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by J. S. McClain

Injury Disclaimer Before beginning any strenuous exercise program consult your physician. Killer Fitness, the author, publisher, and domain host disclaim any liability, personal or professional, resulting from the misapplication of any of the training procedures described in this publication. If at any time you feel short of breath, chest pain or significant discomfort, stop and consult your doctor. Start slowly and use common sense when exercising.

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Table of Contents
Flexibility.3 How Stretching Improves Flexibility3 Types of Stretching..4 Safety Guidelines..5 The Exercises.6 Upper Body Neck.6 Shoulders/Arms.7 Torso & Back..9 Chest..13 Lower Body Hamstrings & Quadriceps...14 Calves & Ankles20 Compound Stretches.....21

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

The Ability to move your body through its full range of motion.
Flexibility training isnt a high priority for most people. Stretching wont get rid of that spare tire, slow the growth of those widening hips, or give you the six pack abs you long for. Which begs the questionwhy bother? Believe it or not, flexibility is just as important as strength and endurance. If youre not flexible, youve severely limited your athletic potential and increased your risk of injury. Flexibility is especially important when conducting any physical activity that places stress on the joints and muscles. Incorporating stretching into your physical fitness regimen will increase both agility and balance, while helping to flush the toxins that build up in your muscles. Additionally, a more flexible muscle will contract faster and with greater force allowing you to exert the maximum amount of physical power. A flexibility program will improve and maintain your range of motion, reduce stiffness in your joints, post-exercise soreness, and reduce the risk of injury. How flexible you are is determined by how youre built, how old you are, and the overall health of your ligaments, tendons, and muscles. We tend to become less flexible as we get older because our daily activity level starts to drop, hence muscles becoming tighter with disuse. A sedentary lifestyle will cause your muscles to tighten and atrophy. Stretching is one of the most important things you can do for your long-term health. Starting a regular exercise program that includes flexibility training will go a long way towards reversing the process. The Killer Fitness method takes some of the best exercises used by gymnasts, martial artists, track coaches and professional athletes to provide you with a combined program guaranteed to increase your flexibility. No matter how tight you are now, you can significantly improve your flexibility and overall health starting today.

How Stretching Improves Flexibility

Why do we lose flexibility with age and reduced activity? Its called the myotatic reflex (stretch reflex), and it prevents strains and tears, by limiting range of motion and preventing the body from hurting itself. Without it, our muscles would be allowed to overextend and tear. Every muscle is subject to the myotatic reflex. The reflex opposes changes in muscle length, especially during a sudden or extreme change. When a muscle lengthens beyond a certain point, the myotatic reflex causes it to tighten and attempt to shorten. This is the tension you feel during stretching exercises. Although an important safety feature, it can be an obstacle to athletic development.

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Stretching reconditions the myotatic reflex by teaching your muscles a new limit of safe extension. To counter the reflex, stretching must be slow and deliberate. If you overstretch you can injure the muscle and end up decreasing your flexibility. You may weaken the muscle, requiring a long slow recovery process. Set your stretching goals over a period of weeks or months, not days, for best results.

Types of Stretching
Flexibility and stretching exercises fall into four basic categories based on the manner in which a muscle is stretched. They include: Static Stretching. A controlled stretch with no emphasis on speed. A muscle is slowly extended until experiencing a slight uncomfortable feeling, then held for a set period of time. Try and concentrate on relaxing the targeted muscles. If desired, you can carefully move farther into the stretched position as the original tension subsides. Ballistic Stretching. Usually associated with Ballistic stretching bouncing during the stretch. In ballistic has a high risk of stretching, range of motion is increased by injury and is not using the momentum of repeated bouncing up recommended. and down. An example of ballistic stretching would be swinging your arms out to the side so that the momentum is responsible for the increased flexibility. Dynamic Stretching is similar to ballistic stretching. Its based on sport specific movement. An example of dynamic stretching would be a track sprinter performing high knees raises with an emphasis on knee height and arm action. This type of stretching should only be done under the supervision of a coach or other athletic professional. Start the movement at half speed for a couple of repetitions and then gradually work up to full speed. Appropriate preparatory static stretching exercises should be conducted before any dynamic exercises are carried out. Dynamic stretching leads to flexibility, but should be done with caution so it does not become ballistic stretching. To maintain a correct dynamic stretch, focus on smooth, even movements that do not shock the muscle. PNF Stretching. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a technique for stretching muscles which usually work against each other (Quadriceps & Hamstrings for example) by contraction and relaxation of each muscle. This causes neural responses that inhibit the contraction of the muscle being stretched. An example would include placing your foot

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

on a partners shoulder, having your partner lift the leg straight up until reaching your maximum stretch point. Push down with your leg against your partner for a few seconds, tightening and relaxing the muscles involved, then relax and stretch. Youll find your maximum stretch point has moved and you can stretch a little more.

Safety Guidelines
Stretching is only beneficial if done properly. Stretch gradually, and with proper form to avoid injury. Other key points include: Consult your doctor before starting any exercise program, including one increasing your flexibility. This is especially important if youve suffered a previous injury that may be affected by flexibility training. Devote several minutes to stretching three to five days a week, and as part of a warm up for any athletic activity. Complete a large muscle warm-up such as brisk walking, bike riding, jumping jacks etc. for five to ten minutes before stretching to warm up the body. Don't bounce or jerk when you stretch. Gently stretch to a point of tension and hold. Bouncing causes the muscles to tighten and increases the risk of injury. Don't hold your breath; breathe normally and deeply with a feeling of relaxing the body. Hold the furthest point of any stretch for a few seconds, then stretch further and hold that new position for 20-30 seconds. Be patient. If youre a beginner, allow some time to see results. Remember, it took years to get tight. Hold each stretch with a feeling of lengthening the targeted muscles. Dont overstretch. A mild sensation of pulling should be felt in the target area, start slow & dont over do it. Stop if you feel any pain. You should never feel pain in your joints during stretching exercises. If you do, stop immediately and consult your health care provider.

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

The Exercises
The exercises are divided into three distinct Do each exercise in a groups, upper body (neck, arms, shoulders, torso), smooth controlled manner. lower body (hips, thighs, calves, ankle/feet), and Rapid jerking movement is compound stretches (multiple muscle groups). a sure way to increase your Weve included many different exercises that target risk of injury. the same muscle groups. This provides options should your program grow stale. Practice each exercise slowly to get the hang of it and ensure proper form, prior to including it in your routine. If at any time you feel pain, stop immediately and consult your physician.

Upper Body Neck

Look Left & Right Stand or sit with your head upright and relaxed. Turn your head slowly to the right, to the maximum most comfortable position. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and reverse to the left and hold. Repeat as desired. Be especially careful when stretching the neck. All movements must be slow and controlled. If you experience pain, stop immediately.

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Extend & Flex the Neck Stand or sit with your head upright and relaxed. Slowly flex your neck forward (chin towards chest) and hold for 10 15 seconds. Slowly extend neck to rear. Try and touch the back of your head to your upper back. Hold to complete the exercise.

Arms & Shoulders

Up, Back and Over Start with your hands by your side and your feet shoulder width apart. Swing your arms vigorously over your head reaching for the ceiling and coming up on the balls of your feet with a feeling of stretching out your body. Swing your arms back down and to the rear slightly bending over and coming down flat on your feet. Swing the arms the opposite way going over the top and circling back to starting position to complete a rep.

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Swimmers Stretch From a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart, place your hands behind your back and clasp the fingers of your left and right hands together. Straighten your arms until just before your elbows locked. Maintaining a straight-arm position, slowly lift your arms up and to the rear to the maximum range of motion. Bend forward at the waist and continue to advance the arms to the rear. Hold for 5 15 seconds and repeat.

The Chicken Wing Start standing or sitting as desired. Reach your right hand down towards your left shoulder and grasp the right elbow with the left hand. Pull your right elbow behind your head and hold for 10 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Triceps Stretch Place your right palm on your back, just below your neck, with your elbow pointing toward the ceiling. Place your left hand on your right elbow and gently push to a point of tension. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat three times on each arm.

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Lean Back Sitting with your legs straight and arms extended, place your palms flat on the floor about a foot behind you. With your fingers pointing away, slowly lean back sliding your hands backwards. When your muscles become taut, stop and hold for 10 20 seconds. Repeat as desired.

Forearm Stretch Extend your right arm straight out in front of you, palm downward. With the left hand, grasp the fingers of the right hand and pull back gently, stretching the wrist and forearm. Repeat with the left arm.

Torso & Back

Trunk Side Stretch Bend (4 count) Place your arms over your head grasping each elbow with the opposite hand. With the feet shoulder width apart, bend to each side in a slow controlled manner stretching your side. Do not bend your knees; hold on each side for 10 20 seconds.

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Fore and Afts (4 count) With the feet shoulder width apart and the hands on the hip, bend to the front and rear in a slow controlled manner stretching the abs and back.

Upper Back Stretch Start standing or sitting as desired with the right arm slightly flexed and thrust to the side across your chest. Grasp the triceps of your right arm with your left hand and pull the right arm across your chest. Hold for 10 15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Samurai Stretch: Front Kneel on a soft surface with ankles and feet together and the toes of both feet pointed to the rear. Slowly bend forward, sliding your hands forward as far as possible, while keeping your buttocks against your ankles. Lower your head between your arms and relax your shoulders and neck until you feel the stretch. Dont bounce, hold for 10-15 seconds, repeating as desired.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Back Press Lie on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly press the small of your back to the floor. Don't hold your breath. Hold for 15 seconds. Note: This also can be done while standing with your back against a wall.

Trunk Twisters (4 count) Place your hands behind your head with the elbows pointed out to the sides. Twist your torso to the left as far as it will go, return to the front, twist to the right as far as you can then return to the front to complete one repetition.

Chinese Side Stretch Sitting or standing with hands reach over your head until your arms are straight with fingers interlaced and palms facing the ceiling. Slowly press your hands toward the ceiling until you feel the stretch. Keeping your back straight, slowly bend from the waist to the right to a "one o'clock" position. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds. Breathe normally and repeat the movement to the left to complete a single repletion.

Hip Adductor Stretch Stand tall with your feet spread apart. Bend the right leg and


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

lower the body. Keep your back straight and use the arms to balance. Youll feel the stretch in the left leg adductor. Repeat on the other side.

Semi-Leg Straddle Sitting with your knees flexed at around a 45 degree angle and pointing outward, let your legs totally relax. The outside part of your legs may or may not touch the floor. Extend your arms out in front of you and with a feeling of reaching for a ball, bend forward from the waist. Hold the position for 10 15 seconds. Note: Bending and relaxing the legs increases the stretch on your lower back.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Spinal Twist A Yoga standard. Sitting with legs straight and your upper body as vertical as you can make it, place your right foot on the left side of your left knee. Simultaneously, place the back of your left elbow on the right side of your right knee, which is bent. Put you right hand around a foot and a half behind your hips. Push the right knee to the left with your left elbow, while turning your shoulders and head as far as possible to the right. Hold for 10 20 seconds and repeat with the other side.

High Jack, High Jill (4 count) A great stretching exercise that works the chest. Start with both hands lightly clenched, with one arm over your head, and other by your hips. Using a pulling motion, simultaneously pull both arms to the rear stretching your chest. Pull twice on one side, then switch sides and pull twice to complete a single rep.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Press, Press, Fling Place your arms to the front parallel to the deck with your palms facing down. Vigorously pull your elbows to the rear twice in rapid succession with a feeling of stretching the center of your chest. At the beginning of the third movement, turn your palms up and throw your arms to the rear with a feeling of pushing your chest forward. Simultaneously come up on the balls of your feet. Return to the starting position to complete the rep.

Lower Body
Hamstrings & Quadriceps
Forward Lunge From a standing position, take a long step forward with either foot. Keeping the back leg straight, flex the knee until it is just over the toes. Both feet should be pointing forward. With your hands on your leg or hips, slowly lower hips to the front and down. Hold for 15 30 seconds & reverse to the other side to complete the stretch.

Lying Knee Flex


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Lie on your back with your leg straight. Bring your right knee up to your chest and grasp it with both hands. In a slow controlled manner, pull your knee towards your chest. Hold for 10 20 seconds and repeat on the other side

Knee to Chest (Dynamic) From standing position with feet about should width apart, in a controlled manner lift your knee towards your chest, allowing your leg to bend naturally. At the full range of motion, or upon touching your chest, return to starting position and repeat.

Standing Quadriceps Stretch Start standing with your feet about shoulder width apart with a wall or chair nearby to aid with balance. Bending your right knee, bring your right foot behind you towards your buttocks. Reach behind and grasp your right foot with your left hand. Pull on the foot, stretching the quadriceps, hold and repeat on the other side.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Lying Quadriceps Stretch Same as the standing Quadriceps stretch except you lie face down on the floor and stretch the right leg with the right arm. Reach behind you with your right arm and grasp your right ankle. Pull your foot toward your buttocks. Be sure to keep your hips and pelvis on the floor. Repeat with left leg.

Hurdlers Stretch Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Take your right leg and bend it behind you so that your inner thigh is flat on the floor, and your right heel is near your buttocks. Stretch your quadriceps by slowly leaning backwards using your hand & arms for to control your movement. Avoid any rapid or jerky movement.

Standing Hamstring Reach Bend at the hips, reaching toward the floor and keeping the knees slightly bent. For a variation, stand with one foot crossed over the other and repeat with the opposite foot crossed in front.

Hip Roll Lie on your back & take your right knee and move it across your body to the left side; try and touch the floor with your knee. While holding the right knee in position, try and touch the floor with your right shoulder. Hold the stretch and repeat on other side.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Double Leg Hamstring Stretch Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Keeping your back and legs straight, reach out with both hands and grab your toes or ankles. Slowly work your chest towards your knees. Dont worry about how low you go, the key is to get a good stretch. Hold for 15 seconds or so and return to start.

Lying L Hamstring Stretch Lie on your back with your left leg straight, and your right leg bent and perpendicular to your hip. Grasp behind your right knee on the hamstring muscle. Slowly straighten the knee until your feel the tension in your hamstring. Hold for 10 20 seconds and relax. Repeat with the other leg.

Single Leg Hamstring Stretch Sitting on the deck, place your left leg straight out to the front, while bending your right leg so the sole of your foot is next to your left thigh and your leg is flat on the deck. Keeping your back straight bend forward and work your chest to the left knee. Hold at max tension point for 10 20 seconds. Slowly return to an upright position. Repeat 2 3 times on the left side then switch and stretch the right leg.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Hamstring Stretch Stand with legs comfortably spread apart and the left leg slightly turned to the side. Shift your weight to the back leg (the right) and bend the knee. The left heel should be on the floor, toes pointing up. Keep the back straight. You should feel the stretch in the hamstring of the left leg. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Butterfly Stretch Sit on the floor with the bottom of your feet touching and near your crotch. Grab your feet with your hands and place your elbows on your knees or thighs. Using your elbows, push your knees towards the floor in a slow controlled manner until you feel your groin area become taut. Hold for 10 15 seconds and relax. Repeat as desired.

V Stretch Sitting on the floor, with your legs straight out in front of you, spread your legs to both sides as far as comfortably possible. Keeping your back straight, work your chest to the left knee, right knee then the center towards the floor. Hold each position for approximately 15 seconds. Repeat as desired.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Iliotibial Band Stretch An important one for runners. Stand about two to three feet away from a wall. Cross your legs. Reach out with your right arm and lean towards the wall, palm should be flat against it. While keeping your right knee and elbow straight, push your hips towards the wall. Hold for 10 20 seconds for the desired number of reps and repeat on the other side.

Cherry Pickers Start with your hands on your hips and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Touch your hands to the deck and hold for a count of five. Reach slightly behind your legs and hold for another count of five. Finally, reach between your legs as far as you can and hold the maximum stretch point for a count of five. Repeat as desired.

When doing flexibility exercises that require bending at the waist, always bend from the hip, not the lower back. The lower back is extremely vulnerable to injuries.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Calves & Ankles

Calf Stretch Start by facing a wall or other solid object, about 2 3 feet away. Leaning forward into the wall, work on keeping your rear leg and your rear heel on the ground. Stretch the calf muscle using a slow steady motion. Hold for 2 to 20 seconds and repeat on the other leg.

Samurai Stretch This exercise uses a modified form of the traditional Japanese way of sitting to stretch the shins. Kneel on a soft surface with ankles and feet together and the toes of both feet pointed to the rear. In a slow controlled manner sit back on your heels, pushing the ankles towards the floor. Keeping your ankles together, hold the position when the ankles/shins become taut for 10 20 seconds. Relax by moving onto all fours removing pressure from your shins/ankles.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Bent-Over Toe Raise From a standing position, take a small step forward with your left foot. The right heel should be about a foot in front of the left toe. Flex your right foot towards your shin. Keeping both legs straight, lean forward and try and to touch your chest to your right leg. Hold for 10 15 seconds and repeat with the left leg.

Compound Stretches
Swordsman Stretch Starting with your feet about shoulder width apart, step forward with your left foot as far as comfortably possible. Your forward knee should be bent and your rear leg straight. With your left leg forward, raise your right arm to the front so its parallel to the deck, and place your left straight out behind you. With a feeling of simultaneously pushing with palms to the front and rear, stretch your torso. Shift to the rear, reversing foot and arm position and repeat.

Cobra Stretch Lay flat on your stomach in a relaxed posed with your arms by your side. Bring your palms up below your shoulders and slowly push up, arching the back and working your belly towards the floor. Slowly turn your head to the left, then the right and return to starting position. The entire evolution should take at a minimum of thirty seconds. 21

KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Windmills (4 count) With your arms extended to the sides and feet about twice shoulder width apart, bend down and touch your right hand to your left foot. Pause, and return to starting position. Work the next side by touching your right foot with your left hand. Return to start to complete the repetition. Dont bounce while stretching.

Backward Roll Lay flat on your back with both legs extended and arms by your sides. Raise both legs overhead and roll back as far as possible, trying to place toes on the ground behind head. Keep knees locked and both feet and knees together. Hold for 10 20 seconds. Return slowly to starting position taking care not to let legs drop forcibly to the deck. Repeat two to three times as desired.


KILLER FITNESS: Guide to Stretching

Triangle Stretch A Yoga standard. Start in a modified push up position with your chest and legs on the floor, and your arms by your shoulders. Slowly press up and to the rear until your arms are fully extended, your legs are straight and your buttocks is pointing straight up in the air. There should be a straight line between your palms through the shoulders to your buttocks. At full extension, you should be in an upside down V. Stretch your back and legs with a feeling of making the V narrower.

Back Bow This is an advanced stretch that should only be done after youve significantly increased your flexibility. Start lying flat on your back with your legs straight and arms at your sides. Bring both feet up to just below the buttocks, bending the knees. Place both palms on the floor just to the side of your ears, with the fingers pointing towards your shoulders. In a slow controlled manner, push up simultaneously with your arms and legs, arching the back and stretching the abdomen. Hold for a few seconds, and slowly lower your body back to the floor. If it feels uncomfortable, stop immediately.


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