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Anticuchos Ingredients : Marinade: 2 garlic cloves, crushed ) cup aj panca molido / sundried red aj paste(chili Salt Pepper Cumin

n cup vinegar teaspoon salt

Anticuchos: 1 beef heart, cleaned Salt Oil Fresh yellow/aj amarillo, blended Bamboo skewers

Preparation: Marinade: Combine all ingredients to prepare marinade. Set aside. Anticuchos: Remove fat and clean beef heart and cut in to 1-inch pieces (2 - 3 cm.). Place them in a medium size bowl and pour marinade over beef heart pieces. Leave marinating at least 12 hours. Thread 3 pieces onto bamboo skewers. Heat barbecue grill and place anticuchos, brushing them with a mixture of blended fresh yellow aj and oil. Cook on one side, turn and repeat procedure. Serve hot. Usually, 2 anticucho skewers are served per person together with a boiled potato, a piece of corn and blended fresh yellow aj, for a spicier flavor. If beef heart is not available, anticuchos can be prepared with tenderloin pieces. Proceed in the same way Tomado de Ms en

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