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How King Tut Died By Igne

Do you know how King Tutankhamen died? Was it murder, accident, illness, or battle? Well with Dr. Howard Carters help you will know. You will find out how King Tut died by using an x-ray, CAT scan, and DNA tests. So if you ever become a famous mummy, this is how we will find out how you died. So are you ready to go explore how King Tut died in this paper? 1922, Dr. Carter, King Tut, do you know anything about that? In 1992, Dr. Howard Carter was investigating King Tuts tomb. He discovered that Tuts mummy was all covered in resin. Actually there was so much resin that the mummy was stuck to the sarcophagus. Dr. Carter carved the mummy out with a heated knife and after that it was in pieces. After the mummy was found, there was an X-ray of it. You could see a blood clot, also known as a blunt force trauma. Scientists said that it could have been murder or a battle/hunting accident. There are two different types of scans that the scientists use in this movie. One is an x-ray like I said before and a CAT scan... The difference between these two is that a CAT scan is 3-dimensional. The scientists put the mummy into the CAT scan but with him in the crate. But...there was a little problem with that. In 1922 when Dr. Carter found the tomb, when he cut out the mummy, there was this sand still left in the crate which went on the mummy. Therefore, the sand caused a problem because it was reflecting on the computer so you could only see a light reflecting. Since that happened, the scientists had to take the mummy out of the crate. The computer could not work because the fan in the room was broken so it was scalding. Since this was in Egypt, it is very hot already since the fan was broken, the CAT scan could not work. The mummy only had 3 hours to be out of the sarcophagus, or else it would turn to pieces. After that, the computer started to work, so the scientists were actually looking at the mummy of King Tutankhamun! They were looking at the skull and noticed something unusual. Since the CAT scan is in 3-D, you could see the front and back. The scientists saw that King Tuts heart was missing. In Egypt, when you mummified the person, you had to take all the organs out, except for the heart. The scientists thought that this must have been because the people who mummified King Tut, were in a big hurry. Did you know that you can take DNA tests with mummies? Well its true, and this is very useful if you are trying to figure out who King Tuts kids are. In 1992 when King Tut was founded, Dr. Carter also found two little mini like mummies.

Everyone of the scientists thought that these were King Tuts and his wifes. Which is actually his sister. Speaking of wives, Dr. Carter actually also found two women mummies in King Tuts tomb. Scientists thought that one of those two women were Tuts wife. Since there were five different mummies to examine, (King Tut, the two women mummies, and the two children mummies) the CAT scan would not tell if they were related. Thats why there were some German scientists to take DNA samples of. After the DNA tests, it turns out that the two women mummies, one is King Tuts elder grandmother, and the younger one was his mom. The two children mummies were his kids, and he actually had toe disease. Turns out King Tut had Malaria, in fact he had the worst kind of Malaria. Since this was in the late past, there was no type of medicine to cure his Malaria. That is all the facts the scientists got from the tests.

As I said, 1922 was the year that Dr. Carter found King Tuts tomb and history was being unwrapped by the second. They have finally found out Tuts secrets. Tut went through a rough life but from now on we will finally know why he died... It was most possibly Malaria.

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