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Dear Mr Hardy, The novel of Tess of D'Urbervilles is a tragedy that, we believe, tries to criticize the double moral of the

Victorian age. Tess is a character that we like because she is cheerful and polite although she is always very sad. We don't like how the book ends and we would like to change it. We propose you a different ending: When Angel and Tess arrive at Stonehenge, Tess decides to sleep there, but Angel convinces her to escape from there quickly. One week later, they arrive at an important port and they take a ship to France, to start a new life together. They arrive at the North of France and decide to buy a new farm with the money that Angel had won when he sold the farm in Brazil. They decide not to keep in touch with their families since Tess had killed Alec. Three years later in the farm, Tess has a boy and she dies after having the baby. Angel has a hard life and he takes care of him. Their son studies at the school of the city. Later on, he goes to an important university and he becomes a famous lawyer. Thanks to it, he can help his father with his debts. In the end, his son marries a beautiful and good girl and they have a daughter. Her name ? Tess

Yours sincerely
Fran, Gonzalo, Gema, Regina G, Regina R.

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