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Natlia Bel Beln Ferreiro

Some people define it as the "western yoga" but in reality it is a series of exercises based on brief repetitions. Its inventor was Joseph Hubertus Pilates.

Who are we? we?

Pilates NBA is a company created in 2010 and dedicated to providing the Pilates method.

What are we offered? offered?

Pilates with machines
The reformer. The cadillac. The chair. The barrel.

Pilates on the ground

The magic circle or ring. The elastic band. The ball.

Pilates with machines

Pilates on the ground

Where are we located?

C/ Florida, 40 08905 Hospitalet de Llobregat Tel.: 93 336 66 66 e-mail:

Our offers are ...

Also, if you join during the summer, we will a discount of 35% in enrollment. We also give a book so you can practice this method at home.


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