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THE LONE RANGER was conceived by George W. Trendle, who was the owner of WXYZ in Detroit.

Trendle hired as chief writer for his idea, Francis H. (Fran) Striker, and together the two created The Lone Ranger scenarios. On January 20th, 1933, the "Ranger" hit the airwaves. There were two short term Lone Rangers in the beginning, a fellow named Deeds, and another who was George Stenious. Brace Beemer finally got the part, but was promoted to studio manager and was replaced by Earle W. Graser, on April 16th, 1933. Beemer then became the shows narrator. Graser, however, died in a Michigan car crash on April 8th, 1941 and Beemer was returned to the role.

Brace Beemer on his great horse "Silver". With the huge success of the radio drama, it wasn't long before Republic Pictures released "THE LONE RANGER" in 1938, as a 15 chapter serial.

Republic's promotion wanted the man behind the mask to be a mystery man, although they gave the public five possible choices who were from the top :

George Letz (later Montgomery), Lee Powell, Herman Brix (Bruce Bennett) Hal Taliaferro (formerly Wally Wales) and Lane Chandler. Lee Powell was actually the man behind the mask, but was in legal hot water every time he tried to disclose that fact. By the time THE LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN (1939) was filmed, Lee Powell was gone and the part went to Bob Livingston, and this time there was no attempt to hide who was behind the mask. This was another hugely successful serial. Tonto was played in both serials by Chief Thundercloud. (Victor Daniels)

Bob Livingston as "The Masked Man"

..and speaking of masked men, here by some bizarre coincidence is Clayton Moore getting the best of Roy Barcroft in Republics "GHOST OF ZORRO" (1949).

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