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Man is so much occupied in his daily life today that he doesnt have the time to even think about

a very vital and basic question related to life. Some of us are doing physical labour, some are involved in mental ventures and some are into doing nothing very substantial. Some of us are also indulging into doing backseat driving in addition to and/or rather than sitting idle. But, nobody is thinking about why we do whatever we do. That is what is the purpose of life? What is the ultimate meaning and objective of life?

Every human being has got a brain, i.e. the intellect and the mental faculty which helps him take decisions in various scenarios. Some use it and some choose to succumb to the directions of others. Out of those who use their brains, some use it for productive purposes, some for unproductive purposes and the rest for destructive purposes. The Classification of the use to which intellect is put depends on the goals one sets for ones life. Violence will be productive for a person who derives some personal gain though it destroys life. The identification of the purpose of ones life is, thus, very crucial in determining the quality of ones own life and the life of others in ones vicinity. Also, the activities one indulges into also contribute decisively towards the same.

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