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In steps 1 and 2, we set up the class.

In step 3, we add some private members for the blob endpoint, as well as the account name and access key which we initialize in the constructor we add in step 4. In step 5, we create a container and upload a blob to it. In step 6, we use the GetSharedAccessSignature() method of the CloudBlockBlob class to get a shared access signature based on a SharedAccessPolicy we pass into it. In this SharedAccessPolicy, we specify that we want read access on a blob from 10 minutes earlier to 40 minutes later than the current time. The fuzzing of the start time is to minimize any risk of the time on the local machine being too far out of sync with the time on the storage service. This approach is the easiest way to get a shared access signature. In step 7, we construct a Shared Access Signature from first principles. This version does not use the Storage Client library. We generate a string to sign from the account name, desired permissions, start, and expiration time. We initialize an HMACSHA256 instance from the access key, and use this to generate an HMAC from the string to sign. We then create the remainder of the query string while ensuring that the data is correctly URL encoded. In step 8, we use a shared access signature to initialize a StorageCredentialsSharedAccessSignature instance, which we use to create a CloudBlobClient instance. We use this to construct the CloudBlobContainer and CloudBlobClient instances we use to download the content of a blob. In step 9, we use HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse objects to perform an anonymous download of the content of a blob. We construct the query string for the request using the Shared Access Signature and direct the request to the appropriate blob endpoint. Note that when constructing urlPath for the storage emulator, we must add a / between {0} and {1} because of a difference in the way the Storage Client library constructs the endpoint for the storage emulator and the storage service. For example, we need to use the following for the storage emulator: String urlPath = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}{3}", blobEndpoint, containerName, blobName, sharedAccessSignature); In step 10, we add a helper method that invokes all the methods we added earlier. We must replace {CONTAINER_NAME} and {BLOB_NAME} with appropriate names for the container and blob. In step 7, we could create a Shared Access Signature based on a container-level access policy by replacing the definition of stringToSign with the following: String stringToSign = String.Format( "\n\n\n/{0}/{1}\n{2}", accountName, containerName, policyId); policyId specifies the name of a container-level access policy

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