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D&AD Student Awards 2012 Make Your Mark 'Analogue Website'

Hypertext markup language & cascading style sheets have been typeset & printed in truly analogue fashion. The brings to prmoinence the extremity of the advantageous nature of web & the value of all things print, all brought together by a young designer wishing to express his passion with the void in question.

ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRST UVWXYZ abcdefghi klm j nopqrstuvwxyz

0123456789@$^&* ()-_=+[]{};:'"\|,<.>/?

A bespoke san-serif tyepface, entitled Astin Bold was produced to function as the heading type and for the contents page.

To adhere to the truly digital nature of the product, all of the type was acid etched into copper plates. Ideally the whole book would have been set by hand with lead type, but the main reason for not doing so, was the lack of availability of enough characters, particularly the glyphs and symbols commonly found in web coding. Etching onto copper plates seemed a suitable process, lling the void between production, that of print and web.

These plates were then inked up by hand, ready to print from...

...Before being placed on a large scale nipping press.

...Which then prints the ink onto the stock.

The book itself is B Format, with an A6 insert, which contains the handset personal message for each recipent. Each message would be individually set, above just the template is shown.


The book is 24pp including the cover. The content is split into chapters of the html and .css and then the sub catergories of <head> and <body>. Accurately adhering to web coding conventions.

The extra format insert, at the back of the book to invite the recipitent to a point of contact, on the back cover of the book. Not shown due to the anonymous nature of the submission.

The extra format insert, at the back of the book to invite the recipitent to a point of contact, on the back cover of the book. Not shown due to the anonymous nature of the submission.

The extra format insert, at the back of the book to invite the recipitent to a point of contact, on the back cover of the book. Not shown due to the anonymous nature of the submission.

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