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JABIRI OMAR student no: TP028279

Mainframe VS Personal Computers

Mainframe computer is a digital computer designed for high-speed data processing with heavy use of input/output units such as large-capacity disks and printers. They have been used for such applications as payroll computations, accounting, business transactions, information retrieval, airline seat reservations, and scientific and engineering computations. Mainframe systems, with remote dumb terminals, have been displaced in many applications by client-server architecture.

Personal computers are much more versatile than a mainframe, and are easily customized to fit individual needs while still allowing data to be transferred between computers through either a network hub or a central server. A typical personal computer assemblage consists of a central processing unit (CPU), which contains the computers arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry on an integrated circuit; two types of computer memory, main memory, such as digital random-access memory (RAM), and auxiliary memory, such as magnetic hard disks and special optical compact discs, or read-only memory (ROM) discs (CDROMs and DVD-ROMs); and various input/output devices, including a display screen, keyboard and mouse, modem, and printer.

There is a big difference between a personal computer and a mainframe. A personal computer is what you're probably use to; a computer that lets you access the internet, run programs, edit documents, etc. A mainframe, on the other hand, is a much more powerful computer that is usually connected to a network. This kind of computer provides services for other computers on the network. It may store files, manage access to network resources like printers, or perform heavy-duty computational tasks. Since mainframes are usually accessed over a network, they do not usually need a keyboard, mouse, or screen of their own.

It depends a lot on the situation. If you are a big, multinational company, then go for a main-frame as the hub of the network. Then computers are used to monitor the main-frame, and are used by all employees. In a home, work or other situation mini computers are ideal.

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