume of Prometheus (Square, Square, Triangle) which is a quick, but powerful combo, which will enable you to damage the beast then roll out of the way. When the cyclops is dead, two more will appear. If you have any Rage, use it! This will stop you being knocked back by their ground pounding attacks! Also use magic and combos to help kill them and as with all the times there's two of the enemy, concentrate on one before turning your attention to the other! Once the area is clear, a new pathway will open up with a wall that shoots fireballs. Ignore it, you can't go that way yet! It's

time for another puzzle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: REFLECTION, REFLECTION, EXPLOSION &&&&& Hopefully by now, a cutaway will have shown you a large statue head firing magic energy from its eyes and impeding your progress. It's time to stop that energy! There are four ladders in the atrium: the one you came down, the one opposite and two more opposite each other near to the statue head. Climb up the one on the right and head into the small courtyard. There is a lever, a wooden ledge and a statue tucked away in the wall. Pull the lever to lower the wooden ledge and drag the statue onto it. Pull the lever again to raise the ledge and jump up onto it. Charge up a kick to throw the statue towards the huge stone head. Go down to the statue and drag it into the small depression in front of the nearest eye to block the energy. Head over to the opposite courtyard where you will find another statue. Drag that one in front of the other eye to trigger a small cutscene where the energy is reflected back upon the statue head and it blows up! Woohoo! Jump down and go over to the save point just outside the atrium. SAVE GAME HERE. Head out into the wilderness! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH011] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: BOG OF THE FORGOTTEN <<<<< Continue down the path to trigger a cutscene where a huge charges out of nowhere. It turns out you have met before. yourself being dragged along the ground behind the horse. buttons to avoid being injured along the way. Eventually, arena where the battle begins! man on a horse You then find Press the onscreen you will reach an

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: THE BARBARIAN KING ^^^^^ This battle takes a lot of skill to get through without losing all your health. You will need to stay evasive, particularly for the first part. The Barbarian King will charge round the battlefield. Sometimes he will shoot arrows at you, other times he will try and ride you down with his mighty steed. Dodge his attacks and slash away at the horse when it's close enough. I always use Cyclone of Chaos for this and it works fine for me, but other combos and some magic will work just as well. When a Circle appears over the horse, press it and trigger the dismounting and horse-killing sequence! Now, the Barbarian King is on his feet, here comes the main part of the fight. His hammer is pretty powerful, slow but mighty, so stay evasive! He has

several attacks including a double swing attack with his hammer, pounding the ground to create a shockwave and the ability to summon barbarian zombies. Get in there with powerful combos, and then roll out of the way or block if he tries to attack you. If you have Rage in your Rage of the Titans meter, use it. When he starts summoning the dead barbarians, kill them to replenish your magic and health and then continue weakening the Barbarian King. Now here is where I'm a bit confused. The walkthrough I used to help me with the game said that they hadn't encountered this next occurrence on Normal Mode, only on Titan, but when I played Normal Mode, I DID encounter it...not only that, I encountered it on Easy aswell! Weird! Anyhoo, whether you encounter it or not, read through this short bit anyway, just in case it ever does happen. After a while, the Barbarian King will grow to more than double his original height. Just continue pounding him with combos and evade his strikes and he should soon shrink back to normal size. It will take a while, but eventually the familiar Circle will appear above the Barbarian King's head, you know, the one that means, "I'm weak - KILL ME NOW!" Do so, press Circle and when Kratos grabs the hammer, mash the circle button to get it off him. Then press the indicated buttons to finish off the brute! Some enemies will then appear in the arena. Smash them to pieces with your new weapon. This hammer is quite slow, but powerful when it hits. When it's upgraded, you can summon souls to attack your enemies! Nice! With the area clear, jump and swing from the grip point and continue into the wilderness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH012] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: TEMPLE OF EURYALE <<<<< Don't go too close to the door with the gorgon face on it, it will fire green energy and turn you to stone! Instead, go round to the right and find the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Continue round, avoiding the lava and emerge into an open space with a dead body and a door high in the rocky wall in the distance. A small cutscene will occur where a couple of minotaurs drag a screaming soldier into the doorway! Spooky! Approach the dead body and press R1 to obtain Euryale's Key. Eliminate the enemies that appear. Go back to the temple entrance and go round to the left. Kill the skeleton warriors with the Barbarian Hammer and then use Euryale's Key on the locked door. There are two well-hidden chests here - the first is in the bottom right corner of the small arena where you fought the skeletons, with a Gorgon Eye inside it, and the second is just inside the door on the right. Grab the goods and open the health chest before continuing down the path. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[WKTH013] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: RUINS OF THE FORGOTTEN <<<<< Some little dude will jump out from nowhere, this is known as a Beast Lord, and it's a pretty nasty fella, because when it appears it blows a horn, summoning a huge Cyclops Berserker to the area. Deal with it the same way as you did the other cyclopes, but remember to also kill the other enemies aswell! If you want to dismount the cyclops riders, run up to the beast and press Circle, then rotate the analog stick to pull the guy off his steed. When a Circle appears above the cyclops's head, press it to trigger the kill sequence. Press the buttons indicated onscreen to pull out its eye. If you collect 20 Cyclops Eyes, you can unlock the General Kratos costume to use during Bonus Play. Once the Cyclops Berserker has gone, another will appear along with more Beast Lords. Use any Rage you have on the cyclops and then use combos on the other enemies to clear the area. Next, run over to the wobbly courtyard surrounded by pillars. Head over to the doorway there and pull the coffin thingy forward and out of the way. Open up the gate as normal and pass through. Make your way down the passage. On your right, you will soon see a tied-up block of cement. Jump onto it and jump up to see another cement block. Zap that block with Cronos's Rage to destroy it and reveal a chest with a Phoenix Feather. The lower block, when destroyed, reveals a red orb chest. Now, continue down the path. When you get to a junction, go left and run all the way down to the end of the passage to find a couple of chests. Open them, then return to the junction and take the other passage straight on into a cavernous area. Jump down into the circular pit to encounter some wraiths and a few harpies. Use a combination of magic and combos for the wraiths, and deal with the harpies in the usual manner. Destroy the rock formation in the middle to get some red orbs and reveal a grip point above. Climb back out of the pit and swing over to the other side. Continue into the next cave and swing over the red lake into the next area. On your right is a ladder, climb up it and cross to the other side using the zipwire, eliminating the enemies along the way. Open up the chests you find at the other end (one has a Gorgon Eye, the fifteenth one of the game so far) and then jump down and continue down the path. Cross over the red water using the stepping-stones and you will encounter three archers, much more deadly than any you've encountered so far. They will shoot exploding arrows at you, so be on your guard - block and evade as necessary. The two archers on either side of the middle one will succumb to Typhon's Bane, but be careful, they like to crawl towards you and blow up! To bring down the middle archer, head over to the pillar supporting him and press R1, then rapidly press L1 and R1 to bring the pillar - and the archer down. Dispatch the fella and then continue into the next area for another puzzle! Hooray! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: THE DEAD MAN'S TEST &&&&&

...Took me a while to think of that title, it'll do, thank you Pirates of the Caribbean 2! Anyway, in front of you is a circular room with three gates and a button in the centre. Here's what to do: search for the lever in the upper right wall and activate it to lower the gate on the right. Go inside and destroy the wall to reveal a couple of enemies and a small flowing stream. Next, go over to the mostly-opened gate on the left and jump inside. Destroy that wall to reveal the same stream. Go back to the alcove behind the gate on the right and pick up the corpse. Drop it down into the flowing water. Now, return to the alcove behind the gate on the left and wait for the body to appear. When it does, pick it up and plonk it on the switch in the alcove. Go back out to the main chamber, but don't step on the switch yet. When you entered the room you may have seen two chests high in the wall to the right of the exit. Want to get to them? Use Typhon's Bane to reveal a grip point above. Jump up and swing up to the ledge to grab the goods, one of which is the sixteenth Gorgon Eye! Jump back down to level ground and step on the big switch to open the exit doorway. Quickly run through and head for the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: RIVER OF THE FORGOTTEN <<<<< In front of you is a red river with three circular platforms on it. Make sure you have Cronos's Rage as your selected magical power! Jump onto the first wheel and start pushing the lever round the outside of the circle. As you do so, enemies will jump onto the wheel and attack. If you release the lever, the wheel will start to float back to its original position, so use Cronos's Rage to stun them and continue pushing the lever until it is next to the second platform. Jump onto the second wheel and do the same thing to move it down the river until it is next to the third wheel. Again, use Cronos's Rage to deal with the enemies. Jump onto the third platform and then again onto the riverbank. Head up into the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: TITAN MINOTAUR ^^^^^ Head towards the huge rock on the other side of the arena. Bloody hell, it came to life! The huge brute's quite tough, so stay evasive while using Heavy Attacks and powerful combos to chop away at its health. Its main attacks are a ground pound and a rapid spin attack. He also likes to throw rocks occasionally, so make sure you avoid them! Not much else to say here, just keep slashing away at the beast until the Circle appears above his head, signalling the start of the kill sequence we know and love.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once old Rocky's out of the way, run up to the shining tree and bring it down. Cross over it and climb along the wall until you come to a zipwire. Cross to the other side and jump down when you reach the next platform. Destroy any enemies, then open the door in the wall to reveal an Amulet statue. Activate the Amulet to slow down the waterwheel. Run over the wheel and go right up to the wall. Jump up to the ledge and open the chest. Backtrack a bit and cross to the other conveyor belt. It doesn't matter if the Amulet runs out, you only needed it to cross that waterwheel. Kill the enemies that appear, but make sure you don't get pulled into the centre coil of the conveyor belt - you will get squished! Head into the tunnel, avoiding the gorgon beams that come out the walls. Kill any enemies that appear (I'd recommend using Cronos's Rage to avoid fighting them directly and chance getting turned to stone by the green beams.) Go to the other end of the tunnel, destroy the wooden obstacle and then swing onto the next ledge. Destroy the middle statue to reveal another coffin thingy. Push it forwards and jump out of the hole after it to find yourself back at the Ruins of the Forgotten, where you fought the two cyclopes and pulled their eyes out. Bring the coffin that you moved first time round to the edge of the wobbly area, where it meets level ground. Then, push the second coffin onto the wobbly area and push them both to the other side. If done correctly, a cutaway will show you a gap under the courtyard. Press R1 next to it, to push it off into the red water! Jump onto the exposed roof and cross the water. Scale the wall and go left (destroy the tree blocking your way) to find yourself at the doorway where you saw the minotaurs drag that man away, back when you first came here. Enter the doorway into the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH014] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE PETRIFIED PATH <<<<< Go down the passage. Ignore the rotating wheel for now, and continue on. Eventually you will come across a near-dead soldier. Talk to him and he will reveal that Jason (from Jason and the Argonauts!) was taken by a beast that lives around here. After the conversation, a gorgon will appear. Kill her the usual way (quick combos or launch-and-slam) and then go back and pick up the soldier. At the fork, turn right and you will come across a conveyor belt. Drop the soldier onto it to smash the rotating wheel. Ignore it just now, run down to the end of the passageway to open up the chests there. One of them has a Phoenix Feather. Return to the collapsed wheel and destroy it to open up a doorway. Recharge your health or magic with the chest, then open the gate to encounter the second hellhound of the game - it's known on the God of War wiki as Mole Cerberus, so I suppose I'd better call it that!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: MOLE CERBERUS ^^^^^ The walkthrough I used to help me through the game didn't label this as a boss battle, so I'll be different and label it as one. At the start of the fight, the middle head hasn't yet finished eating Jason's arm. This won't stop it fighting though, its main weapon is fire. It shoots fireballs and also billowing clouds of flame, which can seriously hurt you - thankfully it CAN be blocked! Unfortunately the fireballs can't, so dodge them! Cerberus will fire groups of four fireballs at a time. Wait until he has shot them all, then get in with a quick combo, for instance Plume of Prometheus or Cyclone of Chaos, before retreating and going evasive again. Keep up this strategy and you should get through the battle without any trouble. It might take a while though, for this brute has quite a lot of health, it took me several minutes! Once the familiar Circle appears above the hound's head, press it to force open the centre head's mouth and retrieve the Golden Fleece! Woohoo! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Golden Fleece is a special item that can deflect attacks of all sorts, projectiles, melee attacks, beams...even GORGON STARES! Think back, you have come across several gorgon stares before now! To use the Fleece in combat, press L1 JUST before the attack makes contact with you, then press Square to launch a powerful counterattack. Sometimes you will be required to quickly press a specific button to deflect the attack, after pressing L1, this is usually with gorgon stares. In the arena is another fireball-shooting wall, stand in the centre of the room and press L1 at the correct moment, then press Square to counter and destroy the wall. Exit the room and return to the fork, where you will have to fight some gorgons! Either use combos, my launch-and-slam strategy, or why not try out your new Fleece and deflect their gorgon stares? Try it out, kill them and then continue down the path. Remember that rotating wheel I told you to ignore earlier? You will see that it has stopped spinning, so smash it down and head into the small passage. At the end is a chest with a Gorgon Eye, so grab it! Exit the area back to Euryale's Temple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@@@@ SPECIAL ITEM: URN OF THE GORGONS @@@@@ This is optional, it will just require you taking a small detour! If you want to get this special item along with another Gorgon Eye and a Phoenix Feather, head back to the area with the fast-spinning waterwheel, the Amulet statue and the conveyor belts. Do you remember all those gorgon stares coming out of the walls that you had to avoid? Stand in the path of each beam and use the Fleece. A button will flash on the screen, press it to destroy the wall and reveal a chest. There are three gorgon stares to deflect, and the middle one, when the wall is

destroyed, contains a chest in which lies the Urn of the Gorgons! Nice! If you activate this during bonus play, every strike you make against your enemies will turn them to stone! The other two destroyed walls contain a chest each, one with a Gorgon Eye and the other with a Phoenix Feather. (This is the eighteenth Gorgon Eye in the game, you are only able to collect eighteen in all, so any Gorgon Eye chests after this will have red orbs instead, unless you have not collected all eighteen Gorgon Eyes up until now.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you're done, swing over to the next ledge and return to the Ruins of the Forgotten. From there, head back to the Temple of Euryale. You've gone quite a way in the game without saving, so I'd recommend doing so now at the save point to the right of the temple SAVE GAME HERE. Now, return to the temple entrance where the stone door marked with the gorgon head will shoot green energy at you. Use the Fleece to block the beam and then rapidly press Circle to deflect it and crack the door. Then, smash it up with the Barbarian Hammer and head inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH015] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: INSIDE EURYALE'S TEMPLE <<<<< Head down the stairs and open the door at the bottom. Enter the next room smash the petrified figures with the Hammer and kill the enemies that appear. Turn right, go down the passage and climb down the ladder into a huge hall. Soldiers and Hades Minotaurs will appear here. Kill the minotaurs (use any Rage you have) and then deal with the soldiers the normal way. When the area is clear, exit the hall to the next area to start a cutscene where a crazy soldier breaks the handle off a turnstile and runs away with it, cackling. Yeah, weird! Go forward and turn the turnstile on the platform to lower it. Enter the next room and kill the harpies. Before you continue, pick up the hidden goodies first! The first chest is behind the logo on the wall, so destroy the wall to claim your prize: a Phoenix Feather. For the second chest, hop back onto the platform you came down on and raise it, so that you can still jump down to the lower room, but also when you turn round to look at the platform from the lower room, there is a hidden door, which you can enter to claim a Gorgon Eye. Go over to the other platform and jump onto it. Climb up to the top using the ledges on the wall. Once up, go forward to encounter a Legionnaire Commander, quite a tough bloke! Use Cronos's Rage and the Barbarian Hammer for best results, while blocking his attacks using the Golden Fleece. Beat him to death before continuing on to the save point.

SAVE GAME HERE. Backtrack a little bit and head up the passage to the left. As you climb up the wall and emerge into a new room, a voice will echo throughout the area, telling you all about how you're going to die! Lovely! Anyhoo, a cutaway will show you a load of killer saws on the roof. Climb up and make your way to the other side of the room, avoiding the saws as best you can. There is a health chest in the far end incase some of the saws touch you. At the other end, rotate the lever all the way round to pull back a battering ram inside a tunnel. Run into the tunnel and run up it - near the end is a lever. Quickly pull it and escape the tunnel before you get smashed to pieces by the ram. Enter through the newly opened door and jump down into a huge chamber. Go over and destroy the statue next to the book and then press R1 to read the book and trigger a boss battle with the owner of the temple! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: EURYALE ^^^^^ In the first God of War you had to fight Medusa, now you have to fight her sister, Euryale! (It makes me wonder if Stheno will appear in God of War III...) Anyway, as you can see, Euryale seriously needs to lose some weight, but she's still very agile despite her huge body. Her main attack is immobilising you with her gorgon stare then smashing you to pieces with her tail. This got me many times before I could eventually defeat her, so be on your guard! Use the Fleece to deflect her stares and quick evasion to avoid her tail smashes. Use any Rage of the Titans magic you have, and use some Cronos's Rage if you like, it works quite well. While you're evading her attacks, either go at her with hard combos or if you've upgraded it, use the Barbarian Hammer to summon souls while you dodge. (I did this on a boss later on...and it worked! More on that later.) Another method is to attack from the air. Hold down Triangle or double jump to launch yourself into the air and then descend while slashing away at your foe with powerful combinations. I always use Cyclone of Chaos here, but you can use whatever you like, as long as it's fast and powerful! After a while, Euryale will slither away and slide up one of the two pillars at the end of the room. From there she will start firing energy balls, deflect them with the Fleece then press Square to fire the energy back at her. Sometimes she will use her stare, which will then sweep across the floor again, use the Fleece, just before it hits you. At other times she will drop down and slam into the floor creating a tremor, so if she does so, double jump or hold Triangle before she hits the ground to get into the air, so avoiding the shockwave. While avoiding all these attacks, approach her and use aerial attacks on her to whittle down that health of hers! Alternatively, if you have any magic left, use Typhon's Bane on her before advancing.

Finally, a Circle will appear above her head, press it and then rotate the left analog stick clockwise to bring down the pillar she is on. You need to do this for both pillars to weaken her. Now comes the last stage of the fight. She is much weaker now, so use any Rage you have left to damage her. Also, go for her with combos and any magic you have left - basically, throw everything you've got at her! When the kill sequence starts, press the onscreen buttons to kill her, chop her head off and gain a new magical power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Head of Euryale is a great power, like Medusa's head from the first game it can be used to turn enemies to stone! Nice! Just make sure you smash them all with the Barbarian Hammer before they break free! You will be required to use Euryale's head on the enemies that appear to get out of the area, so do so. Remember to have the Barbarian Hammer as your weapon so that you can easily smash them once they're immobilised! Here, you can do something really clever, if you've got the orbs! I saved up my orbs, so that at this point I had about twelve and a half thousand. That's enough to upgrade Euryale's head to the MAXIMUM LEVEL! On the maximum level, you can let loose a blast of energy, turning ALL surrounding enemies to stone! How awesome is that? With the area clear, exit the room and be ready for the next puzzle of the game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH016] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: PILLAR SWINGING &&&&& This is not one of the hardest puzzles in the game, but it is certainly one of the longest! However, you can get through it OK if you keep at it! First thing to do, go up to the turnstile in front of you and rotate it as far as it will go until the pillar in front of you stops rising and a grip point appears. The pillar will stay where it is when you release the turnstile (fortunately!) so jump across to the lever and activate it. Use the Amulet and swim through the gate before the meter runs out. Pull the lever on the other side to open the gate again, this time it will stay open! Surface and turn the turnstile round as far as it will go. Again, the pillar will stay in place. Dive back down and activate the lever in the corner to open a double set of gates. Swim inside the tunnel and use a couple of charged dashes to make it through the other gate before it closes! (If you don't get through, swim down the passage on the right and you will be back at the gate that you needed the Amulet to get through - swim back to the lever and try again!) Once you are through, rise to the surface and turn the red turnstile all the way round. Behind the red turnstile is a breakable wall with a Gorgon Eye hidden behind it, so grab your prize, before diving back down into the pool.

Search for a wooden door and do a Swim Dash to get through it. Surface and turn the fourth turnstile until the pillar stops rising. Cross over to the lever to open the exit doorway above, but you can't get to it yet. Instead, pass through the nearby door and you will come to a junction. A ladder is in front of you, climb up it to emerge onto a ledge. There are two chests at the back of the ledge, so open them, then return to the junction and go down the other passage into a watery area. Once inside, a horde of enemies will appear, so go for them with powerful combos and any Rage you have left. Some of the enemies are juggernauts, which release Rage when they are killed. Once the area is clear, go to the back and turn the turnstile round as far as it will go until the pillar stops and the familiar grip point is visible. However, it is different this time - after a few seconds the pillar will start going back down! Activate the Amulet, head back into the passage and climb the ladder. By this time, the Amulet meter will have run out, so activate it again. Jump and swing from the grip point on the first pillar. Swing round and catch the grip point on the second pillar and keep swinging from pillar to pillar. The third pillar is the one that you had to freeze with the Amulet, so get past it before the Amulet runs out. Swing from the fifth pillar and you will reach the exit! However, when you swing round the fifth pillar, you will see another ledge on your right (from the camera's perspective.) On that ledge are a couple of chests, one with a Phoenix Feather, so grab the goods, then swing over to the doorway and exit! Well done! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: THE DEADLY RISING FLOOR &&&&& I suppose it's not really a puzzle as such, but these 'missions' are going to be labelled as puzzles. Enter the next area and you will find yourself on a circular platform. Go over and activate the lever to make the floor rise. Once the floor reaches the top of the room, you will have to mash the Circle button to avoid getting squished and push it back down. It will then rise again and you need to do the same again. The door will only open after you have pushed the floor back down several times. However, during the challenge, hounds will drop from above and attack you. If they attack you while you're mashing the Circle button, you will lose your focus and get squished. To avoid this, use Cronos's Rage to stun them while you push the platform back down. If you do not have any magic left, use Cyclone of Chaos - it's fast, powerful and can hit multiple enemies. Trust me, it's the best combo to use here! Once the door is mostly open, you can jump through it and enter the next area, where there is a dark aperture with wooden bars crossing over it. Kill the harpies before attempting to cross. Go as far as you can on the bars, then grab the ledge on the right-hand wall and go across to the other side. On the other side of the pit you will see a hanging rope. Climb up it to find

a couple of chests, one with a Phoenix Feather. Open them then climb back down and continue on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: TITAN MINOTAUR ^^^^^ In the next area you will encounter another Titan Minotaur, or Petrified Minotaur, or Lava Minotaur, or Rock Minotaur...whatever you want to call it! I'm calling them Titan Minotaurs, because I feel like it. The tactics are the same as the previous encounter, hard combos and evasion. This one, like the previous one, isn't too hard to defeat, it's the third and final Titan Minotaur that comes later on that's the hard one, I've got a different strategy for that one, I'll tell you when it comes. Once the Titan Minotaur is dead, swing over to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: CATACOMBS OF THE FALLEN <<<<< Head through the area, cutting down all the skeleton warriors in your way. At the end of the catacombs, head up the spiral staircase to the lever, activate this to lower more stairs. Climb up them and emerge into Destiny's Atrium. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@@@@ SPECIAL ITEM: MEGA RED ORB CHEST @@@@@ Want to get a special red orb chest? No? Are you sure? It has FIVE THOUSAND orbs in it! Ah, that made you change your mind! Head back into the Bog of the Forgotten. Where the cutscene with the Barbarian King started, you will see two chests. The one on the left is the only 5000-orb chest in the game! Mega health and magic chests will come later! The chest on the right holds a Gorgon Eye so grab that aswell! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, head back to Destiny's Atrium. With the Golden Fleece, you can now get past that wall that shoots fireballs. Go in through the doorway and deflect the fireballs using the Fleece, then launch a counterattack to destroy the wall. Sidle on the right over the gap and enter through the new doorway. Head outside and eliminate the areas there. For the archers, use Typhon's Bane, but don't use up all your magic! You will need to kill a few wraiths before you get the chance to recharge it! With the area clear, swing over to the next ledge. Scale the wall to the top to find two chests, one of which has a Gorgon Eye, then climb back down and swing over to the other side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH017] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: COURTYARD OF ATROPOS <<<<<

A cutaway will show you another statue head, this time the head of Atropos, firing the same blue energy at the exit to the courtyard. Then, the wraiths I told you about will appear! Kill them all using powerful combos, the Golden Fleece and Cronos's Rage, or Euryale's Head if you upgraded it like I did. When they're gone, hurry over to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Go over to the door and open it, to enter the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: HALLWAY OF ATROPOS <<<<< Go forwards up to the window and open the chests to replenish magic and health. Backtrack and go right into the adjacent hall to encounter a new type of enemy, priests. They cast ancient enchantments to summon minotaurs to the battlefield, so concentrate on them while avoiding the minotaurs. Only go for a minotaur if your health starts to drop, remember minotaurs give out health orbs! For the priests, several combos will sort them out, while using the Fleece to block and counter their attacks. I used Valour of Hercules here, it's not fast but it's pretty powerful, and as long as you have the analog stick pointed in the direction of the enemy, the fiery blow at the end will hit the priest you're attacking spot on. The Barbarian Hammer will also work well, summon souls and use Might of the King to sort them out. Once all the enemies are dead, it's time for a short puzzle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: TWO STATUES ARE BETTER THAN ONE &&&&& Over at the wall are two small pillars. Below the upper ledge is a platform. Nearby is a turnstile that raises the platform. That's the general layout. Like the final pillar in the last puzzle, the platform will come back down when you release the turnstile. Drag both pillars out into the room. Place one on the platform, put the other next to it, but not on it. Go over to the turnstile and rotate it all the way. When the platform begins to descend, quickly run over to the pillar and push it under the falling platform. If done correctly, the platform will get stuck halfway. Now jump up to the platform and from there to the upper ledge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open up the chests and then climb up the ladder. You see that chest in the distance? You can go and get it if you want, but you'll have to kill a couple of enemies if you want it. When you've got it, backtrack and head down the stairs to the right. Kill the soldiers on the way down and at the bottom you will encounter two satyrs. Go for them with combos and use the Fleece where possible to counter their attacks. You can also use Cronos's Rage to stun them, if you want to hit them with the slower attacks like Valour of Hercules or the Barbarian Hammer. Once they're dead, go through the doorway and over to the block - pull it

backwards. Jump on top of it to reach a ledge with a Gorgon Eye on it. Then push it forwards through the hole and jump out after it to find yourself back in the Courtyard of Atropos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: COURTYARD OF ATROPOS <<<<< Drag the large block over to the pillar holding up the bridge that only has half a ladder. Jump on top of it and climb up the half-ladder to reach the upper balconies. Explore the upper area to find some chests (one in the bottom left courtyard has a Phoenix Feather) and a statue in the bottom right courtyard, which is missing a shield. Head over to the top left courtyard (to the left of the huge statue head) from there, go over to the doorway, open it and head inside. Kill all the enemies (use the Barbarian Hammer or heavy combos with the Athena's Blades against the juggernauts. Exit the room and head for the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH018] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE EDGE OF CREATION <<<<< Head round the balcony and kill all the soldiers that appear (they won't appear on Easy Mode, but Normal and higher, they will.) Then, with the ledge clear, it's time for another puzzle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: THE VINE BRIDGES &&&&& Step on the circular button to release large vines, creating a bridge between the platforms ahead. Activate the Amulet and cross to the centre platform, then go left and cross the vines to another platform. Clear the area of enemies, then step on the stone, activate the Amulet again, cross to the centre platform and turn left again onto the next platform. Again, eliminate the enemies, step on the button, activate the Amulet, cross to the centre platform and go left between the two trees to reach a doorway. On a ledge below the two trees is a chest with a Phoenix Feather, but if you want to get it, you will have to return to the starting point by stepping on the centre button and start over. Head inside and open the large gate to face your next boss! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: PERSEUS ^^^^^ It's Perseus! He's not very happy with you, because the through was his only escape! He then dons the helmet of invisible and the fight begins! Blimey, is this guy annoying? All now!" and "No, not there, over here!" really gets on my door you came in Hades, turns his, "I'm over here nerves! Anyhoo, you

will need to kill him, so get to it! Even though he is invisible, you can see his shadow on the water and ripples on the surface as he moves. If you see his shadow approaching, block using the Fleece and then counter. Save your magic for now, you will need it later. Go down on him with mighty combos like Valour of Hercules to lower his health. Finally he will reappear and the Circle button will appear above him - you must be quick, and I mean QUICK! Press Circle to smash his helmet. Otherwise, he will disappear again and you will need to try again. For the next part, he is visible, so use any Rage you have along with powerful combos, or the Barbarian Hammer if you so wish. When he fires balls of energy at you from his sling, use the Fleece to throw them back again. When he uses his shield, rapidly do the left-right-left-right motion with the left analog stick to recover. His melee attacks you can block. That's your defensive strategy - offensive? Just keep using those combos and then press Circle when prompted to destroy his sword. Now, he only has his shield and sling. To win this fight, you need to get him over to the far side of the pool and weaken him there. This is where I used all my magic, zap him with Cronos's Rage. This will damage him and push him backwards, so use as much as you need to push him back to the far side of the arena. Once he is over there, go back to combos and blocking. If he tries to escape to the other side, intercept him with a combo or go in front of him and zap him again. When the Circle button appears, press it to trigger the kill sequence. Follow the onscreen buttons, analog stick twiddles and so on, to wipe him clean off the face of the earth! After the fight you obtain the shield, you won't have it for long though, in fact you're going to get rid of it in the next few minutes... Think back to when you last came to the Courtyard of Atropos - the huge head firing energy at the exit, a statue missing a shield... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH019] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: GOLDEN FLEECE AND GOLDEN SHIELD &&&&& Go up to where you found the statue with the missing shield. Attack the statue to destroy its base, then press R1 to put the shield on the statue. Kick it off the balcony into the courtyard below. Jump down and drag the statue into the square depression on the wooden platform in the centre. Go over to the turnstile and rotate it as far as it will go, until the statue reflects the energy from one of the eyes. After a few seconds, the platform will start to descend, so quickly climb up to the upper balcony and use the Golden Fleece on the other eye to block both energy beams and clear the way out. Before you leave, head to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Exit the courtyard and head up the stairs into the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH020]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: LOWLANDS ENTRANCE <<<<< Go up to the fork and turn right. (If you try to get the chests on the right, the gate will close when you step on the wooden floor.) Use Typhon's Bane on the archers that appear and then swing across. Run round the corner, cross the water, open the chests if you need to, then head straight on past the stairs and round the corner. You will not be able to cross the wobbly bridge yet, so go over to the right and scale the wall. Activate the lever at the top, then jump down and go through the newly opened gate. Head up to the large bird (does it look familiar?) and rapidly press Circle to pull the weapon out and claim it for yourself! The Spear of Destiny is my personal favourite sub-weapon. You can fire projectiles and strike multiple enemies, and when you upgrade it, you can plant explosives. At its maximum level, you can use a special combo to attack and when the Spear touches an enemy, that enemy glows purple then explodes! Sweet! Try out your new weapon on the enemies that appear. Then, you can do one of two things, solve the puzzle and continue on with the game, or get the Urn of Olympus! It gives you infinite magic if you activate it in Bonus Play! If you don't want the Urn, skip to the next section where I tell you how to solve the short puzzle to continue with the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@@@@ SPECIAL ITEM: URN OF OLYMPUS @@@@@ If you want the Urn of Olympus, do as follows: grab the Amulet statue and place it on the wheel in the middle of the courtyard. Turn the wheel round until the statue is facing the doorway you came in from. Kick it down the stairs and drag it to the edge of the small pool you crossed earlier. Swim over to the other side of the pool, activate the Amulet and return to the fork. Take the left passage this time, run across the wooden floor and enter the small room to claim your prize! It's in the middle chest, open the other two aswell (they hold a Gorgon Eye and a Phoenix Feather respectively) then return to the room with the wheel, taking the statue with you on your way, to prepare for the next puzzle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: FREEZING THE WOBBLY BRIDGE &&&&& This puzzle is extremely short and pretty darn easy to figure out, especially if you followed my instructions to get the Urn of Olympus, you should have some idea of what to do. I'll tell you anyway. If you try to cross the wobbly bridge, it...well, wobbles...anyway, you can't get across it. Drag the Amulet statue onto the wheel again and turn the wheel so the statue is facing the wobbly bridge, in other words, it's facing the opposite way to what it was when you first found it. Now, run down to the wobbly bridge, activate the Amulet and cross the bridge to the save point. It's only the first section that's wobbly, so you can open the chests on the way without worrying about the Amulet meter running out. SAVE GAME HERE.

Now, prepare for some good fun - it's more pillar swinging...with a twist! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: CROSSING OF THE LOWLANDS <<<<< Jump and swing to the third pillar, where if you press R1, Kratos will launch himself over to the adjacent pillar. Swing round it and jump onto the platform, which will then start to fall, along with all the pillars! Let it fall down, but not too far, otherwise you'll die! Wait until it's low enough to jump and catch the next grip point. When the nearby pillars start to fall, jump and swing over to the first one, then to the second, and then down to a lower pillar. From there, you will just need to press R1 when prompted to jump from pillar to crumbling pillar. The fourth time this happens, hold on to the grip point you are on, until the pillar comes close enough for you to catch the next grip point and reach the other side of the lowlands. Wow, that was fun, but we mustn't dawdle! On with the game! The cavern holds two sets of guardians, so be prepared! Many think that these battles are hard, but I personally think they're pretty darn easy, as long as you don't let your guard down. Enter the first room to face the first set of enemies. Take full advantage of Cronos's Rage and zap your foes into submission! Use any weapon you like, but I always use the Athena's Blades, and some of the more powerful combos work wonders, as long as the Blades are upgraded, preferably to level three at least. Activate Rage of the Titans to bring down the larger enemies. My second choice of weapon after the Blades would be the Barbarian Hammer, pound your enemies with the mighty weapon while summoning souls to help you. Once the area is clear, head up the next passage into another room, where some satyrs and juggernauts appear. If the juggernauts are killed, they release Rage, which can then be used to clear the room of enemies. Using the kill sequence on these beasts gives out rage and a nice little cinematic, where Kratos uses his blades to chop the creature's head off. Open the chest in the room and then exit back outside, to find yourself at the awe-inspiring Great Chasm! SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH021] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE GREAT CHASM <<<<< The whole 'Great Chasm' thing and all the events that happen underground best bit of the game in my opinion! Open the chests if you need to and then head up and over the bridge to trigger a cutscene where a haggard, scraggy and quite insane Icarus appears from under the bridge and goes on about how it is his fate to make it across the chasm and nobody else's! You gotta love Icarus and laugh at his mad attitude, especially when he says, "You think you can [cross] but you cannot!" - the way Kratos looks at him is just classic!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: ICARUS ^^^^^ After the incredibly amusing cutscene, rotate the left analog stick in the two specified directions as you fall off the bridge into the chasm. If you get both right, you will be on top of Icarus as you fall, otherwise the first thing you will have to do is wiggle the analog stick left and right to get on top. Use Square, Triangle and Circle to attack Icarus - punches and headbutts are the only things you can do - and occasionally you will be required to do the left-right-left-right with the analog stick if Icarus gets too big for his britches. Also, you will sometimes be required to rotate the analog stick all the way round in a specified direction - do it correctly and Kratos will smash Icarus against a boulder, get it wrong and you take damage instead. When prompted, rapidly press Circle to rip off Icarus's wings. Another cutscene occurs, where Icarus plummets into the Underworld, while Kratos dons Icarus's wings and flies onto Atlas, who is chained to the bottom of the earth and must support it with his four arms to separate it from the Underworld below. I know what you're thinking, in Greek Mythology Atlas held up the sky, yes, but the God of War people changed things around a bit, probably because it's cooler! I must say, Atlas gets a stunning view from his position, adds to the awesomeness of the whole thing, take a look when you're down there and you'll see what I mean! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH022] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE FACE OF ATLAS <<<<< Once normal gameplay resumes, head left and go round to below Atlas's ear to find a green health chest and a save point. SAVE GAME HERE. When you're done, go back to where you landed and head right. Atlas will make an "uuuuuh" noise when his other eye sees you, he will do it again periodically. Climb up Atlas's nose to reach the upper ledge. Jump and glide using your new wings (hold down X to glide) to the last ledge to see a group of hanging chains with platforms. Jump and glide from platform to platform (eliminating the fire harpies) - the last platform is quite low down, but not insanely difficult to get to. Once there, enter the hole nearby to go inside Atlas - yes, you heard me! Going inside the Colossus was odd enough, but going inside ATLAS... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: INSIDE THE MIGHTY TITAN <<<<< Some enemies will appear inside, eliminate them and then attack the tentacles at the doorway, grab the large block and pull it backwards, out of the hole.

Push it over to the ledge on the left, jump up and open the chests (one of which has the eighteenth Phoenix Feather. If you've collected them all up until now, this will be the last Phoenix Feather, all the rest of the Phoenix Feather chests will now be red orb chests, however if you have not collected all eighteen, the rest of the chests will retain their Phoenix Feathers until you collect eighteen.) Jump back down and drag the block back into the doorway, but from the other side, so that as he's dragging it, Kratos is blocked from view. In the next room, jump on top of the block to get up to the ledge. Open the chest and then head down the passage, glide onto the platform and approach the large rock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: TITAN MINOTAUR ^^^^^ I did mention that there was a third Titan Minotaur in the game, well here he is! And, for me anyway, he's a lot stronger and so harder to defeat. (What are all these chests and enemies doing inside a TITAN?) Blocking won't work, evasion will! I said I had a different strategy for this fella, since this one moves around instead of staying in one place, well here's my strategy (it might make the battle take longer, but no matter!) Either go for the beast with hard combos, or use my strategy if you like. If you're using my strategy, save magic and Rage for now. Equip the Barbarian Hammer and make sure it's upgraded, at least to level two so that you can summon souls! Now, as the enemy moves around the field, run around the field avoiding him, flicking the right analog stick all the while, so that souls flood out of the weapon like water from a broken dam. That will damage him, but keep you out of trouble! Just remember to avoid his spin attack! A good thing about this beast is that he's quite slow moving, so while you're summoning souls, run around behind or to the side of him and use the Might of the King combo to deal more damage. Just keep doing that, it might be tedious, but it works! Eventually, the next part of the battle will commence. The arena will sink into the lava (or whatever it is) and a wall will be revealed. Jump and glide over to the wall. The Titan Minotaur will stay in the lava and begin chucking rocks at you, so move the left analog stick right or left and press X to jump out of the way. Soon, the platform will rise again. If you have any magic or Rage, which you should do if you used the Barbarian Hammer strategy, unleash it all now to kill the demon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He will leave a rock behind, so drag and kick it to the edge of the arena, jump up on it and double jump (or jump and glide) up to the doorway. Head into the next room. You can't see it from your position, but the room has a lava pool in it, so take care when jumping and gliding. First, glide down and round to the left to open up the chests, one with a Phoenix Feather, then glide over to the other ledge, head into the next room and approach the save point. SAVE GAME HERE.

Open up the chest if you need to (you will be coming back here, so you don't have to if you don't need it) and then attack the tentacles at the doorway to release a boulder. Time to hitch a short ride! Float down the river, destroy any obstacles in the way, and be ready to jump and catch the grip point before the boulder falls down the waterfall. Swing over to the doorway and head inside. Destroy the obstruction to release a steam jet. Don't continue yet, however, jump down into the pit and destroy the wall on the left to reveal a chest with a Gorgon Eye. Jump back up to the ledge, and use the steam to glide up to the high ledge. In the next area, there are loads of harpy nests, from which the creatures come out in their masses. Smash each hive with the Barbarian Hammer to rid the area of harpies. The second nest will reveal a scaleable wall when destroyed. Climb up it and cross to the other side. Open the chests and then jump and glide to the other wall. Destroy the stalactite in your way, get to the other end of the wall and then jump down. You will see a large hole through which you can see the side of Atlas's head it is an exit yes, an exit to DEATH! The wall to the left of the hole is scaleable, so climb up it and move along the ceiling, destroying all the stalactites in your way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@@@@ SPECIAL ITEM: URN OF PROMETHEUS @@@@@ The fourth Urn out of the six, and the last one that can be obtained in the proper game, waits for you in this area. One of the stalactites, when destroyed, reveals a hole in the ceiling. Climb up it into a small room with two chests. One of them contains the Urn of Prometheus, which will give you unlimited Rage of the Titans during Bonus Play! How awesome is that! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get to the end of the wall after destroying all the obstacles, you will see another hole in the wall. Climb up it and then go forwards onto a platform, which will then descend. Climb onto the nearby wall and scale the ceiling to find yourself back in the room with the save point and the tentacles that held the floating boulder. Destroy the two stalactites, which will then drop into the furnace below, and a cutaway will show you the way to Atlas's hand (and give you another look at the awesome view!) Continue round on the ceiling, destroy the obstacles and then drop down. Save your game if you like (you will get to save again in a bit, so it's not compulsory) and then jump and glide over to the steam pouring out of the furnace. Use the steam to fly higher and out into the great outdoors! Jump and glide to the first platform, and then from there to the second one with the turnstile. As the view changes briefly to a side-on, with Atlas's mighty hand in the distance, some flaming harpies and satyrs will appear. Kill them all using Rage of the Titans and any combos you see as suitable (the multi-hit ones work best, like Cyclone of Chaos for the Blades, Crushing Defeat for the Barbarian Hammer and Piercing Shards for the Spear of Destiny.)

Once the area is clear, turn the turnstile all the way round to raise the platform and then jump and glide from platform to platform, before hopping on the zipwire and hitching a ride over to Atlas's arm. SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: ASCENSION OF ATLAS <<<<< Climb up the wall and jump over the lava channel, then climb up. Some enemies will appear below you, you can either sort them out normally with your blades, or climb up and attack the rocks further up the wall, to drop them down on your foes. With the enemies sorted out, continue up to the top and scale the ceiling. Swing past the three grip points to another wall. Climb up it and jump onto the next ledge. Head along the ledge (pause at the corner for a great view of Atlas, the best one you can get!) and at the end of it lies your next puzzle. Oh, joy! Don't worry, it's very short. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: THE TWO-STOREY STONE &&&&& You will see a ramp, two stones and a ledge. Beyond that ledge is a higher ledge, which is too high to reach normally. Grab one of the stones and drag it up the ramp. Get the other stone and drag it so that it is lying next to the first stone, adjacent to the slope (but not on it!) Go up the slope and push the upper stone onto the lower one. Drag the double stone over to the ledge. Jump up onto the ledge, grab the upper stone and drag it to the foot of the next ledge. Jump onto the stone and then jump up to the ledge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From that ledge, if you look left you will see a scaleable wall above the ledge you just came up from. Jump over to the wall and scale it left to pick up a Gorgon Eye. Return to the high ledge and follow it round (open up the green chest if you need to) and scale the wall at the end. You will shortly arrive at the first of the two vertical lava channels on Atlas's wrist. There are walls on the right and left of the channel, and as you ascend, rocks fall down the walls, alternating between left and right. When a rock falls down on the right, jump over to the left and climb up - use the analog stick and X to get further, before you are forced to jump to the right again by the next falling boulder. Keep jumping left and right and climbing up until you reach the top of the lava channel. However, you cannot get onto the hand from there, so scale the wall to the left and then quickly hold down R1 to slide down the next wall. You need to be quick because a group of boulders will soon start thundering down the slope. Stop sliding when you see a gap in the rock to your left. Move left and find the second lava channel. Now, climb up to the top, as was before, rocks will fall down in a left-right-left-right pattern, so be sure to

avoid them! Once you reach the hand, run over and break the shining chain to trigger a cutscene, where Atlas realises his chain has been cut. As he booms, "Who breaks my chains of torment?" he will grab Kratos between finger and thumb and try to crush him. Rapidly press L1 and R1 to avoid getting squished. Atlas is not very happy with you, since you were the one that put him there in the first place (see God of War: Chains of Olympus for the full story.) Kratos insists that he no longer serves Zeus and that he wants to kill the god using the Blade of Olympus, at which point Atlas has a flashback. You get to see the end of the Titanomachy - nice! First it shows Zeus in all his godly glory! Then you get to see Hades (portrayed as a squat, spiky fella who looks like he's got an oven on his head) attempt to bring down Cronos, but Atlas comes to Cronos's aid and tosses a rock at Hades. The surprisingly agile Hades swings over Cronos's head to avoid the blow and continues using his godly chains to steal Cronos's soul. (Haha, a load of monstrous giants bigger than the Empire State Building being OWNED by a group of gods less than a quarter of their size!) Atlas, in a rage, pounds the ground, which eventually manages to stop Hades, though I don't see why Atlas didn't just grab Hades and squish him (he's got FOUR ARMS, for god's sake!) Atlas then gets zapped from behind. Poseidon has come to save the day! The god continues to zap Atlas while Hades pulls out his soul, so banishing Atlas to Tartarus. The last part of the flashback shows Zeus creating the Blade of Olympus and using it to banish all the other Titans to Tartarus. After another brief conversation between Atlas and Kratos, the Titan gives Kratos a new power, Atlas Quake! (You didn't think my username had no meaning at all, did you?) Atlas Quake is a very powerful attack, which will allow Kratos to pound the ground and create quakes (as the name suggests!) These quakes damage enemies and can instantly shatter foes turned to stone by Euryale's head, so the two used in succession can be a great strategy for wiping out entire hordes of enemies! At its maximum level it becomes more powerful and if you rapidly press Circle, rocks will fly everywhere and damage your enemies further! Sweet! Try out your new power on the enemies that appear on Atlas's hand. Once they are all gone, another cutscene will occur where Atlas returns Kratos to the surface and wishes him luck. Time for Kratos to continue his journey, while secretly thinking, "Goodbye Atlas... *sniff* ...I'll miss you!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE PALACE OF THE FATES <<<<< Jump and glide from Atlas's hand to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Glide to the next platform and then glide over to the pillar to the left. Climb up it to the top, to find a chest with a Gorgon Eye. Glide over to the second pillar, then to the third, and open up the health chest if you need to.

From there, glide down to the entrance of the Palace of the Fates. Under the ramp (on the right hand side) is a lever. Pull it to lower the ramp and trigger an enemy battle including several large Cyclops Berserkers and some Beast Lords. Here is one of those times that you can use the Head of Euryale/Atlas Quake combo, provided the Head is at maximum level. If so, use Gorgon Rage to turn all the surrounding enemies to stone, then smash them with Atlas Quake! Alternatively, you can battle the Cyclops Berserkers normally and grab their eye when they're weakened! Use as much magic as you need, because there are health and magic recharge chests in the courtyard for you to use when the battle is over. When the area is clear and you are revitalised, head over to the right where you will see a rectangular block poking out below the gate, near to the right hand chest. Hold R1 and push it round clockwise, as far as it can go. It will start to slowly move back, so run round and grab hold of the next protrusion and push that round as far as it can go. Keep doing so until the doorway opens and the ramp lifts up. Head inside into a room with gates all round, holes in the floor and a lever in the middle. Set Cronos's Rage as your magic power, then pull the lever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: THE ROTATING DOORS &&&&& I don't like this puzzle much (apart from the rewards you get afterwards) but that can't be helped, so get on with it! When the spikes protrude out of the holes in certain sections of the floor, move out of that section before the spikes fully come out and hurt you. The open door you came in through revolves clockwise around the room, stopping at each doorway for a few seconds. Wait until the open door stops at the alcove containing the huge stone in the top right of the room. When it does, grab the stone and drag it backwards out of its room to block the revolving door system and stop the spikes. Harpies will attack you during the puzzle, so zap them with Cronos's Rage while avoiding the spikes and waiting for the open door to reach the stone. Once the puzzle is complete, enter each room and open the chests. In the room on the far left is a dead body. Press R1 next to it to pick up a Crank Handle, which you will need in a short while. Leave the room, open the green chest if you need some health and then exit to a large outdoor courtyard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE PALACE COURTYARD <<<<< A cutaway will show you the pinnacle that contains the Temple of the Fates, but you cannot get to it yet! Go across the courtyard to the ladder and climb up it to find a turnstile and an Amulet statue. See those flames coming out the wall on the left? Attach the Crank Handle to the turnstile, then rotate it all the way to make the flames disappear. Activate the Amulet (otherwise they'll come back out again) and make your way past them. Right after the flames is a small alcove in the wall. Grab the Phoenix Feather from it then glide over to the doorway and head inside. Run down the passage to find the

save point. SAVE GAME HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE EAST AUDITORIUM <<<<< Head round the passage and you will see a steam vent. Go past it to the end of the corridor to find a lever. Activate it to open the top half of the gate. It will begin to close again and you have no Amulet statue to help you. Quickly run back to the steam, jump up and use Icarus's wings - the steam will make you glide higher, so make good use of it and fly over the gate. Head down the path beyond, eliminating the enemies and open the door to enter the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH024] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: AUDITORIUM OF LAHKESIS <<<<< Destroy the large wooden structure to make a block fall out of the wall. Drag or kick it into the auditorium. Go over to the book in the middle of the room. You cannot understand the writing, so you need some help. Your help lies down a passage in the top right of the courtyard, praying in a room full of candles. Kick the block down the passage into the room and pick up the man. When you step off the button he was on, the gate will close, so put the block on it, then pick up the man again and carry him back to the book. As you go, enemies will appear, you must kill them and get the translator to the book, so use Cronos's Rage to stun them, allowing you to continue moving the translator. (Note: you must drop the translator to attack, you can't attack and carry at the same time!) When you reach the pedestal with the book, more enemies will appear. Drop the translator next to the book and then clear the area of enemies using Atlas Quake, or multiple-hit combos if your magic meter is low. When the area is clear, go up to the translator and the pedestal and press R1 to force the translator to read the book (you will occasionally need to mash Circle to force him to read.) A bloody cutscene commences, where Kratos smashes the man's head open and the pinnacle uncovers itself slightly, after receiving its tribute of blood. Lahkesis then appears and talks to you, then normal gameplay resumes. Head over to the door on the left with the blue light and press R1 to receive the Key of the Ram. Then, open the door normally and go inside. There's a green chest there if you need it - once you're done, continue down the passage and open the gate at the end. Go through it, turn left and you will find yourself back in the passage with the lever and the steam vent. Head back down to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE.

Head back to the Palace Courtyard and find the door that opens with the Key of the Ram. Head inside and go down the hall to trigger two things - an enemy battle and a dire situation! You will be in a semi-circular passage, with spiked walls closing in from both sides! Help! Groups of enemies will appear and attack, you must kill them ALL to stop the spikes. In terms of magic, Cronos's Rage or Atlas Quake will work wonders (use the one that's most upgraded) while slashing away with speedy combos (because of this, use either the Athena's Blades or the Spear of Destiny as opposed to the Barbarian Hammer.) Once all the guys are dead, you will be safe! Go through the new doorway and head up the steps. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE GARDEN OF THE GODS <<<<< You will enter a circular room with six god statues, Athena, Ares, Helios, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. The Athena statue will talk to you, trying to stop you from trusting Gaia. Smash the statue if you like, that will shut her up. To the left of the door you came in from are two chests, one with a Phoenix Feather, so grab them, then destroy the wall to the left of Ares and continue on. Oh no, here comes a really hard puzzle! It's so mind bogglingly difficult...I just can't describe it in words... Hah, fooled you! Go up to the ledge and sidle right over to the save point. If you want to get the two chests, go to the third barred window and drop down onto a ledge. Go inside, climb up the ladder and run around to grab the goodies. Go back down the ladder, jump back up to the ledge and head to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Jump down into the large hall to continue the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: SIREN SCORCHING &&&&& I don't really know what to label this as, a battle, an area or a puzzle? I'll say puzzle, because it took me a couple of tries before I figured out how to do it. I originally thought it was an endless battle against countless Sirens, but soon I realised that it was not. You only need to kill three, but in such a way as to open the next door. See the levers on either side of the room? Activating one will make flames come out of the opposite wall. When you're battling a Siren, make sure to fight her near to one of the walls. Do not kill her directly! Wait until she's dazed, then run over to the opposite wall and activate the lever to make flames appear and kill the Siren. Do this three times and the door will finally open...onto a red pool that looks like blood! Lovely! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dive down into the blood pool and make your way through the underwater caves, avoiding the spikes. Once at the other side, surface into a chilly corridor. There are two chests at the very bottom of the screen, so open them before heading into the next room for another puzzle! Joy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: FIRE AND ICE &&&&& Well I say 'joy', I sort of mean it because I personally quite enjoy doing this puzzle, partially because it's fun to work out and partly because of all the goodies you get at the end! Here's the basic structure, doors all round the wall blocked with ice, three turnstiles on the right hand side and a depression in the middle with a frosted eagle statue, a lever and images on the walls. Jump down into the pit and pull the lever. This will make the eagle statue shoot flames out of its beak, thus melting the ice door it is facing to reveal a large spherical mirror. Ignore it for now and climb up the wall next to the door and scale the ceiling. You will see stalactites on the ceiling, when you destroy one a light beam shines down. The only one you need to pay attention to is the one closest to the doorway you came in from. Destroy it and then drag the globe mirror under the resultant light beam. The light will be reflected onto the symbol on the left side of the pit. Now, head over to the three turnstiles. Each one rotates a section of the symbols around the pit. Rotate the turnstiles until the symbol closest to you matches that of a fat crescent moon (not the skinny crescent moon, the fat one!) All the ice will disappear from the eagle statue and a turnstile will be revealed. Push it to rotate the eagle and melt all the doors with the statue's fire. The exit door is the one directly opposite the entrance. Most of the other alcoves contain chests, but a couple contain minotaurs, which you can kill the normal way. Once you have opened up all the chests (one of which has a Phoenix Feather), leave the room through the exit door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>LOCATION: THE HARPY NESTS <<<<< Head down the passage and enter a circular room with a turnstile. A cutaway will show you three harpy nests, one on the ground and two on the ceiling. Harpies will attack you, so quickly destroy the first nest, then climb up and destroy the other two. Kill all the remaining harpies, then rotate the turnstile until a grip point comes into view. Jump onto it by pressing R1 and you will be lifted up to the next level. Open the two chests, then head into the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: CERBERUS BREEDERS ^^^^^

The last Cerberus battle of the game awaits and this time you have to face four of them (but I'll still label it as a boss battle.) These ones are Cerberus Breeders, during the battle they spit out Cerberi Litter, which quickly grow into adult Cerberi if not killed, so make sure you get rid of them all! For the hounds themselves, just stay evasive and whittle down their health with the Athena's Blades until they give in. Destroy the juggernauts aswell, and then exit the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb up the ladder to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Don't exit yet, though. Go back to the ladder and jump over to the opposite ledge. There are three chests on that ledge, and two more on the other side of the gateway, so jump down and open them, and then jump onto the windowsill on the right, then to the left, then to the right again to get back up. Jump back over to the save point and open the next door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH025] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: AUDITORIUM OF ATROPOS <<<<< Head down the passage to the gateway, where another translator will commit suicide (it's quite funny to watch, I must say.) Unfortunately, you needed that translator; there must be a way to get him back... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: TIME TRAVEL &&&&& Head back down the passageway and drag the Amulet statue out of its alcove. That blobby thing behind it...what is it? You'll find out in a minute! Drag and kick the statue to the doorway of the auditorium. Open the gate and place the Amulet statue under it so that it doesn't close. Then head into the auditorium and jump through the wavering mirror on the left to go back in time to when the translator plummeted to his death. Immediately activate the Amulet and grab the translator with R1 before he jumps off! If you fail, just go back through the time mirror and try again! You will need to force him to read, like you did the other translator, and this time, after its payment of blood, the pinnacle will fully reveal itself. When normal gameplay resumes, head over to the door on the right to grab the Warrior's Skull. Now, time to find out what that blob behind the statue was! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@@@@ SPECIAL ITEM: MEGA GREEN ORB CHEST @@@@@ Head through the time mirror again, but this time, there is no translator to worry about! Activate the Amulet and run down the passage to the alcove where

the statue was. The blob thing will have gone, in its place will be a chest. This is the only mega green orb chest in the game, but aswell as restoring health, it increases your health meter by one level, even if you've collected all the Gorgon Eyes! Awesome! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head back to the auditorium and open the door that you got the Warrior's Skull from. Head inside for a short puzzle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: UP, UP AND AWAY &&&&& There is a steam vent, a turnstile, a ledge with a lever and a high ledge, which is your exit. Rotate the turnstile all the way round to release steam. Rise with the steam using your wings onto the lower ledge and quickly activate the lever to intensify the steam. Jump back out from the ledge and use the wings to float upwards on the newly energised steam jet to the top ledge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get onto the ceiling and move along it to the other side. Jump down and enter the next room. Rotate the turnstile to descend to the lower level, then jump and glide back to the Palace Courtyard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE PALACE COURTYARD <<<<< You are given a warm welcome when you reach the courtyard...well I say warm, I suppose that's the wrong word, I think unpleasant would be a better word. Two cyclopes appear and they've not changed their attitude towards you one bit. Another two of the monsters will appear when the first two are dead, so take full advantage of Atlas Quake and Rage of the Titans to get rid of them. With the area clear, find the door that requires the Warrior's Skull to open and...well, open it! Head into the next area for another dire situation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: SPIKES AND SKELETONS &&&&& This puzzle, situation, mission, whatever you want to call really needs a lot of concentration. Set your magic power to Cronos's Rage, then approach the large chain and press R1. Mash Circle to make Kratos lower the floor. However, the roof will soon start to descend, and it's sorta spiky! The bones on the floor will rise up as skeletons and try to distract you, so zap them with Cronos's Rage while you move the floor downwards. If you run out of magic, use Cyclone of Chaos to quickly kill multiple skeletons, then continue with your hard work. Once you have reached the bottom, quickly kill off the last of the skeletons and open the door to make your escape! Whew, that was intense!

There are two chests nearby, one with a Phoenix Feather (to keep track, the twenty-third in the game) so open them, then head into the next area, remembering to open the health chest on your way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH026] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: ENTRANCE TO THE UNDERGROUND <<<<< A few enemies will crawl towards you on the zipline before you, you could zap them with Cronos's Rage, or if you want to save your magic, wait until they drop down and fight them in close combat. Once they are gone, grab the zipline and make your way along it. Be careful however, archers will appear on the right-hand ledge and try to shoot you down, so make sure you reach the platform in the middle of the lava before they do! Drop down, head over to the ledge, sidle right and climb up onto it. Kill the enemies that appear, remember to use the Fleece against the gorgons to immobilise them, then smash them with the hammer for a quick kill. Once the area is clear, jump and glide over to the opposite wall and scale the ceiling. Make a left turn and go round into a hidden alcove with a Gorgon Eye. Go back out and continue along the ceiling to the other side and drop down. Zap the enemies with Cronos's Rage or smash them to pieces with Atlas Quake to get the battle over with quickly. (If you have run out of magic, don't hesitate to open the magic chest to recharge, then use all your magic on the enemies, you will be getting another magic recharge VERY soon!) When the battle is over, open the chests and then head down the hall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@@@@ SPECIAL ITEM: MEGA BLUE ORB CHEST @@@@@ See that steam ahead? Beyond it you should see a glowing object on the far wall below the next ledge. Shoot at it with Typhon's Bane and the wall will shatter, revealing a small alcove. Glide over to it to find two chests. One has a Phoenix Feather in it, but the other is the only mega blue orb chest in the game! Like the mega green chest did to health, this special chest will recharge your magic and increase the whole meter by one level, even if you've collected all the Phoenix Feathers! Woohoo! Before you leave the alcove, destroy the wall on the right to smash through to a hidden lever. Activate it to make the spiky protrusions of the pillars in the next room withdraw, making progress much easier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit the alcove and rise on the steam to reach the upper ledge. Before you will be, as I just said, pillars, with occasional steam columns rising from a volcanic floor. This looks daunting, but it's not, simply don your wings and glide round the pillars to the other side, using the steam to stay airborne. Right, time to head into the next area! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[WKTH027] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE PHOENIX HALL <<<<< Read the book on the pedestal for information on what to do next. You must revive the Phoenix by collecting its ashes and dropping them into the lava. The Phoenix will later carry you to the Temple of the Fates. Don't pull the lever yet, instead, glide over to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. The lever will come in handy later, not now, so glide back over to the platform you came from and then glide left to a doorway where some skeleton warriors will attack. A satyr will also come up the passageway, so batter him down with powerful combos, finish off the skeletons, then head down the passageway for a puzzle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: A RACE AGAINST SPIKES &&&&& The title does actually mean something, it IS a race against spikes, several races infact, to get everything done. In front of you is a lever and holes through which huge spikes come and instantly kill you. If you pull the lever, a timer starts (when the tick-tock speeds up, time is running out!) and when it runs out the spikes will appear. So, first off, pull the lever so that the countdown starts. Rush across the room and press R1 next to the man to claim the Hail of Boreas. Now get back to the lever before the spikes come (I always jump and glide to get back.) Pull the lever again, rush across the room and smash the wall on the left to reveal an Amulet statue, two chests and two satyrs! Rush back to the lever and fight the satyrs there (if you're lucky, the satyrs will get spliced before they reach you!) Pull the lever again, activate the Amulet, go over and open up one of the chests (the Amulet is to ensure that you get back safely to the lever after opening the chest.) Once you're safe at the lever, activate it, go over and open the other chest. Then, return to the lever one more time! Pull it, then rush over to the turnstile and rotate it until the gate opens enough for you to get through. Activate the Amulet and get through the gate before the spikes come out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head down the passageway. Before you will be some chests do you get to them? Go round the corner and you will see Jump and grab it, then jump over to the higher ledge. Jump down to the chests and open them up! Then, climb up back down to the main passageway. Continue down it, open your way, then enter the large room for another puzzle. behind a gate - how a ledge on the wall. the ladder and jump the chests along

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: FIRE OF THE PHOENIX &&&&&

At the other end of the room are two switches, a high ledge and a hard-to-see grip point. Also, there will be a sculpture of the Phoenix, which will start to shoot waves of flame at you after a few seconds. Backtrack out of the room and go to your left to see a statue. Drag it out of its alcove and push it along in front of you to shield yourself from the flames. Your goal is to get that statue onto the left hand switch, so let's begin! As you push the statue further into the room, fire harpies and satyrs will attack you, so zap them with Cronos's Rage - that will stun them, allowing you to progress with your task. On the left and right are gateways and behind them are chests, one with a Phoenix Feather, so grab them if you want. If you do, make sure that the statue is RIGHT up against the wall before going in and opening the chests, to ensure that you don't get burned while you're claiming the goods. A slightly raised floor will impede your progress, so drag the statue in front of the lever and then activate it to lower the floor. Push and kick the statue onto the left switch to open the gate above. Step on the right-hand switch to lower the grip point and swing up to the gateway. Enter to find the Ashes of the Phoenix. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Push the Ashes forward to lower the floor, back to the Phoenix Chamber. Kick the urn into the depression in the middle of the corridor, then hurry over to the lever. Some enemies will appear (how typical!) so get rid of them, then pull the lever to trigger a cutscene where the Phoenix is awakened! After the cutscene, save if you like, then use the steam to glide up to the upper staircase. Make your way up it, eliminating the enemies as you go. At either end of the platform at the top are chests, one with a Phoenix Feather, so open them before hopping onto the dais and pulling the lever to rise up to the Palace Courtyard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE PALACE COURTYARD <<<<< Time to put that Hail of Boreas to use! Go over to the carving of Boreas and place the Hail in his mouth to unlock the door. Head inside and turn left. There will be some chests for you to open, so get to it! Then, climb up the large chain and approach the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Run up to the horn and press R1 to blow into it and release the Phoenix. It will fly over to a pillar and a Circle will appear above its head, but unfortunately there is a little bit more to do here first! Jump down into the courtyard and use the two pillars to get to the indicated door. Head inside for another puzzle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: PILLAR, CHAINS AND WALL &&&&&

Heh, sorry I couldn't think of a more interesting title, but I can't really think of anything interesting, so I'll just stick with what I've got. Two doors, two chains in the ceiling, one lever and one rising floor. Activate the lever to raise the floor, which will then become a scaleable wall. Climb up it to the ceiling. Destroy the first chain to open the first door, behind, which will be a chest. Ignore it for now and move along the ceiling to the second chain. Destroy that aswell, to open the other door and reveal a small pillar. Drag it out into the room, then go over and open the chest. Activate the lever again to lower the wall and reveal some enemies. Dispose of them all, then drag and kick the pillar over to the rising floor. Place it mostly on the rising floor, but with a section of it on the proper floor of the room. The result is that when you pull the lever, the floor will get stuck halfway on its ascent and you will be able to climb onto it. Do so, then drag the pillar away so that the floor rises fully, to reveal the way out. There is a chain above it, either zap it with Cronos's Rage, or place the pillar near the door and use it to reach the chain, then attack it with the Blades. Enter through the door and rotate the nearby turnstile round as far as it will go. Head down the passage and turn the other turnstile until an open doorway appears. Go into the next room to encounter a mysterious enemy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: THE MYSTERIOUS SOLDIER ^^^^^ In the darkness, silhouetted against the bright sky outside, all you see is this guy's shadow. This fellow can be quite tough sometimes, he's good with his sword, so get in there fast with the Athena's Blades and deliver quick combos mixed with the occasional Atlas Quake to defeat him. When prompted, press Circle to stab him and smash him through the window, triggering a cutscene where Kratos, to his horror, realises that the man is infact the soldier he had told to return to Sparta after Zeus's betrayal. A shattered Kratos yells out in fury to Zeus, challenging him to come down and face him. However, something else comes to face him instead, its tentacles slithering up the pillars and a huge fanged mouth opening wide... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: THE KRAKEN ^^^^^ The Kraken's from Norse Mythology, but obviously the game designers thought it would be cool to include him in this aswell, though I often wonder whether or not the beastie's slightly lost, shouldn't he be rising menacingly from the oceans as opposed to a dark abyss? Anyhoo, Kratos by this stage has given up, you can't damage the Kraken at all, so let it grab you. A cutscene will start where Gaia gives Kratos new hope and upgrades his Rage of the Titans to bring back his confidence and stamina. When normal gameplay resumes, activate Rage briefly to break free from the Kraken's tentacle. Then, the battle proper will start.

Approach the tentacle on the left and attack it. Be careful of the Kraken's attacks: Tentacle Smash and Bad Breath, as I like to call them - stay evasive to avoid these. Soon the tentacle will lift up to reveal a switch. Run over to the Spartan's body and carry it over to the switch. Once on the switch, a steam vent will open up in the centre of the courtyard. Use it to glide up to the Kraken's head and unleash Blade combos on it to damage the beast. You may need to do this several times depending on what combos you use. Eventually, the Kraken will slam one of its two ultra-tentacles into the middle of the arena. Run over to it and climb up it to the joint. Attack it, and when prompted, press Circle to cut it off. Do the same thing again, attack the left tentacle, put the body on the switch and attack the Kraken's head. This time, it will slam its other ultratentacle into the wall of the courtyard. Jump up and scale the tentacle up to the joint and destroy it in the same manner. As you may see, the beast is pretty hacked off with you now and will start smashing its tentacles more viciously in its rage. Remembering to stay on the evasive side, attack the tentacles that are wrapped around the pillars. After a sufficient amount of damage to both tentacles, the Kraken will be losing its grip on the pillars, so quickly approach the lever between the two and activate it to make the pillars spin and make the Kraken lose its grip entirely. The death sequence is a little bit gory, a bridge goes right through the Kraken's mouth - nice! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run down the bridge and cross over the Kraken's body to reach the Phoenix! Open the chests on the platform (ironically, one of them has the twentyseventh Phoenix Feather inside it!) Press Circle and then press the indicated buttons and rotate the analog stick in the specified directions, until finally you manage to hitch a ride on the flaming bird - yikes! This is HOT! The Phoenix will then carry you up to the mighty pinnacle that houses what it's taken SO long to get to, but what you have finally reached, the Temple of the Fates! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH028] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE TEMPLE OF THE FATES <<<<< Hmm, it's! We'll fix that in a second, go over to the save point first. SAVE GAME HERE. Swim over to the ledge in front to the circular ledge above and Attack the green blob of energy There are several chests in the a of the huge statue face. Press R1 to swing up press Circle to drop down into the platform. and destroy it to return the room to normal. room for you to open, a group of them are in

hard-to-see alcove on the left hand wall. We'll get those in a minute, but just now, let's solve this puzzle! Now, how to get through to the next area... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: DING, DONG, DING, DONG, SMASH &&&&& Yep, the title says it all, use the bells to smash the statue's face open. Here's how to do it. The bell on the right can be rung manually, the one on the left can be rung with the huge...well, bell ringer! There is a turnstile on the water's surface below the platform and a lever under the water. Jump down to the turnstile and rotate it round. See that block thing underwater? Keep rotating the turnstile until that protrusion is at about five o'clock. If done correctly, when you dive down and pull the lever, the protrusion will rise and fit snugly into the gap above, allowing you to then rise, turn the turnstile round again and aim the bell ringer at the left hand bell. In order to smash the face, both bells must ring at the same time, so run over to the manual bell and press R1, then quickly press L1 and R1 to ring it. Be very quick, activate the Amulet (just keep mashing L1 and R1 to make sure that it is activated immediately after you've stopped ringing the ball.) and then swing up to the upper platform, press R1 next to the bell ringer and let it swing forwards and ring the other bell. If done in time, the statue face will begin to crack. Jump down and turn the turnstile round until the bell ringer is facing the statue face, then return to the platform and press R1 to smash a hole through the face. Well done! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right, want to get those three chests in the alcove on the left wall? One has a Phoenix Feather inside it. You do? Good, right, so pay attention! Go back down to the turnstile and rotate it so that the bell ringer is facing the bottom left of the screen. Activate the Amulet, swing up to the upper ledge, run along the bell ringer and glide from there to the ledge to claim your prizes! Be sure to store up those red orbs, don't ignore them! You will need a lot of them to upgrade the Blade of Olympus during the final boss battle of the game! Run along the bell ringer and enter through the newly opened doorway (well, hole in a statue face, but whatever) into the next room. Run into the alcoves on the left and right and open the red orb chests, then continue on into a circular room. Open the chest on your way round and open the door at the other side to enter the next area...and another boss battle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THRONE OF LAHKESIS <<<<< Jump and glide over to the huge platform to trigger a cutscene where the first Sister of Fate, Lahkesis, appears. Let battle commence!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH029] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: LAHKESIS ^^^^^ Lahkesis has a range of melee attacks, and will also shoot energy balls from her staff, which can easily be blocked and deflected with the Golden Fleece. Block or evade her melee attacks and get in there with quick combos with the Athena's Blades, souls and ground smashes with the Barbarian Hammer or fast and powerful slashes and swipes with the Spear of Destiny. Most of your magic will be of some use, the Head of Euryale is useless, because bosses cannot be immobilised, but Typhon's Bane is good when she hovers above the ground or is at the other side of the arena, Cronos's Rage is great for stunning her, while cutting her down with fast Blade combos, and Atlas Quake is the most recommended as it deals severe damage to the boss. She occasionally does ground slams (when she hovers, it means she's gonna slam!) so be sure to avoid those in any way possible. Other than that, nothing much to say, just keep it up, until the next phase commences, aerial combat! Lahkesis will levitate above the floor, sometimes electrifying it and turning it green, this can seriously hurt you, so use the grip points and stay above the floor, while you battle Lahkesis. If you have any magic, use it, the best one to use is Cronos's Rage, as both Typhon's Bane and Atlas Quake will involve you landing on the floor - with Cronos's Rage you can just jump off a grip point, give the boss a quick zap, then grab the grip point again. Blade combos will also work, for instance Rampage of the Furies (my personal recommendation) but just remember to get off the floor when she zaps it! Eventually a Circle will appear above her head, so jump towards her and press Circle to end the battle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ However, the battle isn't over yet! Lahkesis summons her the battlefield. Atropos grabs hold of you and drags you Mirror, taking you back in time to the moment you fought original God of War. There, atop the mighty Blade of the the second sister. sister, Atropos to through a Time Ares, back in the Gods, you must fight

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: ATROPOS ^^^^^ This battle may seem quite difficult, but it ain't! Once you work out what to do (and what not to do!) it's pretty darn simple. Atropos will hover around the blade and attack you, mostly by throwing energy balls at you, but these things are pretty slow and so are easy to block and deflect with the Fleece! Use Typhon's Bane on Atropos until you run out of magic (make sure it's upgraded, preferably to the maximum level, as Titan Storm will work wonders.) Soldiers will appear during the course of the battle, kill them to regain magic and health. When Atropos starts to float close to the sword, approach her and either get her with magic or combos with the Blades or the Spear. (The Hammer's a bit slow, but if you decide to use it, Might of the King and Legion of Souls will both work fine.)

Your main aim here is to defeat Atropos before the sword becomes too cracked. If that happens, it will be destroyed and you will be defeated, both by Ares and Atropos - not a good thing! During the course of the battle, Atropos may flee to the other end of the sword and start recharging health. If she does, run over to her and keep slashing away at her. Finally, a Circle will appear above her head, so press it and OWN that bitch! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thought you'd seen the last of Lahkesis and Atropos? Well if you did, tough luck. After the battle you will be returned to the Throne of Lahkesis, where the sister will once again confront you. But there's a twist, there are three mirrors in the room, and Atropos is behind them, ready to strike... Understand what I mean? Yes, you'll have to fight both sisters at once! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: LAHKESIS AND ATROPOS ^^^^^ Atropos will not appear right away, so focus on Lahkesis and deal with her the same way you did last time, fast attacks and blocking with the Fleece. Soon, Atropos will half-emerge from one of the mirrors in the room and throw energy balls at you. Block or evade them, but keep your attention focused on Lahkesis, do not go for Atropos yet! After a while, Lahkesis will keel over and a green light will start glowing on her, the same light as you would see on an Amulet statue, so you can probably guess what that means! Activate the Amulet and run over to Atropos. Slash away at her with the Blades until she disappears back into the mirror, then equip the Barbarian Hammer and smash the mirror to pieces! Repeat the strategy when she appears from the opposite mirror, damage Lahkesis, wait until she's stunned, activate the Amulet, attack Atropos then smash the mirror using the Hammer. Lahkesis will now be alone again, so recycle the tactics from the first battle and put them to use! Remember to use the Fleece to deflect her ranged weapons! In order to defeat her, you MUST weaken her in front of the third mirror in the room, otherwise the familiar Circle will not appear. So, get her to the mirror and attack her there. Resort to magic if she gets too feisty! Eventually, when the Circle appears, press it to finish off both sisters! Just remember to smash the mirror afterwards! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH030] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE INNER SANCTUM <<<<< The smashed mirror will reveal a doorway, so head through it to the save point. SAVE GAME HERE.

From there, continue on into a circular room with a pillar in the middle. Climb up the wall and move round the ceiling to the doorway on the other side, but don't continue yet. From that doorway, glide round the room to the left and right, to find ledges with chests for you to open. One has a Phoenix Feather. Splendid. Yeah, it's pretty awesome, because it's the last one in the game! Once you have opened the chests on both sides, head inside the doorway and down the passage beyond. Ahead of you will be a window and beyond you will get your first glimpse of the third Sister, Clotho. Yeah, she's pretty darn big. She's supposed to be the youngest of the three (Atropos is the oldest) yet these game designers make her a huge monstrous creature...well, I suppose they had imagination when they created her, that's all I can say. You will hear Clotho talking to you, trying to stop you from your quest, apparently you will destroy everything, blah, blah, blah, yeah whatever. Head down to the end of the passage and smash the wall on your right to continue. Right! It's time for a battle! As you make your way down the curving passageway, wave after wave of enemies will attack, consisting of pretty much EVERY creature you've encountered up until now, yes, that includes cyclopes fortunately they are the normal ones as opposed to the Berserkers. Sirens, soldiers, gorgons, juggernauts, minotaurs, satyrs...the lot! The last wave will be where the cyclopes come in, three or four of them in total, at least, that's what I encountered... Your strategy? Use your MAXED-OUT weapons! Hopefully some of your weapons will be at maximum by now, if not all of them! So go for it! Powerful combos, magic, evasion, the Golden Fleece, you will need everything you've got! Once you reach the bottom and defeat the last wave, you will be free to use the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Right, time to head into the Loom Chamber! To unlock the door, attack both hands to lift them up. When a hand is raised, press R1 to unlatch the lock. Do this on both sides, then press R1 in the centre of the door to open it and enter Clotho's domain! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH031] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE LOOM CHAMBER <<<<< Avoid the swinging blades and make your way over to the visible part of Clotho's body. Right. The Loom Chamber is multi-levelled, and so (in some respects) is Clotho. The level you are on holds two of her smaller arms. Head round to the one on the left and attack it to stun it, then turn the turnstile all the way round until the gate above opens. Stun her arm again if you need to, then run up the remains of the stairs and glide from there up to the gateway. Open the chest if you want, then climb up the wall on the right and move round the ceiling towards the gateway on the right. You're almost there when one of Clotho's arm reaches up and grabs you, so shake the analog stick to break free. Attack the obstacles blocking the door,

then drop down and rotate the turnstile to open the gate. Glide from the remains of the stairs up to the gateway and climb up the rope to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&& PUZZLE: LIMB LOCKING &&&&& I wanted an alliterative title for no apparent reason, and managed to think of one! On this level, Clotho has three arms, all of which need to be trapped in order to progress. So, let's get on with it! For the first arm, run over to the nearby lever (the one surrounded on three sides by railings) and activate it to open a trapdoor near the arm. Jump down through the trapdoor to get the chest, then climb back out and stun her arm. Activate the lever again to close the trapdoor, locking her first arm in place. The second arm is the one to the right of the one you've just trapped, not the left. Head round past the trapdoor lever to find her second arm and a couple of ledges above it, you'll only need the first one to do her second arm. Attack it or zap it with Cronos's Rage to stun it, then climb the rope to the left and hop onto the platform. Activate the lever to make the hanging blade descend and impale her second arm. Now that two of her arms are trapped, head back round to where the first arm is. See that device on the outer edge of the platform with the shining handle? Grab that handle and push the device round to where the blade is hanging down near the third arm, where a blue light should switch on and the pot-like thing on the machine should be below the hands on the device above. Step on the button next to the shining handle to make the pot rise up and lock into the hand device. (To make sure your progress isn't disrupted, zap the third arm with Cronos's Rage as you get near to it.) Now, when you push the handle round, the blade will tag along. Drag it round to the next 'blue light area' (in front of Clotho's third arm) and then attack her arm. In pain, she will lift it up and accidentally catch the blade, which will then impale and trap it. Climb up the chain that the blade is hanging from and jump onto the ledge. Pull the lever to ascend to the top level, where the real battle begins with the most frequent star on the cover of 'Heat' magazine and nine times winner of the 'Sexiest Female of the Year Award.' ...Hah! Yeah, whatever! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: CLOTHO ^^^^^ This battle is probably the easiest out of all four Fate battles, so breathe a sigh of relief, but still keep your concentration up! Just evade her arm attacks, that's not very difficult. If you really want to, activate the Amulet and then attack her, but it's not necessary. There are two levers, on the bottom left and right of the arena. Activating these will bring up corpses,

which Clotho will then attack, releasing health orbs. Right, let's get on with it! Stun both of her arms, the run round to the right, where you will see a handle. However, you cannot use it, something is blocking it above. Either destroy it with magic, or climb up the nearby wall and destroy it with the blades. When you're done, run back to Clotho and stun her arms again. Head back to the handle and push it round until the right-hand lever is in the centre of the semi-circle, right in front of Clotho (a blue light will switch on next to the handle.) Stun her arms again, then activate the lever to bring up one of the swinging blades that you had to avoid when you first entered the chamber. Press R1 and rotate the analog stick to turn the blade round, so that it is facing Clotho. Run round so that you are between the blade and the edge of the arena and press R1 again, then push the analog stick down and press the indicated buttons to impale Clotho, killing her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run through one of the doors in the room and round to the back. Pull the lever to raise the platform, then jump into the water and swim under the first gate. Open the chest on the ledge at the corner, then swim under the second gate, surface, and head down the passage to the mirror...and the save point. SAVE GAME HERE. Pull the lever to raise some threads in the chamber below. Return to the arena and find your thread (it's the one to the right of the centre.) If you choose the wrong one, the mirror will crack, but it will quickly reform. Rapidly press Circle to cycle through the events of your life, including the Kraken, Atlas and the Steeds of Time. Eventually, an image of Zeus will appear and a 30-second timer will start. Activate the Amulet to give yourself a bit more time, and run through to the back. Activate the lever, rise up, swim under the gates and get round to the mirror before time runs out! Jump through it to trigger a cutscene, where Zeus has just killed Kratos, when future-Kratos appears and pushes Zeus away. Zeus is pretty surprised, as you can probably tell, and soon you find yourself thrown into the sky, struggling for possession of the Blade, and finally you land on the Summit of Sacrifice. Zeus will disappear, then reappear again as a giant. Let battle commence! The last and most important boss battle in the whole game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH032] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^ BOSS BATTLE: ZEUS ^^^^^ Show him no mercy! At first, Zeus will act like the Colossus and slam his

hands down on the arena, or shoot lightning at you. Avoid these and kill the Sirens that appear (be sure to kill them via. the kill sequence, as this damages Zeus.) Like the Colossus, attack his hands whenever they're on the platform, (Cronos's Rage and Atlas Quake will also work) and after a considerable amount of damage, a Circle will appear above his hand, so press it and stab his hand. Zeus will return to normal size and the fight will begin properly! He can be quite powerful, so keep at it! Max out Cronos's Rage, Atlas Quake and the godly might of the Blade, aswell as the Golden Fleece. Use some Rage if you need to. After a lot of fighting, Zeus will grab the Blade off you, so pound him with magic and the Athena's Blades until a Circle appears above him, at which point you can press it, then mash it to try and get the Blade back off him. At that point, Kratos will stab him and smash him against a pillar. A white light will then appear on the pillar to the left of him, so run over to it and press R1 to bring it down on the god. Health, magic and Rage orbs will all be released. Normal combat then resumes but save your Rage, you will need it in a while. For now, resort to the tactics I listed earlier, magic, powerful melee attacks and the Golden Fleece. When Zeus once more grabs the Blade off you, he will glow gold. This is where you need Rage. Activate it, and then slash away at Zeus by holding down Square...and keeping it held down! When the Circle appears above his head, press it, and then mash Circle to reclaim the Blade once more, and once again stab him and smash him against a pillar. This time, head over to the pillar with the white light and press R1 to bring the entire structure down on him! Unfortunately, though weakened, he breaks free and disappears again... Hmm... Head over to the centre of the arena, and Zeus will rise as a giant once again and let loose a wave of lightning. Mash Circle, then watch the cutscene where Kratos pretends to surrender, but BE PREPARED! Kratos will pretend to give in, so Zeus descends and takes the Blade. He is preparing to kill Kratos, when a button will show up on the screen - press it quickly to counter Zeus's attack. Press the buttons indicated, then mash the Circle button to repeatedly stab Zeus and trigger a cutscene where Athena appears, tries desperately to subdue Kratos and ends up getting stabbed! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WKTH033] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>> LOCATION: THE LOOM CHAMBER <<<<< When the cutscene has finished, you will be back in the Loom Chamber, which is starting to crumble. Head back to your thread and do the same as you did last time, weave the strands of time and this time round, the timer will start with a picture of the Titanomachy on the mirror (well, a picture of Cronos and Atlas...) Once again, you have 30 seconds to get back to the mirror and leap through it to complete the game! Well done!

Now, just relax and watch the ending cutscene, which I will describe in detail (because I feel like it) just like I did for the first one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Kratos emerges from the other side of the mirror, he is in the middle of the Titan War. He yells Gaia's name and the Titan herself turns round to face him (she takes quite a long time to bend down to speak to Kratos because she's SO HUGE...) She says that the gods are too powerful to defeat (in the background you see Hades and Poseidon taking down Atlas) to which Kratos replies that he has killed two gods, weakened one and the rest of them tremble at his name...hmm, not sure about that! He then suggests that Gaia and the other Titans come forward in time with him and attack them in Kratos's time (the present.) The scene then switches to a small gathering of gods on Olympus...all four of them...grouped around Zeus's chair. To avoid any confusion or arguments about which god is which, I'll tell you - from left, they are Helios (in the light brown) Hermes (with the fire, which is actually his winged sandals) Hades (with the spikes and the smoking helmet) and Poseidon (the tall one with the robe and the light blue markings.) Zeus is telling them to unite and make a stand against Kratos, and is just shouting, "Olympus will prevail!" when the temple, and the mountain, start to shake violently. Avoiding falling debris, the gods rush outside and look down to see Gaia and the Titans advancing on them. On Gaia's back, Kratos holds the Blade aloft and yells up at Zeus, "Zeus! Your son has returned! I bring the destruction of Olympus!" The camera then zooms out, showing an army of Titans climbing up the side of the mountain, and the city at the mountain's base aflame. The cutscene ends with the words, "THE END BEGINS." Then the credits roll. Nice work! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Whew, well we've reached the end of the walkthrough, but don't leave yet! There is now an information section, which I hope will help you big time! #-----------------------------------------------------------------------# | "Fight, Spartan! You are not meant to die here! This is not the end!" | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------# =================================================================== =================================================================== ########################## INFORMATION ##########################

=================================================================== =================================================================== +++++++++ [INFGD001] ADVICE +++++++++

>> Destroy objects such as wooden structures, pots, barrels etc. for extra red power-up orbs. (You don't need to focus on red orbs until after the Colossus battle, as you will lose them all anyway, when you get the Blade of Olympus.) >> Don't ever ignore enemies unless your health is dangerously low. Attack them for red orbs and sheer gory pleasure! Attack all the enemies in the area before moving on. >> Move faster along ceilings and walls by moving the left analog stick in the direction you want to go and pressing X. >> Grab enemies whenever possible, it makes life so much easier. It's a quick and easy kill and you can also throw grabbed enemies at others, to damage them. >> Do not jump in places where gorgons lurk! If you get turned to stone in midair, you will automatically fall down and smash! >> Try not to use Rage of the Titans all at once! Unlike Rage of the Gods from the first game, Rage of the Titans can be switched on and off. Just activate it, do what needs to be done, then switch it off again, instead of letting the meter run out. >> When rotating turnstiles, rotate the analog stick slowly, this actually makes Kratos rotate it faster. >> With boss battles, remember to stay evasive all the time, attacking only when they're not, and retreating or blocking when you see them readying an attack. >> To guarantee plenty of red orbs, collect Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! That way, the rest of the G.E/P.F chests will contain red orbs. +++++++++++ [INFGD002] BONUS PLAY +++++++++++ After you complete the game on a particular level, if you choose to start a new game at that level (it will have a sword icon next to it) you will be asked if you want to play using all your unlocked weapons, magic and Urns. If you select yes, you will start a new game on Bonus Play. ++++++++++++++++ [INFGD003] MAGICAL POWERS ++++++++++++++++ TYPHON'S BANE A magical bow ripped from the eye of the Titan Typhon himself. This godly weapon shoots blasts of wind to damage enemies near and far. Kratos is able to move around while he is shooting, so it is great for searching out enemies and homing in on them. -Level 1>L2 + [] = Wind Blast (Kratos will shoot a small blast of wind at an enemy.)

-Level 2- Orb Requirement: 2500 orbs >L2 + [] = Rapid Fire Wind Blast (As above, but wind blasts can be shot faster.) >L2 + /_\ = Lethal Vortex (The bow shoots a bigger wind blast which launches the target into the air.) -Level 3- (Maximum) Orb Requirement: 12500 >L2 + /_\ = Lethal Vortex - upgraded (As above, but more powerful.) >L2 + [] = Charged Wind Blast (The Wind Blast can now be charged by holding down Square. It will be more powerful and home in on nearby enemies.) >L2 + O = Titan Storm (The Bane unleashes a mighty tempest which heavily damages multiple enemies.) CRONOS'S RAGE The power of the great Titan Cronos flows through Kratos, giving him the power to zap his foes into submission by placing lightning orbs, which electrify any enemy within range, stunning and damaging at once. -Level 1>L2 = Cronos's Rage (Each time L2 is pressed, Kratos charges up an electrical orb. Up to three can be placed at one time.) -Level 2- Orb Requirement: 3350 orbs >L2 = Cronos's Rage - upgraded (As above, but with increased damage. It also strikes more enemies.) -Level 3- (Maximum) Orb Requirement: 15000 orbs >L2 = Cronos's Rage - upgraded (As above, but with increased damage. It also strikes more enemies and when it fades, it's core explodes, further damaging enemies.) HEAD OF EURYALE The head of the Gorgon Euryale can turn enemies to stone. The enemies can then be shattered for a quick and easy kill, making life much easier for Kratos, especially against all those juggernauts, minotaurs and cyclopes... -Level 1>L2 + [] = Gorgon Stare (The Head fires a ray of energy which will slowly petrify an enemy.) -Level 2- Orb Requirement: 4000 orbs > L2 + /_\ = Gorgon Flash (A much quicker way of petrifying an enemy. Smaller enemies will take one flash, larger foes may take two.) -Level 3- (Maximum) Orb Requirement: 8000 orbs >L2 + O = Gorgon Blast (A better version of Gorgon Flash, turning enemies to stone with a single beam of energy.) >L2 + O (hold, then release) = Gorgon Rage (An amazing ability which, when executed, will turn all surrounding enemies to stone with a single blast. Great for clearing a whole field of enemies, since Atlas Quake (below) can shatter petrified enemies.) ATLAS QUAKE The last (and probably the most powerful) magical ability you get, the power

of the mighty Titan Atlas allows Kratos to smash the ground and create quakes which damage all enemies in the area. -Level 1>L2 = Trembling Earth (Kratos slams his fists into the ground, then does a huge stomp, sending debris (and enemies) sky-high. -Level 2- Orb Requirement: 4500 orbs >L2 = Trembling Earth - upgraded (As above, but with increased attack power.) -Level 3- (Maximum) Orb Requirement: 10000 orbs >L2 (then tap O) = Destructive Earth (A more powerful Atlas Quake, press L2 to start the quake, then mash the Circle button to bring up huge rocks which do even more damage, then finish it all off with a mighty stomp. A cool thing to note is that Kratos is invincible during the whole attack!) +++++++++++++ [INFGD004] CYCLOPS EYES +++++++++++++ Collect 20 of these to unlock the General Kratos costume. It is quite difficult to get them all in the main game, since Cyclops Berserkers only appear twice (Ruins of the Forgotten and Palace of the Fates) but the first challenge in Challenge of the Titans will help get the total up! +++++++++++++ [INFGD005] GORGON EYES +++++++++++++ Collect 6 of these to increase your health meter by one level. You can only collect 18 out of the 30+ that are hidden in the game, so any other Gorgon Eye chests will appear as red orb chests. +++++++++++++++++ [INFGD006] PHOENIX FEATHERS +++++++++++++++++ Collect 6 of these to increase your magic meter by one level. You can only collect 18 out of the 30+ that are hidden in the game, so any other Phoenix Feather chests will appear as red orb chests. ++++++++++++++ [INFGD007] URNS OF POWER ++++++++++++++ These special items can be unlocked during Bonus Play, by pressing Start, using L1 and R1 to cycle through to the list of Urns and switching them on. URN OF GAIA Location: Rhodes Palace How to find it: When you get to the room with the enemies, the gate and the buttons on either side, get to the other side of the gate by grabbing the

statue, placing it on the first switch, kicking it under the gate then rolling under the gate before it closes. Instead of putting the statue on the second switch, drag it out into the hallway on your right. Kick it to the end of the hall, destroy the statue, jump onto it and climb up to the high ledge. The chest in the middle contains the Urn of Gaia. Effect: Gives Kratos 10 times the normal amount of red orbs when he kills or destroys something. URN OF THE GORGONS Location: River Of The Forgotten How to find it: After obtaining the Golden Fleece, head back to the Ruins of the Forgotten and from there back to the large and fast-spinning waterwheel that you had to freeze with the Amulet to get across. Cross the wheel and jump over to the opposite conveyor belt heading into the tunnel. There are three gorgon beams that come out of the walls, freezing anything they touch. Use the Golden Fleece on each one and press the indicated button to destroy the wall. The middle wall contains a chest with the Urn of the Gorgons inside it. Effect: Any melee attack Kratos does against an enemy instantly turns them to stone. URN OF OLYMPUS Location: Lowlands Entrance How to find it: Go to the room where you obtained the Spear of Destiny, where you will find an Amulet statue and a wheel. Drag the statue onto the wheel and spin it round until the statue is facing south (the entrance.) Kick it out of the room and down the steps and drag it to the water's edge. Swim to the other side and activate the Amulet, then swing over using the grip point and go to the fork. Take the left turning, run across the trick floor and into a room with three chests. The Urn of Olympus is in the middle one. Effect: Kratos gets the power of infinite magical power. URN OF PROMETHEUS Location: Inside The Mighty Titan How to find it: After the room with the harpy nests, you will come across an open exit and a wall on the left. Scale the wall and move along the ceiling. The first stalactite you come across reveals a hole when destroyed. Climb up into the hole and emerge into a small room with two chests. The colourless one contains the Urn of Prometheus. Effect: Kratos is bestowed with the power of infinite Rage of the Titans. URN OF THE FATES Location: Challenge of the Titans How to find it: Complete the Challenge of the Titans bonus game and achieve the rank of 'Mortal.' Effect: Kratos can pause for longer during combat without his combo meter returning to zero. URN OF POSEIDON Location: Challenge of the Titans How to find it: Complete the Challenge of the Titans bonus game and achieve the rank of 'Spartan.'

Effect: Gives you the option of switching Cronos's Rage with Poseidon's Rage as one of your magical powers. ++++++++++++++++ [INFGD008] BONUS COSTUMES ++++++++++++++++ Special costumes can be unlocked to use during Bonus Play. Here's a list of them, including how to unlock them and how they affect your stats. 1 - COD OF WAR Kratos evokes terror in his enemies by donning his flashy new fish costume! Hah, evokes terror, more like, evokes insults and laughter from his enemies and makes himself look VERY stupid! To unlock this costume, beat the game on any difficulty. Here's how it affects your stats: Offensive power: x 1 Defensive power: x 1 Green orbs: x 2 Blue orbs: x 2 Yellow orbs: x 2 Red orbs: x 2 2 - HYDRA ARMOUR Now that's more like it! Kratos looks slightly more intimidating now as he steps into this new costume made from the scales of one of his many fallen foes, the multi-headed serpentine Hydra! To unlock this costume, beat the game on any difficult. Here's how it affects your stats: Offensive power: x 0.5 Defensive power: x 2 Green orbs: x 2 Blue orbs: x 2 Yellow orbs: x 2 Red orbs: x 1 3 - DARK ODYSSEY Tremble before the power of the dark side! But this time round, there's no Darth Vader to scare you out of your wits, Kratos does it well enough with his new sense of fashion. To unlock this costume, beat the game on God mode. Here's how it affects your stats: Offensive power: x 2 Defensive power: x 0.5 Green orbs: x 1 Blue orbs: x 1 Yellow orbs: x 1 Red orbs: x 5 4 - ATHENA Watch as Kratos miraculously transforms into the goddess Athena! This time, she's your protagonist; it is Athena who allies with the Titans and she who fights Zeus atop the Summit of Sacrifice! And yet, you're still able to do the sex mini-game...

To unlock this costume, beat the game on Titan mode. Here's how it affects your stats: Offensive power: x 1 Defensive power: x 0.666... Green orbs: x 5 Blue orbs: x 5 Yellow orbs: x 1 Red orbs: x 2 5 - HERCULES Hey, that's a bit more macho! I bet those women in the sex mini-game were very confused when Athena came along, but they'll be all over Hercules as the mighty hero steps into Kratos's shoes! To unlock this costume, beat the game on Titan mode. Here's how it affects your stats: Offensive power: x 1.5 Defensive power: x 0.5 Green orbs: x 1 Blue orbs: x 1 Yellow orbs: x 1 Red orbs: x 1 6 - GENERAL KRATOS Kratos, as he once was. Before he killed Ares and took his place as the God of War. Let Kratos step back in time with this outfit, and assume his old position of Spartan leader. To unlock this costume, collect 20 Cyclops Eyes from Cyclops Berserkers. Here's how it affects your stats: Offensive power: x 0.5 Defensive power: x 0.5 Green orbs: x 0.25 Blue orbs: x 0.25 Yellow orbs: x 0.25 Red orbs: x 5 7 - GOD ARMOUR Kratos puts on his godly mantle in the form of his God of War Armour, to terrify his enemies! Let your enemies tremble before your power as the true God of War steps out into the world! To unlock this costume, complete Challenge of the Titans and achieve the rank of 'God.' Here's how it affects your stats: Offensive power: x 2 Defensive power: x 2 Green orbs: x 2 Blue orbs: x 2 Yellow orbs: x 2 Red orbs: x 2 +++++++++++++++++++ [INFGD009] ARENA OF THE FATES +++++++++++++++++++ To unlock this special mini-game, you must beat Challenge of the Titans and

achieve the rank of 'Titan.' You can control how many enemies you face, what type they are, how much health and magic you have, it's a custom battle, where YOU are in control! ++++++++++++++++++++++++ [INFGD010] CHALLENGE OF THE TITANS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ A bonus game, to unlock it you must beat the main game. There are seven challenges in all, so get moving! I'll talk you through them all... {Challenge 1} - BLIND FURY Goal: Rip out the Cyclops's eye. Bonus: Turn 2 or more enemies to stone and shatter them. Freeze the Cyclops with the Head, then freeze the two riders, to get the bonus goal out of the way. Then, go for the Cyclops with the Spear, until the time comes to grab his eye and kill him. Not much else to say, just keep up the hard work! {Challenge 2) - DEATH FROM ABOVE Goal: Kill 10 enemies in the air. Bonus: Kill 20 enemies in the air. This challenge can be very annoying, especially when a load of enemies surrounds you while you're trying to do the aerial kills. You can do one of two things here, either use the Spear of Destiny and press Triangle repeatedly to launch them, then repeatedly stab them in mid-air, or you can press L1 and X to launch them using the Icarus Wings, then get in with a Cyclone of Chaos or Rampage of the Furies. The juggernauts cannot be launched and the gorgons are just a pain, so concentrate on the soldiers in terms of launching. Zap the juggernauts and gorgons with Cronos's Rage to get them out of your way while you launch and kill the soldiers. {Challenge 3} - GORGON GRAVEYARD Goal: Immobilise and shatter 25 enemies. Bonus: Immobilise and shatter 35 enemies. One tip, ignore the gorgon! Deflect her gaze if it comes, but otherwise ignore her! The harpies are easy to freeze, they fall out of the sky and shatter. For the other enemies, use the Barbarian Hammer for an easy shatter. {Challenge 4} - PROTECT THE WEAK Goal: Protect the translator - do not let him die. Bonus: Keep the translator's health above half. The translator sits on a glowing circle, which, after a while, moves to a different place. He must be on the circle, otherwise he will start to lose health, so you must move him when the circle moves. There is an Amulet statue, so use it as much as you want! Enemies will swarm at you during the course of the challenge. Cronos's Rage is highly recommended, as is the Blade and the Spear. Save your Rage of the Titans for enemies such as cyclopes and satyrs.

Protect yourself with the Golden Fleece against such things as harpy dives and long-range attacks from the sirens. Keep an eye on the circle though, and when it moves, either activate the Amulet or give the enemies a zap with Cronos's Rage, before hurrying over to the translator and moving him. Just keep at it, and soon you will prevail! {Challenge 5} - REAP THE REWARDS Goal: Collect 500 red orbs. Bonus: Collect 600 red orbs. Best weapon to use? The Blade of Olympus, use the L1 + O combination to sap red energy from your enemies. In terms of magic, either Titan Storm from Typhon's Bane or Cronos's Rage will work great, (Cronos's Rage is faster, and so recommended) or if you're feeling particularly daring and confident, the Head of Euryale/Atlas Quake combo, no harm in trying it out! If you don't want to use the Blade, just equip the Athena's Blades and use quick combos to get the orbs. You can do it! {Challenge 6} - SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Goal: Kill all the enemies before your health runs out. Bonus: Don't use any Rage of the Titans. Your health is going down, and you need to clear the arena of enemies before you die! Remember that minotaurs release health orbs, so concentrate on them! The priests give out magic orbs, which you can use to help you (Cronos's Rage or Atlas Quake are recommended) and the Cerberus hounds give out Rage when you behead them, but just remember that if you use any Rage, you lose the bonus! Things to watch out for: the Cerberus pounce, the shadow wraith's shadow attack (the one where it melts into the ground and comes towards you as a black mass) the minotaurs, which can knock you to the ground and finally any exploding enemies, stay away from them when they self-destruct! {Challenge 7} - PERFECTION IS DIVINE Goal: Kill all the enemies without being hit. Bonus: Don't use any magic. Right. There will be a sleeping Titan Minotaur, so DON'T touch him, and don't let any of your enemies touch him, e.g. by pushing them back, etc. Your key item here is the Golden Fleece, it can protect you from harm, so USE IT! Skeletons appear at first, and when they are all gone, a load of other enemies appear. Concentrate on the priests, as they summon cyclopes to fight for them. If you don't mind losing the bonus, by all means use magic to help you, and when the priests die they will give you magic orbs. Just make sure you stay defensive, the Golden Fleece, normal blocking and evasion will all be needed. Use any Rage of the Titans you need, but remember that you are not invincible when you have Rage switched on. When all the enemies are gone, it's time to battle the Titan Minotaur! Throw everything you've got at him, and remember the tactics from the main walkthrough, as his attacks are the same! Dodge his rocks and use ranged attacks, or stay evasive and use special attacks from the Blade or Hammer. Finish off the Titan Minotaur to complete Challenge of the Titans! Well done! ++++++++++++++++++++

[INFGD011] OTHER UNLOCKABLES ++++++++++++++++++++ Titan Mode - for the advanced gamer ONLY, unless you want a REAL challenge! Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock. In-Game Movies, Story Format - you can watch all the cutscenes and movies of the game in order of their appearance. Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock. In-Game Movies, High Resolution - you can watch all the high-resolution cinematics that appear in the game, in order. Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock. High Definition Mode - as the game is loading, before the screen that says 'Sony Computer Entertainment Presents' (after the language selection) press down L1, L2, L3, O and [] and if done correctly, the (L3 is the right analog stick.) #------------------------------------# | "I am what the gods have made me!" | #------------------------------------# =================================================================== =================================================================== ########################## FINAL MESSAGE ########################## =================================================================== =================================================================== Well, my walkthrough is finally finished! Thank you very much for taking the time to look through it! There's not many people to thank, but I suppose VampireHorde needs a round of applause for helping me in times of need during the game and inspiring me to write my own walkthrough. Also my work colleague, Lukas, for introducing me to this amazing game! And of course, thanks to you all for reading through and hopefully lapping up the information like a dog's tongue in a water bowl. I'll be writing more walkthroughs in the future, so keep an eye out for more! >> atlas-quake walkthroughs - 2008 <<

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