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Day One

Be a journalist who is following the discourse of the Salem Witch Trials; Write a short
newspaper article for the Salem Times It should include who you are seeing, what you are
hearing, and your feelings about what is happening.

Day 2
What was your plea? (Guilty/Innocent). Were you tried fairly? Explain your reasoning. What
sorts of laws do we have today to prevent events like this from reoccurring? Chose two and tell
how they could have prevented the Salem witch trials if they had been in effect then.
Your response:_____________________________________________________________________________
The laws that prevent recurrence: _____________________________________________________________________________

Day 3
Now that you have both read Act 1 and watched a segment of it complete the following chart
using the web resources provided.



What is the setting of
the scene you


List the characters so

far. Then choose one

of them to describe in
detail: using their
physical, social,

psychological and
moral aspects

Your Responses


How has the plot

played out so far in

the play? From what

you have seen and
read does the play

run on an episodic
plot, or a natural

plot? Explain your


As of right now you

will have to guess
what the theme

isso tell me what do

you guess it would


According to this play

what kind of

playwright is Arthur
Miller? Realistic or
Explain your

Day 4
How does the question Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist
party connect to the Salem Witch Trials? Give details and elaborate on the topic.
Do the findings here surprise you? What did you find most appalling and why?_____________________________________________________________________________

Day 5
Lets say you live in Salem. You think you can solve all of the problems by getting rid of one
person from the town. You plan to accuse them of witchery, so they will be tried, and hanged.
You have to be careful to not be accused yourself thoughthe people in this town are already
suspicious of anyone. Who from the play would you choose to accuse? What accusations
would you bring up against them? How will you keep from being accused? Rememberthe
town depends on you.
The Person You Chose_____________________________________________
What did you accuse them of? Give Reasoning
How did you keep from being accused?
How would your choice solve the problems? Give Reasoning


You have completed the accusations journal.

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