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All we know the popular definition for UFO: Unidentified flying object. But here is another definition that is closer, precise and specific for what we can regard as a UFO: A stimulus, visual or otherwise, that provides the percipient with information about an unidentified phenomenon that appears to him to be in, or originate from, the atmosphere or beyond.

Personally, I have never seen an UFO. But its very easy to find many videos on the web. I know a guy who says he had an UFO experience. And obviously there is a video on You Tube. The link:

The sight took place in Bogot, near to his house in Niza. People say they saw something was flying and moving up and down in the sky. Immediately Daniel that is his name took his camera and start to film. He got two videos in which we can see objects in the sky and really we cant know what they are. Its very difficult to say the objects in the video were balloons and its very improbable those were satellites falling down. Nobody have an explanation but Daniel is sure those were UFOs. The video makes you think and I know Daniel as a serious professor, so the question is planted.

Many anomalies have been dumped into the UFO pot during recent years including remote viewing, close encounter experiences, aliens, ghosts, visions, near death experiences and all manner of what used to be understood as paranormal or anomalous events. This is creating more confusion and continuing divides within the UFO community in general and therefore not actually isolating what constitutes a UFO sighting or event. The real fact is that almost all (some people say ninetyfive per cent) of all sighting reports can be explained. Sometimes investigators and witness are not aware of the amount of traffic technologically, astronomically and atmospherically, that can be seen in our skies, hence some sighting reports remain unexplained, when with the correct knowledge and consultation in the specialist areas, they would have an accurate evaluation or at least a realistic possible cause of the source of the sighting. And in almost all the rest of cases the investigation does not give results for one of the following causes:

(1) The case has been reported a long time after the sighting or event therefore it is difficult to check with the specific agencies that could help. In addition to this, there is the problem of witness memory. (2) The various agencies, such as airports, military bases, police, coastguard etc., who could help identify the sighting are often unhelpful or disinterested about responding to this enquiries. They have had more correspondence and telephone calls from UFO investigators over the last few years than they are interested in dealing with, which is, in my view, totally understandable.

Here we have some of the most common explanations for the sightings: 1. Military and Civilian Aircraft. 2. Astronomical phenomena, bright stars, planets and meteors. 3. Laser light displays, which can be seen within a fifty kilometers mile radius of the show. 4. Airships. 5. Satellites and space debris reentries. 6. Balloons, weather, prank, helium, etc. 7. Reflections emanating from ground lights, the sun, windows etc. 8. Mirage effects caused by temperature inversions. 9. Flares. 10.Birds.

But the number of UFO reports has increased year after year. Is it possible that some of these experiences are an ever elusive connection with an external source operating just beyond the parameters of our view of reality, or can these inexplicable events be explained in terms of the unexplored potential of the human consciousness? I really dont know. I want to believe in life beyond the limit of our eyes. But I dont think we have been visited by little green beings with arms, legs and a big head coming from Mars. Im still waiting for a real and indisputable fact to show us a different view of we say reality.

It is the opinion of many people that an understanding of the nature of the UFO phenomenon will teach them a great deal about life. They think this for several reasons. It could be that they place a religious interpretation on the events described by the witnesses. There may be some justification for this viewpoint. There is also more than a small possibility that part of the answer to the questions posed lies in certain hidden facets of human potential. It is believed that these facets, when understood, will make a deep impression upon an individuals conception of the universe and its workings, or on the very essence of human life itself.

To the question do you believe? I say I do believe. I believe in different life forms, I believe we are not alone. But why every intelligent being who come to the Earth have to fly like TV shows us?

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